Alright /fit let it out

Alright /fit let it out.

What's the one thing you hate most about your gym? Quarter squatters? Gymshark thots? Normies? Pajeets? What?

People bigger than me lifting less

Shit nigger. That bothers me too. I was doing 225 for high reps on the squat rack and a legit bodybuilder came up and asked how can he do that. I was confused as hell he should be stronger than me.

Only ugly people are there
>home gym


Creepy long haired 45 year old men who stare at me when I walk by and change exercises based on where Im working out.

Show bobs and vagene

People who hog the squat rack/deadlift station for 30+ minutes


I go late at night to avoid people and the undergrad working at the desk will passive-aggressively start flicking the lights on and off 10-15 minutes before close to try to get people out.

and we don't have enough plates to go around for each rack. Some skank took all my fives today because she couldn't figure out that 5+5=10

quarter squatters
there's this group of teenagers that are especially bad
>come in wearing "leg day" tanks
>yelling "you got this" at each other
>loads up 2 pl8
>they take turns unracking it and bending their knees slightly
>high fiving each other afterwards

i don't give a shit about the ego lifting, it's the fucking obnoxious yelling, disrupts the entire gym, they take up one of the 2 total squat racks for about 45 minutes each time

pretty sure one of the kids is related to the owner, so it wont stop


>twinks in fashionable gym gear doing endless sets of curls with sub 10lb dumbbells an inch from the fucking rack who look at me as if I'm the problem when I reach past them to grab man's proper weight.

>insecure faggots who bring their sister or cousin of gf or wife to the gym in the finest of thot attire and act like her silent guardian, staring down anyone within 50 feet and attempting to lock eyes with anyone who glances at her.

>the old fag, crippled by advanced goddamn age coupled with a life of sedentary uselessness, who watches you through your entire set. Then, as soon as you put the weight down, begins cheating whatever weight he is working with as if you two were in a competition.

>Roided up monkeys tricking newfag DYEL's into their 1000 rep lifting scheme. Don't even have the heart to come clean (no homo) and point the kid towards the path of natty first. Too busy getting your brittle ego stroked to do an impressionable kid some good.

>that fucking autist that talks to no one but moves fucking weight. Lifts like his life is on the line because would probably seppuku if he needed a save or a spotter.

>that overweight dad that brings his young son to the gym and actually trains heavy with him. Family Gains + Muscle Gains = Legit GOAT

>the old friendly lady with the huge tits, thick thighs, and squat booty who seems to live in the gym. Keeps tabs on "the regulars" and gives me a critical eye on my own progress. It's nice to have reliable mires and criticism and she just smiles when I get caught staring at her chest.

Lastly I unironically love you Veeky Forums faggots

It being so fucking packed.

My uni has an amazing gym with everything you could want and more but its not even worth going other than at very specific times because there are so many people.

there 2 guys at my gym blasting roids and doing everything wrong

>covered in acne and bacne
>one has very obvious gyno he tries to hide with hoodies
>half repping everything
>very high body fat
>only lifting a little more weight than me

they're killing themselves to look like shit

Some fag in short shorts is always mirin himself in the mirror. Also not enough barbell weights.
Who else /home gym/ here?

There's a few groups of JACKED older men (late 40's early 50's) who will stand around in a circle of 3-4 of them just talking loudly and not actually lifting while taking up space around the ONLY bench/squat rack/ lat pulls machine etc. They will do this for over an hour while occasionally doing a set of a few reps but mostly they're just being loud and high fiving each other and then they eventually just leave.


the oly platform is always taken by people doing babyweight deadlifts

you can deadlift using all the gear in one of the 5 empty power racks

i can only snatch in the one place

Anyone doing less than full range pull-ups (which is 9/10 people)

the stupid fat powerlifting gook that racks up 300kg in the squat rack, stares at it for 45 minutes, quarter reps it on the squat, lays down on the platform, and then leaves WITHOUT UNRACKING THE WEIGHT

bro and his gymthot. they come in every day together lugging around their big duffel bags with their own foam rollers and camera mount.

this gym has 4 racks and a horde of free range barbells, for an average occupancy of 40 people weight lifting at any given time.

they will either go into racks or use the padded free bar area to do their 20 minute warm up stretching, load up in racks and lift for 5 minutes over another 30 minute period of watching and filming each other.

literally makes my blood boil. this girl could fucking squat with the ez bars the weight she uses. but NO she has to foam roll and belt up for 25s while he films her butthole.

That I go at 6:30 and it’s busier than if I went at 8.
That free weights have become normalised to meme lifters so now the people that belong on the machines are in my squat rack and on my bench

People who take benches with incline capabilities to do flat-bench work, even if there are flats available

The feeling you get when you see old pictures of yourself, and imagine what you want to be. You think of ex gfs and girls you talk to now. You wonder if it was worth it? If you can say yes there is nothing to hate.

nosferatu spongebob ?

wholesome post

Non-white and people who stink. Often roll into one.

>Huge guys lifting little weights in a million accessories
>Quarter rep squats with low weight
>Seated OHP
>Romanian deadlifts only
>Quarter rep pullups
>Not a single oly movement in sight
>Water bottles left on equipment you aren't using
But what really truly bothers me is that there's very few small plates, and no safeties for bench pressing.

He was secretly asking if he too can become a T Rex think

Pshh. At my small college, the gym only had one platform and some bitch was doing yoga on it. Dumb bitch wouldn't move even after I asked politely and told her what it was for.

>CrossFit infested gym has an area with cages and open space for lifting
>floor designed for overhead lifts and dropped bars
>people still think this is a great area to superset with babby dumbbells, do stupid stretching and foam rolling routines and push ups literally inches away from people doing heavy squats and deadlifts
Actually had a guy who thought it’d be a smart move to drop and do a set with him underneath one side of my bar while I was squatting with it.

This guy also hogs like 5 pieces of equipment at a time to do circuits and clearly thinks he’s shit hot despite liking like a fucking AIDS casualty and being a danger to himself and everyone around him.

>apartment complex gym because I'm /fat/ and refuse to get a membership until I develop good habits as far as actually going
>mostly run on ellipticals
>one breaks, reported
>6 months later

I have a real small local gym. I love the speed/control bag, but they installed it on a cinder block wall, so it’s not perfectly level, and eventually over time it starts to whittle away at the wall. The whole damn board shakes too much. They’ve had to redo it three times already. They were better off leaving the ball attached to the punching bag stand.

That big paki moaning grunting and throwing weights and staring down anybody who looks

equipment being used all the time; there's a queue of like 5 people to use the 20kg dumbbells at all times

Work at a gym, the 20kg bumper plates are the only ones slightly bigger than the other plates (great for deadlifts) always on the sled for some reason?

Manager asked me why I leave them by the deadlift area, explained to her that we could use any of the other 20kg plates on the sled, these are the only 2 specific to what I'm doing. She looked confused and walked off.

Commercial gyms suck.

>high school boys come in in packs in the afternoon and lift bitch weights for eons
>Autism guy who hovers around you constantly asking if you're using equipment you're obviously not using
>people who ask for spots
>women who ask for advice on their form
>grills bending over in front of you
>black dudes come in with backpacks and long shorts falling down
>40-something men who only work biceps and pecs for an hour
>fat chicks smiling at you
>moms and daughters mirin at you at the same time
>couple working out together
>people trying to talk to you when you're clearly trying to breath between sets without collapsing

sounds like my uni gym

Boomers using the shitty cardio machines all the time and watching shark tank on TV


Plot twist: He's a dude.

Nice post m8, I wish I had a friendly milk truck gilf gym mommy in my gym

I love u too faggot

Sandniggers. These towelhead motherfuckers never shut up, say "wallah" 8 times in a sentence, and have no fucking awareness of anything at any time.

teens, kids, old people, unathletic women, most mexicans and any dad or professional bro retard who comes in to do vanity curls for 45 minutes while exacerbating the whore narcissism crisis by eyefucking every lone milf they can set eyes on

>Seated OHP
It is called Arnold Press and it's quite fun actually

Thus so much, rrreeeee I just wanna kick their disgusting faces in

People hovering around while you’re working out because they’re too beta to ask how many sets you have left

Loud grunters piss me off. You are able to do your workouts without grunting, it takes some practice but it's easily possible. You just dont want to do it.

normies who come in groups of 3 and occupy the rack or bench for half an hour

Just tonight i noticed a kid trying to match my squats on his smith machine with pussypad then some beer bellied bastard brings a bench to the squat rack after im done and does db chest. It gets better. He goes over to some pudgy kid on pulldowns whos reading a fucking book and jumps in twice.

The little twink who took my bench last night. It was no big deal because there were other open benches and I didn't leave a towel or anything indicating I was still using it when I got up. But then I sat on another bench and he came over and said 'Bro I was using that.' And when I told him he couldn't claim two fucking benches he said 'Yes I can' so I stood up and frame and height mogged him and said 'Okay, go ahead man, take it.' while not moving. He said 'uh, it's cool man' and walked off.

I have trouble dealing with large crowds and I always end up having to go when it is at its busiest.

Roid raging retards.
Last Sunday some monkey asked me how many sets I have left, didn't hear him the first time and when I answered him he started swearing and verbally attacking me. I've been pretty violent myself lately so I told him to watch his mouth and left before I did anything I would regret.

>At gym with gymbro
>Triceps/Chest day, making all kinds of gains
>Suddenly THAT guy walks in
>Longpants, hoodie, earbuds
>Fucking EARBUDS in a gym that already blasts music
>Goes straight to the squatrack without even warming up
>Starts squatting just the bar (wat)
>Adds some weight and squats like 4-5 times before having to sit down
>Unloads the bar, red as a tomato already
>Starts doing overhead press, with THE SAME FUCKING BAR
>Does the same shit there, doesnt even use clips
>Gymowner stares at him from the receptiondesk
>Prob wonders if he´s liable if the kid kills himself
>Somehow survives anyways, deloads the bar
>Gymbro just mouthing "what the fuck" and stops in the middle of his set
>Does one fucking set of deadlifts
>Deloads the bar and walks out
>Doesnt even fucking shower
>Comes back a couple of days later IN THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES

Saw him weighing himself in the gym, fucktard even seemed to GAIN weight

Can't tell if satire or not.

>I've been pretty violent myself lately

that was me, deepshit

We've only got 1 power rack and 1 squat rack. It gets crowded through most of the day whenever people are wanting to bench in the power rack.

Fortunately, however, it's almost always empty when I'm in the gym, because 24 hour master race.

Nothing. My gym is great and the people are friendly and rerack their weights.

I always work out with my gymbro or with my GF. We do things better when we push each other, even on bad days where everything else gets sloppy atleast the sets gets done right.

For some reason, there's a few people who can't stand others working out togheter. Jelly dyels I guess, who knows. And none dares to say anything except for dropping a mumbling complaint - at the receptionist LOL.

So these would be the only people I truly hate in the gym. Beta loners getting upset over other people killing their sets and having fun doing it. Weirdos, gymthots, the asian curlbros, I dont mind em. But the people trying to quell other people's fun and effort, just fuck em. These are the people that grow up to become the middle aged, conservatard faggot calling to complain about their neighbor playing music at 10 PM on saturdays.


People from high school. Both people who went with me and people who currently go.

>try to make conversation with you.despite you never speaking with them in HS
>always the people I either hated or never cared for
>keep giving me glances

>kids currently in HS
>all super skinny
>all dress like douchebags despite being tiny
>will see me do an exercise with x weight, will attempt same exercise with same weight and do a couple quarter reps

>Comes back a couple of days later IN THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES

Me every time.

Anyway things I hate

>fat older guy who clearly used to play rugby, comes in wearing rugby shorts and jersey to work out. always lifts very heavy weights very badly and slams shit around and screams alot
>gymthot who actually knows what she's doing asking people to film her
>little pakistani guy who never takes a water bottle with him. he'll leave a bar and go take a drink for about 5 minutes, come back and tell you, even after you've set up on the bar he abandoned "im still using that."
>PT's getting impressionable and injury prone older people to do all kinds of stupid meme exercises with terrible form
>really fat tall guy who wears a belt for all his workout. saw him resting a pair of 35kg dumbbells on a pair of 24kg dumbbells so he didnt have to bend down too far to pick up the 35s. When someone asked to use the 24s he started telling them to "fuck off little boy". think the gym staff have banned him now

My wife of 8 years cheated on me with my best friend and totaled my car the night before. Still got the house and half of my money because
>muh custody
So yes, I've been very angry lately, and fuck you too, why did i even take time out of my life to reply


>My wife of 8 years cheated on me with my best friend and totaled my car the night before. Still got the house and half of my money because
>>muh custody
It's amazing that more men don't murder their ex-wives.

>My wife of 8 years cheated on me with my best friend
pic of your wife, now

I would not say hate, but rather amused by manlets. There are a few quite well built guys in my gym, only problem is, they are like 5'7. Also, people who never cut and hover at around 20-30% bf all day every day.

How did she get half of everything if she cheated?

how the fuck does that work if she proves that she's a danger to herself and others by totalling the car? where do you live?

Probably California


This is Veeky Forums. Do you think we care?

you are very tough

how new

>doesnt even use clips

Noob question, but is this a thing? My gym is shitty, in a tiny country town in the middle of nowhere, actually just a meth dealing front, the whole place is falling apart and i thought that the 20kg bar in the power rack (missing a safety bar) had no clips because of course not but do those bars actually not use clips?

Honestly I hate smaller people lifting more than me as if the amount of weight you lift matters to anyone but mouth breathing ego lifters.

It’s all about getting blood to the muscle. No need to be a egotistical fuck when you’re cheat curling 60s

Never gonna make it

>These are the people that grow up to become the middle aged, conservatard faggot calling to complain about their neighbor playing music at 10 PM on saturdays.
>implying it isn't nigger fire to blast music so loud neighbors can hear

tier not fire autocorrect :/

>I do this

just ask to work in faggot

I have a home gym, so probably myself

Yeah I don’t go to the gym to fucking socialize

>quarter squatters
this wouldn't bother me that much if they were actually trying to work on depth, but for the past year, ive been the only guy that actively stretches pre and post workout
>people who bring their gym bag to the weightroom
are they too good for the lockerroom?

That person who takes one dumbbell and carries it across the gym as far away from the weights as possible so they can do one meme exercise and then leaves it there so nobody can find it.

Yeah, no one fucking cares. No one is jealous. You're making that shit up.

Also if you play music so loud neighbors can hear you're a massive inconsiderate faggot.

Smelly niggers

I'm talking regular volume music with around 10 or so friends over for drinks. Nevertheless, you are a tiny sensitive cunt should you ever cry about people partying on a saturday. That and your racism is sure to land your life just right bud

Abdul and Rashad who press every single weight of dumbbell for one rep and then leave them on the floor when they fuck off home

Nope, got told a few weeks ago that "someone felt bothered" by the receptionist. Some music with a party is standard, you sperg. If you hadnt lived with your parents all your life you'd know hearing your neighbors every now and then is part of life. I have never had a complaint about loud music either, just stereotyping the most pathetic thing related that I could, which is a whiny fag bothered by mundane things. Could have guessed it would hit hard with this place lol

The safeties on the benches are an inch too high. If i dont use them i cant push myself, if i do use them i dont get full rom.

>trying to go to sleep so I can wake up at 5:30 to go to the job site.
>faggot is playing music and wakes me up
unironically would call the cops on you to.

>Sleeping at 10 pm on a saturday
>Working sundays

Of course you would call the cops hearing people having fun. We'd probably have a laugh with the cops about the bitter fuck calling them at 10 pm over music, then lower it by 10% and carry on.

Just buy a shed outside of civilisation, we would all be better off.

The one guy who is a dickhead no matter what. You don't even have to be rude to him he just wants to be a cunt

People who carry a bottle around all the time like goddamn baby that can’t go without water for an hour

The pajeet that uses straps to hold 25lb dumbbells and drops them at the end of every set.
And he leaves the dumbbells all over the floor when he’s done working out but that goes without saying.

You live in delray beach?

lol that's a puzzle retard