Will setting an alarm for 6 am leave you too tired to lift really heavy? It seems like it will be the only time I can exercise when I work 9-5. The gym is too crowded at other times.
Your experience for getting up early
Nah, you won't feel tired until later.
Get up as early as you need to, pound a coffee, and kill it.
Any other wagecuck tips? How do you live a fulfilling life when exercising everyday and cooking food takes up so much free time
Oh yes, and sitting in an office chair for 8 hours a day and working on a laptop is torture. It has made me slouch when walking
Don't sleep too much. If you sleep 3 hours less a day than the standard 6-8 hours, you'll have an extra 1.5 months more a year to live.
I sleep under 3.5 hours a day (trained myself) and get up at 1:25am. Do 49 minutes of intense bodyweight every morning. I go to sleep at 10:05pm. I've so much time to do everything.
Bullshit. This less sleep meme is fine if you don't try to lift heavy or you're a dyel high powered person but it is admitting defeat to wagecuckery.
Work part-time
Just be in bed by 11 every night, you should be good all day. Also I started taking zma pills and i think they have really helped me get the energy to wake up early
I wake up at 4:30 every week day and lift from 5-8.
Mostly old people that don't touch free weights and dedicated regulars that are cool.
are you fucking serious?
I sleep 11:00pm till 5:00am and I thought I was pushing it while lifting
have you always been able to get by on less sleep? How old are you? are you bulking by chance?
He could be hypomanic.
Learn to exercise faster ie shorter your rest periods and push the pace. Meal prep as much food as you can to save time
Or make more money so that you can buy whatever you want whenever without second thought.
just live longer and be faster
sleeping less than 8 hours per night is fine until you turn 20.
you cannot live your life at the fullest when being tired all the time. caffeine just makes you FEEL awake but your mind is still groggy.
sleep is important kids
It's mathematically impossible to live a full life with a lot of sleep.
1 hour is about 4% of your day.
Average: sleeps 7 hours, 1 hour total commute, 8 hours work, 1 hour workout, 7 hours free time
Of that "7 hours free time" assuming your schedule is tight, you still have to make time to shower, dress, use restroom, fix bed, eat, tidy things, groom, brush teeth, time it takes to travel from place to place (walking to kitchen, walking to car, etc.), get ready for bed, etc.
By default, without the free time and just with sleeping, commuting, working, and exercising like I said, the average person has already spent about 68% of their day by default and that's not even including the other miscellaneous things we have to do every day and assumes that person has a tight schedule.
Just by what I said, enjoy though spending 68% of your life on 8 hour workdays, an hour commute, 1 hour of exercise, and 7 hours of sleep. Hope it's worth it for you to have only 32% of your life doing other things like family time, starting a company, socializing, etc.
How long do you workout a day, OP? What's your daily routine look like?
How can he work part-time if he needs to work full time like every other person? He literally says he works 9-5.
I get up at 4:30 to catch a train to work after being nocturnal for years. Do it for a week and it will become your new normal normal
shut up retard
I need at least 6.5 hours to function man.
Damn you must be able to do a shit ton of things in a day. Thats incredible.
I lifted at 4:30AM for ~6 months (switched my schedule at work, so now I lift in the afternoon). I prefer to lift submaximally so I can't really speak to maxing out in the morning. I found that it was a great way to wake yourself up for the day but that removing that "I get to go lift later" knowledge made work drag.
Fwiw: I currently work 6-3 and then lift from 3-5 and have plenty of time to cook, clean, other hobbies, etc. Downside is I don't sleep as much as I should and have a pretty serious caffeine addiction(at least, as serious as being addicted to a harmless substance can be).
Being asleep 10pm-4am gives optimal HGH and sleep gains so if you only get 6 hours, get those 6.
I wake up at 6, slam a coffee, brush teeth, pack, dress and hit the gym by 7 (when it opens). Never felt better, saying up late will fuck your life up and you're not even aware of it
I wake up at 4am to catch a train to get to the gym before work, it was tough for the first week or so but once its a routine it will be fine.
If you're going to work after you'll be fine, just keep busy and you'll be good until you get home and sit down. Sleep is overrated and you'll get used to it after a while anyway.
Use sleepyti.me bro. You set an alarm to wake you up during the light sleep phase and you'll feel a lot less tired, and make sure you're not interrupting precious REM sleep.
Here's a few good sleep hacks in general:
1. Melatonin, but a small dose and not everyday, because if you do it daily your body will produce less on its own 2. Fast-digesting protein before bed, the first REM cycle is the most important and you'll need the right fuel for muscle maintenance 3. Healthy saturated fat like coconut oil before bed, enhance testosterone production which mostly happens during sleep 4. No pillow, sleep on your back, lay down in that position and don't move no matter how much you want to until you fall asleep. Train your body to stay in that position, because moving at night fucks your sleep 5. Lights completely out and use f.lux to get your body to gradually adjust to bed time
This is what I do and I went from sleeping 9 hours and feeling tired to sleeping 4 - 5 "cycles" (6 - 7.5 hours) and waking up with a lot of energy. I also adjust the amount of sleep according to how physically challenging the day was, 7.5 hours in lifting days and 6 hours in resting days. If I have a busy week I often sleep 3 cycles/4.5 hours during some of the days and I feel okay.
sleep cycles are god-tier
most people warmup, workout, and cooldown too long.
do your workouts intense and shorter. don't mess around other than how said of sleeping less, unless you workout harder and less, you'll be stuck. i get 7 hours daily and can have time because my workouts are intense but short
Wow OP, are you me? Literally was thinking about the same thing earlier as I wanna start working out before work as opposed to after. Glad someone made a thread about it, thanks.
I've gone to the gym once at 5AM, was great going in when it's still dark out, having the whole place to yourself, and seeing the sun rise thru the glass doors/windows.
I really wanna get into this schedule, but it just suuuucks waking up early. We go this tho. Tell ya what, if you go tomorrow AM, I will too. I'll think of you.
Not OP, but interested in his post. Will be doing SS.
that's why you have to work your butt off in your 20s and retire in your 30s.
>1 hour total commute
live closer to work so this isn't eating up an hour of quality time 5x a week
>1 hour commute
This is an arbitrary figure, you can improve this.
>starting a company in your free time
No, that's "work". You can spend time thinking about it and get some basic things done to see if it's a real option, but if you commit to this plan then quit your job and use your 8 hours of work time for it.
Most important point though:
>only 32% of your life
A third of every day is plenty. I really don't see any problem with this. That's almost 8 hours of socialization or hobbies every day. What's the problem?
Ain't nothing to it but to do it
amazing stat when u think about it. I'm gonna try to sleep 4.5 hours instead of 7.5 hours from now on and suck it up. That's so cool to have 3 extra hours a day for the rest of my life. And 4.5 hours is in the middle of a sleep cycle so I'll wake up refreshed.
Thanks and hopefully this will change my life.
Whenever you change your lifting schedule it takes about 21 days to get used to it
he means aside from your work. Ur job ain't gonna let u use their time to build ur business if u are making one. That does count as freetime. Durrrr.
Most commutes take about 30 minutes one way if you live in a good sized city. That's a perfect average what he said
Came here to post this
Maybe he's just not lazy like the rest of us. I wish I had the disciple to do that every day.
If you do it regularly, it makes no difference when you set your alarm. I get up at 6.30 every day including weekends, and am always completely awake in a minute after waking up. Got up at 5 before, and that was no different. I find that as long as you get up of bed right away when your alarm goes off, and that you get up the same time every time you don't party, it's not a problem after a few days.
Nah man I used to sleep till 11-13 since I worked as a waiter. Got a better 10-6 job and decided to wake up 5.45 so I could workout, eat breakfast, bring the gf to work, read and prepare dinner before I head to work. 2 months later and I dont even set my alarmclock anymore I always wake up naturally around 6, never past 6.15, even when going to sleep 2 hours later than usual.
The lifting/running also gives you a great energy boost and clear head so y'oull perform better at work.
user, stop being a whiny bitch.
You wanna get up at six am? Go to bed around 9-10pm.
I get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Then I sleep for 10 hours Sunday and get up again at 4am Monday.
user, get the fuck up and devote more time to meal prep and exercise and less time to fapping to notgay images on Veeky Forums
Less than 4 hours is a problem - you need 4 hours minimum or else have a nap for about 45 minutes in the day. You are fucking up your mind otherwise.
No, user. REST is important. Ever notice how people who are depressed can go through 16 hours of sleep a day but are tired? They don't get rest. They sleep, yes. But don't get rest.
Four hours of good rest > 8 hours of bad sleep
You're a fucking idiot, user. People used to work 10-12 hours a day. Try living in the country on a fucking farm. You work all day. Society has become more and more lazy through the decades. Yes, 80 years ago I wouldn't have had all the time in the world to look at a Chinese image board, I'd have been out doing useful things that were needed then. We have a lot more fucking time for freedom now.
I get up at 6am mon-Friday and lift 3 days a week straight after.
I find I have more energy in the morning and thereafter on the days I lift.
I usually come home and take a 60 to 90 minute nap to recharge a bit before heading to my apartment complex gym for a workout.
Good luck with your future Alzheimer’s
Some people just need little sleep. He says he feels rested and maybe his lifestyle fits. Sleep sometimes is a comfort for us mere mortals because we don't have as cool lives. Maybe he has a cool life. That's way too little sleep imho.
You're doing less than an hour of bodyweight, obviously you don't need much sleep.
If you have an intermediate level in strength (2/3/4/5); and still want to progress, you'll need at least 8 hours.
But keep on if you're happy.
I get up at 4am usually i wait til 6:30am to workout and i feel nice all day just drink a gallon of coffee
Not today though people kept me up by screaming and i slept in