Let's settle this once and for all

..What are considered acceptable cloths to wear at the gym?

I'm taking mostly for men, but you can also talk about for women if that's your gender.

go lower fag

whatever you want. letting social pressure decide your clothing at a gym is beta as fuck

>make up
>big fat fake tits
>no ass

Discount Barbie

If you're going to wear leggings as a woman don't wear the cheap cameltoe kind. That's pretty obvious.

Also what do guys think if a woman comes out with just the sportsbra as top? Personally I find it rather slutty.

What are the alternative to leggings? Genuinely curious. I cant wear sweats because theyre too hot. Shorts look too slutty to me. I wear large shirts usually to try to look less slutty but leggings are GOAT for womens workout bottoms. Is there a less thotty alternative?

Would it be wrong to just blatantly stare at her tits with no shame? I feel like there would be nothing wrong with that

i get seriously aroused if i see a girl solely in a sports bra. so it shouldn't be just by itself unless you want dudes with hardons walking around your gym

You have different leggings materialwise. You have those made from cloth and some stretchy stuff. The cheaper ones are those that you can see through when you squat so everyone sees your fucking undies. The stretchy ones are actually made to not have this effect and they don't have a single seam going down the front that causes cameltoe, usually they have something added in on the crotch area to precent that.

The one in OP is obviously cloth, albeit thicker cloth but if you wear it regularly you will be able to see through the ass area and you get sweat pools.

I don't get why girls wear a sports bra as a top. It's a sports BRA, wear a shirt on top please

women: no clothes

men: who cares

Anything you can lift comfortably in that isn't obnoxiously douchey (no 1cm strings, no shirts where the side is cut out)
Sweatpants or shorts, up to you
Just sneakers, lifting shoes if you want to look autistic
Don't wear a hat. Fitness equipment (ie: fitbit or garmin tracker) is fine.

Bruh its a real doll.

>acceptable cloths to wear at the gym?
This varies between gyms. Everything from culture, socioeconimics, influential religions, politics etc will all play a part.
Your MAGA cap may not be halal in certain gyms for an easy example.

>Also what do guys think if a woman comes out with just the sportsbra as top? Personally I find it rather slutty

I agree, and my wife agrees as well. I think that's pushing it a little too far considering it's an undergarment designed to support your boobs. But hardly any gyms are going to come up to that women and tell her to put a shirt on, we've just reached that point in society where asking a woman to dress a bit more modestly would be considered sexism/oppression/un-progressive

>she has her own personal gym

don't wear stuff pretending to be a super-hero

a normal t-shirt and normal shorts are always ok

a tank top barely covering the nipples is ok only if you're in a gay bar

Is Jeff a little autistic?

this may or may not be ok, depending on what's considered acceptable in you local hoisting club

...anyway biker's apparel exposing your flaunty crotch is a no-no

I want to take a 45 pound plate and smack gym whores in the face with it. Everything they do in life revolves around wanting attention. Same for the type of guy that would take their shirt off and flex in the workout mirrors

Can we all agree that anything form fitting, no matter what gender, is degenerate?

if you wear vibram fivefingers while working out you'll hopefully be punched in the face sooner or later

dude when I make it I'm wearing this

No, it depends on the article. In medieval times it was common for men to wear hose leggings, which was quite tight and thin. We should demand women to wear more conservative clothing, and encourage men to wear more form-fitting clothing. Reverse the trend.

form fitting thighs dont restrict movement like normal pants do
if you don't know this by now, you're are a retard
however, this is how you are supposed to wear them
nothing under thights and shorts ontop
putting underpants under form fitting thights is maximum retad and training in only thights is maximum twink perversion faggotry

hello nike/puma/adidas marketer!

Big baggy vest which show off your nips

>form fitting thighs dont restrict movement like normal pants do
You don't have to choose between jeans and leggins. Sweatpants and shorts exist, and they're the appropriate gym attire.

Chad doesn't wear shorts over leggings, only beta insecure numale do.

>wearing shoes inside your gym

>I cant wear sweats because they're too hot
Have you tried track pants? Check out Macron track and rugby pants. They are absolutely top tier. Otherwise, like said, get higher quality leggings.

Okay. Then how about we decided through other values beyond what’s socially acceptable?
Though personally, I don’t see anything wrong with doing a quick check up on what’s socially acceptable every other blue moon.

It’s never okay unless you’re over 35 and won bodybuilding competitions.

I wear unicolor 10 dollar shirts, shorts and sneakers. I honestly don't care about that, and I'm pretty sure people don't care too.

If you are a woman wear whatever the hell you want but ffs go to work out, don't to waste everybody's time and space in there.
Also there is no need to wear make up or tons of perfume, you are there to sweat your ass

Adidas Powerlift 3.1 shoes
Adidas Tech shorts
Adidas Prime tank top
Adidas Workout hoodie
Adidas Alphaskin ligthweight cushioning no-show socks
Adidas Performance beanie

What if I use this

She clearly came to lift

From a distance it looks like a fish net top.
Very 90's homo raver

>tank top
>ballerina socks
I get the feeling that this post is supposed to be ironic, but the number of faggots in this thread talking about leggins makes me doubt.

>random t-shirt

mesh tank tops are gayer than blowing sam smith on a miami rooftop

Sleeveless tshirts ok?
I don't wear tanks because I'm not buff, but I like to wear sleeveless tshirts for mobility and thermal reasons.

She could break her wrist by punching that, she looks pathetic

What if i have long hair faggot.

Can we all agree that people that bitch about degeneracy are ubiquitously incel betas?

>botak shorts (the black ones are nondescript and comfy)
>tank top/drifit t-shirt

Hard to say I care much about what other people wear, honestly. As long as they're not assaulting my damn eyes or making me laugh outright, it's cool. Basically as long as their inconvenience doesn't become mine.

>Also what do guys think if a woman comes out with just the sportsbra as top?
Female version of a stringer

Why not just wear something like pic related?



I wouldn't ever wear them but I don't care and I find it acceptable as long as you're not waving your penor outside of the shower and as long as you're not wandering for attentions like something something pic related (mix of bright and dark colours for no apparent reasons, caring about showing naked ankles – so trendy! – , fantasy and uniform colours altogether)

crye combat pants
weight vest
jacket with fur liner
one of these bad boys

logically it would be right bc that's her intention, realistically you'll probably get accused of rape

obviously you're the one who suffers from a bad case of the gay. get your hair cut you prancing lala homo man

polos are ok as long as you don't turn the collar up


This is the most unattractive person I have ever seen under 200lbs

Don't bully Italians.

only works if you're a big guy

deadlifts with shoes off obv
>Chloe Victoria Heald start calling herself "Chloe Mafia"
>becomes Italian
flawless logic
that's just a brit slag

Pic related is your average wearer

Comfy if you're a coach. Shit otherwise (shoes and shirt).

well I'm not a coach and I just aim at comfiness, not at looking good or being noticed tbqh
not looking autistic (i.e. hoodie) is good enough for me

>Chad doesn't wear shorts over leggings
only if Chad is gay

an incredibly tiny autistic

>buying toe socks specifically for your vibrams

It's not about looks. Those shoes are useless for lifting heavy weights, and a collar serves no purpose in a gym other than storing sweat.

>wear loose shorts and t shirt or tank top or compression top
>wear leggings tight enough to show a clear outline of your dick
>wear a stringer that's so loose you're basically shirtless except for some fabric to cover your abs

>wearing a leggings and a shirt long enough to cover your ass is okay.
>wearing shorts that are at least semi loose and a regular/sports shirt
>wear leggings so small they stretch out and people can literally look right at your asshole
>wear sports bra's as a 'top'

>tfw thick loose-fitting sweatpants still outline my thicc dick and asscrack

well deadlifts are barefoot, I've yet to find an excuse to buy oly shoes and my other "gym" shoes are for running
I use t-shirts as well, I haven't notices differences in "sweat storages" (not that I'm afraid of that, I sweat a lot regardless of the apparel)

That's not your fault for being thicc

Wear Chucks, or Top Tens, or Vans or any other shoe that isn't designed to compress then.

here you go, thot

>shorts are more slutty than leggins
They're not.

At my college gym you need to wear some kind of a shirt that's not a stringer or spaghetti straps

Not him but I don't give a fuck. As long as it doesn't assault my sense of smell (I need to breathe nigga) and actually catches sweat it's all good.

who is this semen demon

...for you.

Don't wear fucking shorts that ride up your ass than, get a normal length and size dumb roastie.

So basketball shorts then? Im a tall broad and almost all shorts ride up my ass. Dont be so salty fren.

Or football (""soccer"" for amerifats). Just get normal pants that are you size like he said.

The fuck is wrong with her face? Couldn't she at least get something done about her ugly mug before wasting money on retarded inflated tits?