Think I'm going to get jacked

>Think I'm going to get jacked
>Look up workouts that Pianaman did
>It's arm day
>Get through the entire thing. It's fucking grueling, but make it through.
>Can't lift arms
>In my mind this is good

Fast forward to today:
>Can't move my arms at all
>Go pee, have severe pain when I try.
>Only a few drips of urine come out, and it looks like sweet tea
>Go to the ER
>Diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis
>Getting a ton of IV fluids and possible dialysis because I'm an idiot and destroyed my kidneys.

Don't be like me, kiddos.

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its been a long time since i dont see this pasta

Wish it were pasta, my guy. They're expecting a 4 day hospital stay if everything goes well.

Serves ya right you idiot.

If it was good enough for Piana, it's good enough for me.

He's dead now.


Well no shit. But it was because steroids destroyed his beautiful heart. Not because of an 8 hour arm workout.

>If it was good enough for Piana, it's good enough for me.
Obviously it's not because your in the ER with fucked up kidneys.
how's that working out for you?

I was im the hospital for rhabdo in October and lost all my gains. Serves you right honestly

>lift weights for 8 hours
>get your kidneys poisoned with muscle tissue residue
Fuck me, how comes men who work on construction sites or crack stone with picks in the mines don't get that shit?
Oh right, they are actual men, not retarded soys. And one aspect of being an actual man is making good decisions, like going from 0 hours workout to 8 hours slowly, with 10-min increments, to give the body a chance to adjust.
Also good pasta OP.

Weak soyboy. have fun dying. I hope it comes soon and it's painful

Well that's just hurtful.

Aww,too fucking bad.
Fucking asshat.
Is your skin yellow from Jaundice yet you stupid retard?

Did you just not drink ANY water whatsoever between ending your lifts and going to the hospital?


I'm not going to reply to you anymore if you're just going to be rude.

Aww poor baby.
I bet you have a manbun dontcha?
You are a failure Don't worry, you won't be a failure too much longer. You are going to die. HAHA

one day it may

>falling this hard for the troll

Actual soycucks who have never worked their body so hard it requires medical intervention
>I go to my air conditioned fitness club and lift a weight 50 total times
>I rest for 6 minutes
>I drink my bespoke protein blend
>I go home and watch netflix for 6 hours until I pass out

Listen you dumb fuck. I work my body hard enough,but not hard enough to require medical attention. Thats just crazy and stupid.You are retarded and autistic of you do that. Also, you sound immature. What are you 12 years old?

If you ask just about anyone about anything, they claim to work their asses off. People are horrible judges at how much effort they put into things. I bet you think you are the hardest working employee at your Walmart and every one else there is a bunch of slackers too, right?

>not making heart gains
Rich’s heart was too big, he loved us too much and he died for our gains.
Long live the king.

>dumbass youtube diva roided himself to death
>omg guys he was so special and great

best thing he ever did was teach everyone a lesson with his death tbqh

No no really. I own my own business.I work very hard for it.

>I own my own business


How is this even possible? Over training suddenly induces kidney failure? How?

fuck off cancer