Looking at pictures of beautiful/hot/cute girls and women physically pains me Veeky Forums

Looking at pictures of beautiful/hot/cute girls and women physically pains me Veeky Forums.

No matter what I do, I feel an unquenchable pain deep within my heart whenever I see such a sight. I can lift till my body is exhausted, then see a group of girls walking by and feel my heart sink. I can hop on the internet and see a beautiful woman smiling and I die inside.

How do I lift this pain away?

Like seeing this makes me feel some primal pain like I should be reproducing or something. Scooby help me pls

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How old are you?


19 here and I feel this pain. Maybe not as bad as you but it's definitely there

yeah that explains it

I'm 25.

I used to think like this
felt much better after started to self insert as the girl instead of wanting her to be mine


Fuck man, sounds like a dark path.

How often do you fap?
Do you play any sports?
Can you talk/get along well with a 5 or a 6?

I fap 6 times a day
I lift and occasionally play women (via online gaming)
i can talk to a 3 maybe

nigga you're 15 move on, lift and play videogames dont worry about kinky shit you retard

2-3x a week
I play rugby and hockey
Yeah, I can get along fine with a girl like that easily. Just dont meet any because im a CS major

Please no

Why did you post this

I'm trying so hard to keep these thoughts away

I'm 27, it gets better but it doesn't go away. You either become a normie and get a gf and the whole shebang or you learn to live with being alone. Being alone doesn't have to mean lonely and it doesn't mean your life will be empty, I kinda accepted that I'd be alone and I'm man enough to admit that deciding to not chase a normie life anymore came from a dark place but it has been very liberating and relieving. I have a huge career, I'm a landlord of 3 appartments and going to buy another one soon and by the time I'm 35 I want to make 150k a year. I'm not trying to convince you to choose the same life as me but one thing I can say for sure is that if you do you, everything will slowly fall into place. Concentrate on yourself and the rest will come naturally.

I used to get this a LOT, and when I described it to my friends they wouldn't understand. I think it's a byproduct of high T, because it got really fucking bad for me when I started lifting and did nofap at the same time.
I would die a thousand deaths inside every time i saw a shapely ass or pretty face.
It definitely helps once you sleep with a variety of girls and realise that the allure completely goes away once you actually sleep with them - until you meet the RIGHT girl at which point you'll be a lot less distracted by random thots

Also, a big part of the problem is you're putting the pussy on a pedestal. Once you understand that 99 percent of these women have nothing to offer whatsoever, you'll stop falling apart emotionally every time you see a thottie

You are a counter strike major?

Your life is absolutely set.

Why aren't you looking for a woman to settle down with and have a family?

Are you autistic?

I'm the same age as you, unemployed, no savings and still living at home with my parents.

I'm getting my life back together at the moment, but I've a long way to go. You don't realise how good a position you're in.

You want to be a genetic dead end?

>Why aren't you looking for a woman to settle down with and have a family?
I'm focusing on me a lot at the moment, I work between 10 and 20 hours a day so I simply don't have any time for it anyways. And even if I did I think I'm too far gone to function normally in a relationship, wouldn't be fair towards my potential partner. Like I said I come from a dark place and I can't trust anyone, seems like a cliché thing to say but I would never tell anyone more info than my last name.
I'm not saying I don't want to have a family, I just think I'm not cut out for it in this life and I'm trying to make the best of the cards I was dealt and sometimes that means making sour decisions.
>Are you autistic?
Possibly, I never got tested
>You don't realise how good a position you're in.
Fuck you dude, you don't know anything about me. I worked hard for everything I've got and I know what rock bottom looks like.
>I'm getting my life back together at the moment, but I've a long way to go.
I wish you all the best. Work hard, lift hard, invest smart and have some sort of a plan.

Look, I'm not trying to get at you or tell you where to lead your life. I don't know you at all. All I'm saying is that you should work on opening up to other people. Whatever this dark place may be, it's in the past and it's time to grow and improve as a person... I know I won't convince you but maybe I'll plant a seed of thought. It's a journey and a process and you can't let your whole life be dark just because of the past.

You the two guys from the movie UP?
Cynic redemption arc enroute

I never said you didn't work hard, I didn't call you lucky. I said you're in a good position, and you clearly are. You've got most of it set. You've done well.

Take some therapy for your personal issues, you'll be better for it. Then you can actually plan a future you really want, rather than just burying yourself in work as a distraction.

I've had therapy myself, saw a clinical psychologist for a while. Done wonders for me.

Do it, future you and your family will thank yourself.

Why is it so difficult to find a nice girl? My dad and grandfather both met their wives when they were like 19. I'm 25 now....

Nice one dude. Currently roughing it out building a business. Already applied for a trademark (form 1b - can’t remember exactly).

However, you implied you’re doing two things at once. I was listening to a podcast of a guy who did the same thing and failed, he called it being “half pregnant”, he said just focus on one.

What do you think? Focus on one and then the other or try it at the same time?

Note that these two things aren’t my job. I already work a McJob to support this shit.

It's aight, I was kinda ticked off at the 'you don't realise' part but I don't think it was malicious in hindsight. Of course these thoughts have passed my mind, family life seems amazing but I really think it's not meant for me and if it is than it won't happen soon. I've built walls upon walls and I don't think there's a mexican out there that's able to jump them. I should actually see a psychiatrist though, I wanted to 10 years ago but didn't have the means.

I think that depends, in my case it was all in the same line of work. I started working as an electrician then branched out to HVAC, after a while I started working for a medium big company that started out with isolation and grew in their ranks. The moment I saved up enough I bought a renovation project with my bosses son and we worked on that after hours, we did about 2 of those projects a year and when the big money was in it was time to start a steady, passive cash flow so I bought the appartments. As you see in my case it's all in the same vein of work so I can't really comment on the half pregnant thing but I definitely understand where he's coming from.

Why is this concept so hard for fitbros?
It's literally the same as everything else.
Want to get better at picking up girls? Just start doing it. You will fail or drop weight a few times but the more you do it, the better you get, and the more pussy gains you get.

Ethos: I'm currently dating a girl that's objectively more attractive than me.

I'll tell you guys my story cause I think it fits this thread's theme. I used to be really good looking during my teenage years (up to 17-18). Then some shit happened, I ended up severely depressed and gained A LOT of weight. I'm talking 60kg in a few years. At one point I recovered and started working out, and now I think I look better than I did when I was younger.

When I was, 17 girls would hit on me and I would simply ignore them. 8-9/10s would show interest in me all the time, but I just did not care because I was a shy, mad-at-the-world teenager.

When I started going to college is exactly when I started getting fat, and needless to say, girls stop caring about me. The lack of contact with women changed me, and when a girl would pay the smallest amount of attention to me, I would fall in love with her. If a girl simply had a conversation with me, and just treated me politely, I'd end up fantasizing about marrying her and imagining what our kids would look like in the days following that.

Fast forward to the present, I got rid of all that fat and my depression went away with it, but something changed. Even though I'm fit (I consider myself an 8/10 now), I don't get the same attention from girls as I did when I was younger, and I still end up hypnotized by any girl who gives me attention. I don't know what the fuck I should do to change that, but I just wanna be able to interact with women and not look like I'm desperate like I always do.

A lot of people come here thinking lifting will solve their problems

because they didn't compare every girl they saw to 10/10 fitness models on instagram


You can't get pussy if you haven't lost some and gained some. You can't over glorify each girl you are with. They are human and are just as nervous about hanging out with you too.

I dont get it, whats he doing?

When I see hot women I usually just think about how shitty their personalities are. How annoying it would be to be in a relationship with them just for the sex that I could get without it. Hot chicks are memes.

This is a beta mentality. There are good women worth going for, there are some worth just banging, and some worth not even wasting your time with. You just have to figure out which is which for you

>samefag here

1. Pick a hobby or something interesting about yourself. Your goal is now to talk about this subject with a pretty girl
2. Go to a bar by yourself (going with a friend will just make you okay with your beta behavior)
3. Scan the room and find a target who clearly looks single. (your goal is to talk not take home/date/etc.)
4. Introduce yourself and ask her if you can buy her a drink or just ask her if she has an interesting fact about herself.
5. If you strike out just leave (benefit of going alone) and repeat until you get more comfortable talking to women.

Life is chaos and what worked for one person won't always work for another.
You need to learn how to be the best (You) and stop trying to impress girls/others.
Stop listening to pick up artists if you still do and stop thinking you'll find love in a club.
If you want to meet good relationship material women then join a club or activity or even a church. Go somewhere that you would WANT your dream girl to be.
Would you want her at the club grinding up against Chad and Jamal or at a book club or bible study?

But it's true mate, if you've written off having a partner and a family, then you really don't realise how good a position you're in. It's fixable.

I genuinely cannot tell you how much seeing the therapist I've seen has helped me with how I feel about myself and baggage from the past, and how I feel about the future.

You owe it to yourself to take that step, you're financially set and the only thing stopping you from having what you really want in life is having the courage to open those doors you've closed and confront your demons.

We all have them, we can all confront them.

Do it lad, for yourself. Good luck.


i cant watch porn with cute girls in it because i just feel bad

If you're 35, decent looking and making 150k per year and have your own place you're gonna be drowing in pussy.

However, it will all be second hand pussy and they'll be desperate chicks looking to get married because they wasted their prime years fucking chad. Easy to lead them on and get laid, just beware that they'll be clingy as fuck. After 30 men have the advantage user.

36 here, i simply gave up chasing thots, over time it just becomes not worth it anymore.


Here user, put on this wig

Marry younger girls bros not too young but you know

Looks like im slipping back into degeneracy for thr foreseeable future

Dat feel when...

>have banged countless hot chicks my entire life (more solid 8's than I can count with the occasional 9's scattered in here and there and yeah a bunch of 7's as well)
>Because of my ability to game hot chicks never better myself, accomplish anything, or become financialy succesfull
>Find "the one" a solid 9.5 who is financially sucessfull and has a great personality to match, for the first time in my life move in with a girl and have a serious relashionship
>After about 7 months of living together things start to go bad as she realises I'm just a holllow shell of a man who has nothing of substance to actuly offer her and she throws me out
>emotionally devastated for the first time in my life, I move across country to crash on a friends couch and procede to enterre an epic spiral of depression, alcohol and cocaine use bang 8 diffrent girls in a month and deprive zero satisfaction from the sexual conquest satisfaction that has susatained me my whole life
>Am 32 years old, no money, no place of my own, no skills and resume is shit. (Never done anything that wasn't a dead end job so Incould just party) And like 17k in credit card debt and realising I've wasted my entire life banging sluts and now theres nothing left...

At least I can still bang hot chicks? But it doesn't even make me feel good anymore other than the temporary physical pleasure while it's actually happening but like how much longer do I have before chicks catch on? I look really young for my age so most girls think I'm around 25, also I'm really not anything special looks wise, decent face, big nose, 6"1, 170lbs, DYEL, lanklet at around 18% BF, just for whatever reason I can bang chicks, it's just all I've ever done, it's the only thing I've ever been good at ;_;

Write an ebook about it nigga. Or blog or some shit.

>self insert as the girl

>I'm the same age as you, unemployed, no savings and still living at home with my parents.
>I'm getting my life back together at the moment, but I've a long way to go.
Same, but at age 29 and with like $6k in savings. We're gonna make it, brah

And say what? I got drunk and banged a hot chick like 70 diffrent times? Not much of a story really...

Its simple user, back when you were a teen girls are just testing out how attractive they are and seeing what they can get, they are more overt and especially if your in school with them. When they become adults they have an idea of their self worth and believe that the 'right guy' will chase after them and charm them, and aren't desperate for cock at all especially because of the groups of unnattractive men that ask them out all the time. So, don't feel bad that girls don't give you attention, for me personally I don't want the attention of random women, I'd rather have the attention of the one I want and I'd only ask her out if she showed up.

Uh.. If you haven't noticed you cohabit a board of men who listen to advice from other virgins on how to get laid. Assuming you aren't LARPing you could probably give some good advice and maybe if you are actually really good you can write a book and make some money.


I wonder why this happens? At least for me, looking at a beautiful girl is an enormous motivation boost. It makes me want to be the very best person I can. I want to run to the gym, lift a lot and get ripped as fuck so I can fuck qts like the one I just saw walk by.

I don't think there's really anything to it. I just sit down next to a chick at bar or approach at a party say something like, "hey you look familar whats your name?" She says her name and then I introduce myself and procede to ask her questions about herself. I guess thats the best advice I can give is ask lots of questions and let them do most of the talking while just making lots of eye contact and smiling. Chicks love talking about themselves, and occasionally jump in and say something small or reaffirming about yourself and then let them keep talking. If you have nothing to say just kind of repeat back to them what they are saying. Occasionally make a joke about whatever y'all are talking about and when you do just touch her on the side of her arm. After like 20 mins of interaction say you have to go and say it was nice talking to her and ask if she wants to hang out sometime and ask for her number. Wait 3 days and then hit her up. Don't fucking take her to dinner, chicks like to do stuff, find a cool event, like an art show, or a museum or food festival or something and say "Hey I was gonna check this thing out wanna come with me?" if there's nothing going on take her to play mini golf or shoot pool. Just make sure your doing something that will allow you to interact with her but having an intended activity just helps things move along smoothly. As for when to make a move and kiss her, there's no real advice because things are always diffrent and its situational I really can't explain. One thing you can do however when doing something competative, minigolf, pool, bowling, darts, etc you can playfully make fun of her while moving forward and get close to her face not quite kissing range but definitely in her personal space. You can do this a few times but always pull back. It's kind of a way of testing the waters and then towards the end of the night/event do it one last time but instead of pulling away just smile and go in.

Give me the one in the back

The only other piece of advice I can give is NO ONE bats 100. And a lot of times shes just not going to be into you and thats fine, don't be an autist and just move on to the next one. It's pretty fucking obvious after the first 90 secs of interaction whether a girl will give you time of day or not. If things arnt going well just say nice chatting with you and bounce out.

Yuck @ those girls.

>6 figure starting salary

Oh and one last thing occasionaly you'll meet a girl this way and go out with her and she will just want to be friends. DON'T JUST THROW THAT AWAY!!! I've probably gotten laid waaay more times by meeting the friend of a girl I was already friends with than by meeting a random girl at a bar. Having female friends is a good thing and yeah you still want to fuck them but it's probably never gonna happen once your in the friend zone but it will oppen the door to you fucking their friends.

Freud wakes up in his grave

because they lived in a society that wasn't morally bankrupt and full of porn

and birth control

maybe it's your personality (which can be changed)

>hiding that apple on your chin
think again lad

Solid advice, user, especially the second point. I've had everything from 4s who look at me like I'm a leper and 8s who aggressively make moves on me.

Do it until you die, it's the meaning of life

Iktf man. I guess this is just how nature wants you to feel. Seeing a pretty girl smile at you just triggers all those feelings because your body is trying to tell you that those are signs to mate and she is a potential partner. Obviously a smile doesn't really mean this but I think this is the reason your whole body goes into this fight or flight mode.
It could also be that you're really bad with girls or have had a bad past with them. Are you a virgin?

thats how I got called a frak and creepy by my best friend and wasnt allowed to sleepover for a year

> t. child

Yes I have the same thing, especially if they look innocent since it completely shatters my view of innocent looking girls not being whores

I know that feel bro.

Sometimes I feel like I was born the wrong gender, which is funny b/c my gf feels the same way. A male who's ripped looks OK, a woman who's ripped looks PERFECT. It's a cruel world.

How pathetic. This makes me glad i'm gay

Don't be friends with girls

I know I'm in a great position financially but it would be very selfish to have kids right now, I would never even see my kids if I had them now. I wouldn't want to be that kind of father, I think being a father is so much more than providing food and shelter and I can't be the kind of father I want to be in my current position. You're right about the therapy though, probably should get myself fixed so when the time comes I'll be ready for it.

>it would be very selfish to have kids right now
Wew lad, you're a fucking idiot. Having children is the least selfish thing you could do.


>big toe is not the longest/biggest toe
I think we should see other people

>I would never even see my kids if I had them now
Read one more sentence.

There is another way

like what says to do, I think the vid fleshes things out better though.

Also this.

thanks for a reminder to never save pictures of girls on the internet unless I know their name and biological sex

then go and talk to some qts IRL

bruh this is so relatable... I started finding hobbies outside of lifting, that helped a little. Get really good at something, clean your room and all that shit.

What type of male do I need to be to be able to fuck a girl that looks like that? That is top tier pussy
I can't believe at 27 i've never been able to fuck anything close to that
Is it too late bros?

Who is she?


Thanks chad

I wish I was a cute girl t bh

You're still confusing images with reality.
As you get older you'll get smarter and understand the difference.
Basically, stop falling for memes.

wait so is that a girl or a guy in the pic?

just stick to 2d they never judge you or make you feel bad

You just need to hope bro and with that force yourself through the pain to get what you want.

Im assuming you don't have a gf, just find yourself a gf a fit gf, until you can go somewhere private with her and just drive your passion into her pussy, she'll love that.
That's what you got bro, you got passion. Don't be a cuck tho and think passion exists, it doesn't it's all you.

The pain I mean is like the pain you feel when you are about embark on a journey all by yourself, for eggsamble

You know the feeling and working out hard.
You know the feeling when you go to work out till failure.
But the feeling slash pain im talking about is when you're trying to find strength while you're at failure point inside your reps, that umbearable feeling actually doing something that people see as stupid because it is impossible, not knowing, dangerous or whatever, thats the feeling you need to go through everytime when you are trying to truely grow

lol this is the gayest shit ive ever read

off yourself faggot

Since this has become the general dating advice thread, I'll ask this here:

Recently lost a shit ton of weight and have some pretty gnarly loose skin, plan on having surgery though.

Until then, I'm not sure what to do when it comes to sex. Like it's not so bad if I'm standing upright but as soon as I lean over, like for missionary, it's like a curtain of loose skin hanging off my abdomen. It's just gross and it makes me feel uncomfortable and I imagine it would be weird for the girl too. Even lying down it kind of pools around me like a puddle, it sucks.

Do you think girls will mind if I wear a compression wife beater? It keeps everything tight. I know it's kind of lame, but I'm insecure about it.

Sexy times are bound to happen soon and right now the plan is to just tell them I have scars on my belly or something and basically insist on wearing it. :/

Don't get fat, bros.


You know what you must do OP.

Take the blue pill and become the girl.

Yeah probably should keep a shirt on