Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs?
Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs?
Full body 3x
2 workouts a week, 2 days off for each group to recover, and able to rest on Jesus Christ our lord and savior's day.
PPL, brah.
Push Pull Legs.
What does your routine look like?
Can you fag fuck off for a minute with your meme flavor of the month NEET routine ?
Upper/Lower will give you the same results with more rest days.
>neet routine
>he doesnt have 1 hour everyday to workout
>Using buzzwords to discredit what is objectively the best routine
I bet you're a natty cuck too.
>i'll just ignore the 1 hour commute + locker + shower time that goes along the 1h30 lifting session
>Not living next to a gym and showering daily at home anyways
I think you are the neet here m8
What do you think about PHUL?
>a day to rest from resting
I like this guy
PPL but PxPxLxx is fine
Home gym Masterrace mate.
Skip legs and just do PP
Be(come) a man
PPLxULx master race
Because legs are not that important
I've decided to do PPL instead of doing whatever feels best at the time.
Is it ok to do core for the 10 minutes a session for maintenance?
Four day U/L, it's easier to cover all fundamental movement patterns through the week.
This with an accessory day one-two extra days a week
Got really bored with PPL
Upper lower is best, it has the perfect amount of frequency and rest.
PPL is prone to injuries in your elbows, wrists and shoulders from over use.
phul, lyle mcdonald or eric helms upper lower?
Which one would you recommend my dude
i do ppppl
legsare usually sore for 2 or 3 days after a big squat day but my upper recovers faster
I'd say Eric Helms' since he has upper/lower routine for beginners, intermediate and advanced lifters. phul is for advanced lifters i heard and you should have lifted seriously for at least 1 year before doing lyle mcdonald's.
erics' advanced is 5 day lower upper lower push pull right?
after how many years/weight lifted does one become advanced?
Candito linear strength and hypertrophy if you're going for more strength.
The upper lower split from the website a workout routine if you're leaning more towards bodybuilding.
What's better, PxPxLxx, full body 3x, or UL?
Whatever you think is best for you.
I do upper/lower 6-7 days a week
PPxLx is my preferred frequency. According to science it’s still within optimal range (hitting muscles ever 3-5 days) and I don’t get burnt out from it.
Upper/lower, cardio twice a week on rest days.
Dumb SSdrone
i like this. is it acceptable to switch the 2nd hypothetical leg day with, let's say, 3h bike ride?
imho, you're advanced when you can't progress ok weekly basis and you have to use rpe/% periodization with 4 weeks planning cycle - something like 5/3/1.
home gym masterrace. 80 mins to do ppl, shower and eat
So you can only hit the same muscle group 1.5 times per week, and you’re not an elite lifter? Wow you must have shit genetics.
Oh wait, you’re actually just a programming COPE who relies on studies done with other people’s bodies (most likely begginers’).
I’ve trained a shitton of kids, and adults: men and women. When the frequency and volume is ramped up properly, even a begginner can reap the benefits of 3x per week training. It’s extremely fatigue efficient when done with repetitions at or above 5, and can be done in conjunction with cardio/conditioning.
You’re a retard. Your program sucks and you look like a fag.
Absolutely based
Fucking this
was on a meme routine for a year and stuck with it because any minute now, the gains are coming
switched to ppl and i've been skyrocketing since