How much truth is in this?
How much truth is in this?
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less than 6'0 = manlet. period.
>trying to slip 5'11 in there as if it isn't manlet level
nice try shit head
I will write 6'0 into my Tinder bio anyway! It's not like anyone is going to measure. Where is your god now?
In real life? Almost none. There are perks to being taller, but it’s not some institutional barrier to prevent you from having success with women.
Why does everyone write it into their Tinder bios?
In 56% land, very true. You should only worry if you live in that shithole. In the rest of the world, even 5'7 is fine.
Here we see an example of the average creatura """women""". This should tell you pretty much everything about the average american woman and why you shouldn't care about what they think. They're worthless, vapid human shells.
Doesn't matter outside of America. Remember to always ignore and hide American posters and threads, their advice will never apply to you anyways because they literally live in an alternate reality, completely detached from the rest of the world.
I'm living in Germany, most males put their heigth at the top of their bio and quite a lot write nothing but their heigth. Some girls also have "cutoffs" mentioned in their bio.
On /int/ Scandinavians are also autistic about their heigth so I guess this part of amazing mutt culture already reached (northwestern) Europe.
>gf is 6'3
>ex was 5'11
Daily fucking reminder.
Wow, that sucks. America truly is a cancer on this Earth.
>self reporting
daily reminder of what exactly
Very true for Tinder.
At most slightly true for real life to the point where caring about it is pointless.
Don't worry though, the reason you aren't getting laid isn't because of your height, but because you're autistic.
Keep crying manlet shit
This troll is so fucking stupid, i've seen every variation from 6'3 being considered 'manlet' status to 5'5 being 'king of manlets'
rule of thumb is that 6'0-6'3 is the perfect height and anything other than that looks weird
>isn't because of your height, but because you're autistic.
>/threading yourself
Kys lanklet freak, anything more than then 6'1 looks weird. Enjoy 0 gains and needing to roid.
Veeky Forums has an average height way above 6'0, despite the tallest countries having only an average height of 6'0.
(These manlets are lying about their height)
Me natty at 6'4. Cope harder, manlet.
With a face like that she shouldn't be making any demands...
>Feeling the need to say you're natty
>Posting your picture in every thread
You look like fucking shit kek
>non-stop compliments
>guys in the gym constantly pester me for lifting advice
>get made fun of for my muscle mass
>get accused of roiding
Please post your picture so we all can really laugh, manlet.
You like like SHIT. I'll applaud you for posting your face though. I know I wouldn't if I looked like that.
I’ve used tinder and found very few women using it. It’s not a problem with most real women.
>doesn't post .his ugly, dyel, manlet body
Shocking. This has never happened before.
He honestly looks pretty decent, but he must be massively insecure to post actual shirtless pics of himself in the thread lmao
He said you can't look good natty above 6'1 so I posted my picture to show his manlet ass up and he predictably got insecure and jealous just like every other unlifting manlet hater on this board.
based blight, gonna get weird if china ever reaches that level of influence
What kind of gym do you go to? Not even to shit on you because you don't look "bad" or anything, but you don't look amazing either. You look like the average guy I see in the weight room regularly at my Gold's. Maybe a hair above average, but at any given time, there'd be like 5 dudes bigger or more shredded than you when about a dozen people are there.
Do you do mixed grip DL? I can see some asymmetry.
This, and don't cite "height average stats" those are thrown off by all the Mexican goblin communities.
As a 5'4 turbomanlet this is the only meme that I hate but know is true. It is the only thing demotivating me now to go to the gym since if everyone on this board hates manlets god only knows how many people have laughed or have internal thoughts about my height. My self esteem is non existent cause of this shit
Yeah but the difference is I don't use PEDs like the average Gold's member. That pose is also not flexed and people usually look bigger in person. Not to mention I'm actually 6'4 yet get constantly mistaken for being 6'7/6'8 because people's height perception is so brutally skewed and most dudes inflate their heights by about 2-3 inches.
No. Human bodies are not perfectly symmetric. Not a single IFBB pro lacks asymmetry. Go check.
America is 70% white.
>t. el atrocidad
>tfw 6'2", 210lbs and good looking actor-esque face
>still a virgin
This nigga is huge
it means your standards are too high. ask any fatty to fuck you and most of them would comply
I'm 5'1 and prefer to date guys 5'10+
oh absolutely. I get approached by fatties and even semi-chubbies all the time. i guess you're right, my standards are too high. i can't bring myself to fuck girls even a bit a chubby.
I already lowered the bar from 6'
Women are already basically retarded, but throw in the fact that pretty much all guys lie about their height, and she probably is fine with guys that are actually 5'7"+. I'm an honest 5'10" and most women assume I'm 6', and I'm taller than most guys who swear they are 6'.
My friend is 5'7, it's a bit too short for my liking.
Maybe at least a head taller
Very true. I'm like 5'6'', and some people just think I'm a high school student.
6'6 giraffe here, it's true until I started lifting and shaved my head. Now I'm a great value dwayne johnson.
A head taller than you? Or a head taller than 5'7. A head taller is like 10 inches
A head taller than me, sorry for confusion. 5'1+10"=5'11. Preferring 5'10 is reasonable for that, no?
>implying girls that are 5'6" can accurately judge whether someone is 5'9" or 6'
protip: they have no fucking clue as long as you aren't actually comically short.
This is exacerbated by the fact that every other guy she's been with has probably lied about his height, especially if it's apparent that she "cares"
Faggot imperial yoonits metric pls
>Being this insecure about things you cannot control
And I prefer girls who weigh
About 167cm, cuntface.
bitch you are part of the problem. Why the fuck can't you date shorter guys? Theyre still going to be taller than you. Then us who are +5'7 never can find anyone. Stick to your people.
I'm 5'9 I didn't use to think of it that much I knew I wasn't tall but I was more concerned about needing to drink alcohol to have any success at all with girls due to social anxiety, but now that I browse fit I am completely off the rails thinking about my height 24/7 looking up actors how tall they are and shit in the morning lmao
Too true
Not so sure but taller guys get better chances.
I'm a pretty and swole 7'4" giant with a cute and petite 4'4" midget wife.
>grow into a literal giant
>wife is an IRL legal loli
Living the dream, tripfag.
6'4 here. Where the fuck is my fresh and wet pussy at?
Enjoy cardiovascular issues because you are a fucking lanklet
It'll come.
Just work for it.
America is 56% white.
5 years ago I could've sworn I was taller than everyone I've met on the street.
now the only people that seem to be shorter than me are old people, what the fuck is going on bros
You’re retarded. It’s 70% white
Girls told me as long as I’m still taller than them while they wear some nice heels then I’m good. So for me 5’6” would be the limit of girl height while she wear heels and she wouldn’t be taller than me.
I'm a 6'3 220lbs Mexican , my dad is 5'10 mom is 5'4
Also, I lie about my height. I’m 5’11” but say I’m 5’8” because it makes me feel like an asshole.
If you aren't e statting holy fuck man youre a genetic freak. The only other guy i know close is a 6'2 chink childhood friend, parents were both 5'5
The Mexicans you see in America are from the south of Mexico. Northern Mexico has white (Spanish blood) and tall people. Also like that guy my parents are sub 5’7” but I’m 5’11” and my brother is already 6’3” and still growing.
Gotcha m8, from the north of US myself so don't see too many Mexicans other than the border migrants on the news
unironically nobody has a fucking clue how tall you are and nobody gives a fuck either unless you're 5'6 or below, and even then its not a big deal, you get swole way faster lol just look for a short girl
im 6'0 and for some reason people are constantly telling me im tall as fuck even though im only like 2 inches above average, nobody cares except for insecure fitizens and vain thots.
why would you rip on someone for having high standards. its as much their problem as it is yours
women dont owe you a relationship you insecure manlet lol
t. el atrocidad
My best friend is 5'7-5'8 and pulls ridiculous amounts. He also gives literally no fucks and is semi-jacked.
Just be confident.
5'4 here, living in holland where middle-schoolers are taller than me.
just stop caring about other people, do the things that make you happy and make you a better you.
>tfw 6'3 but turbo autist
It's not fair
None, go outside
Im from the netherlands and 6'7
>be European who moved to Canada
>no one uses metric to measure height
>am 182 cm
>mess up my maths trying to calculate my height
>been telling everyone I am 5'6" for years
>accidentally making people shorter than me seriously self conscious about their height
Is this a good thing?
>tfw actually 6' 0"
King of manlets feels good.
fugg me daddy
not true
I know a short guy from university
He has very good grades and a lot of money, even won a several thousand dollar prize for his Bachelor thesis, has a gf and works out. But we don't like him because he's also an asshole, and when we point out he's a manlet everyone is instantly free of insecurity and laughs about him.
>making people seriously self conscious
>Is this a good thing?
Yes, look where we are
>nobody cares except for insecure fitizens and vain thots
did I miss moronic collegebros? you sound pathetic.
Yes, because a larger dating pool size means equal quality of dating pool necessarily. Nice try, manlet.
I have very good grades and a gf as well, in fact I got better grades than him in the classes he actually cares about ;) and on top I#m not a manlet
The rock is 6''2.5
Anyone else 6'1? Not sure if i can call myself tall in conversation or not
Do you think women would actually say that they won't date outside(upwards) of their league?
yet you care about a rando's height
quit the larp manlet, it's not that big of a deal.
none. I'm 5'11. Might as well be 6'1.
What is sour grapes?
>protip: they have no fucking clue as long as you aren't actually comically short.
Lmao, this. I have seen 5'7 (170cm) guys claiming to be 5'11 (180cm) in front of girls and they didn't do shit. They must have thought I'm 6'1 then.
I believe women lack any understanding of height or measurement units in general. Seriously, when women think "6 foot" they think "taller than me". They couldn't point out 6' on a wall. Same for dick length btw.
Don't believe me? If you're with a girl you know ask her "how tall is that guy over there?". Also ask any women what she thinks the distance from one side of your state to the other is. Or what she thinks how tall the statue of liberty is. Unless she learned it and kept the number in her head you will her the most retarded answers.
Also pic very related. That's the difference between 5'8 and 6'2 from an outside perspective
I'm 5'10.5. But since everyone lies about their height, everyone thinks I'm 6'0 or over. People argue with me that I'm 6 feet tall. A girl at work said that I was 6'1 the other day.
Mexicans dont count as white ese
>copeus ultimus
Protip: Everyone is lying about their actually height. This has caused an artificial average to form. Keep this in mind when people talk about their dick size. You can see someone's height yet they still have the balls to lie to your face. Imagine what men will lie about when they dont even have to show you their erect dick.
This is the truth. All the more reason to be cynical.
>implying that troll has the luxury of being selective.
shes with a black dude isnt she