Vegan General

ITT we post vegan experiences, questions, info, recipes etc.

Civil meatcucks are welcome

Triggered autistic meatcucks please gtfo

New vegan discord


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You know for a fact that that anorexic thot threw away all that food.

who is this qt

sounds like someone has an obese gf

Shoo shoo Gainz goblin

fr tho that looks mad delicious

Manages to fit no less than six shots of herself into a 18 minute recipe video. Women are such a fucking meme.

>17 second clip
>38 jump cuts

Do you think the mental illness comes before or after veganism?

why does she look like she never cooked a meal before?

In my country we have saying that shes holding it like virgin holds a cock

>tfw no vegan ultra cheerful latina gf
hold me bros

>tfw your little angel was a party slut 5y ago
bad feefees

My south slav brother took this screenshot.

malo pile varin
pi pi pi

LOL you're not 'Vegan', there are no 'Vegans' on Veeky Forums.
You are a TROLL. Like all the other Trolls, pretending to be Vegan, because you're Trolls.

You're also a SHITPOSTER, because you're a troll.

Fuck off, Troll.

every butthurt corpse muncher reply on this site ...well done yo

They seem to come at the same, one doesn't exist without the other. Although I have met mentally ill non-vegans, but it's all the same t b h


you guys think its normal to mass rape/murder animals...thats truly mentally deranged thinking

give me a meal plan that is
>over 5000 cals/day
>low volume
>easy to cook
>high protein
doesnt have to be full vegan, can have milk, eggs and fish. do this and I will switch immediately

I'm a vegan

im a triggered meat eater

mmmm bakon sandwich righ now haha u faggot

she's like that dancing kfc man
>her face :D
>her soul :(

Ofc she did, she's attractive and spent years getting railed and now it's time to "heal".

>telling people how you used to be all shitty but now you're better
does not make them respect you.

Hide, hide your shittiness.

What is it about soy that makes people open their mouth like idiots? It just keeps happening

Do it urself u lazy cunt.

I don't even understand why vegans want meat cucks into our diet.
I like being superiour, economically and nutrition/health wise.

posting in a troll thread
Hi faggots! Reminder that all vegans are either trolling you or just trolling themselves!

>tfw you were masturbating in your room during the years every qt you know was having her psyche pulverized by Chad's cock

trips of peace, wtf soy is crazy


the only way youre superior is not killing animals. if you have the opportunity to easily stop me killing animals and you dont take it then youre no longer superior


>wasting time preparing and cooking food every single day for your entire life
>not just eating meat raw from the fridge

the only thing we know for a fact is that heart attacks, stroke and altzheimers come after the meateating :,)

just give us lab grown meat already. thin vegas can eat a steak and everyones happy

or she stored it and ate it over an extended period of time?

How do vegans in nordic countries get vitamin D? There's not enough sunlight to produce enough of your own and all supplementation comes from animal sources since it's a steroid hormone.

Being really pale?


>Work 9-17 in nordic country
>Sun is down by the time you get home from work
You'd be deficent in vitamin D for the entirity of the winter without supplementation. Do you just suck it up and suffer because "muh animal fee fees" or what? If you were a pescetarian you could at least eat some fish to get vitamin D.


I dunno, vegans can just go ahead and die

That kind of food will make your balls shrink and dick fall off all the while giving you a 36c cup.

Now if you count all the inflammation from tofu/soy you might as well just get kill yourself now and save the taxpayer some money



Post more veganfu

How long do I need to be in this vegan cult before I ascend to having gf status?

>all supplementation comes from animal sources
No it doesn't. Oatly for example is fortified with vegan vitamin D. It isn't as easily absorbed as the animal-derived version though.

would lay pipe after meeting bitch clubbing on the left (she actually seems like she's having fun)

pic on the right has soulless empty brainwashed dyes. hard pass

That looks really good though. Might try it out

What country is this? Good saying.

>definitions of these words exist whih extend to non humans

lol you are thick

Serious question:
Im thinking about doing OMAD vegan style,and I want to eat only one (1) meal thats every day the same. It makes cooking and shopping easier and is generally nice not to think about what am I gonna cook today.
So,what would you include in this meal?
One multivitamin as a supplement and I thought about a bow of brown rice,beans,lentils,broccoli,spinach,peas,different nuts,sesame seeds and flax seeds. Am I hitting all my macros,micros and vitamins?

Went on vacation with a vegan,
Aye at vegan places, they were tasty and filling. Over priced af though & the air of self importance of the serving staff was the only annoying factor.
Aside that the folk who follow a plant based lifestyle and don’t fucking harp on like they’re the sole answer to life’s issues are generally ok, from what I’ve experienced.
I’m more pescatarian than anything but mainly due to majority of meat in supermarkets being fucking awful.
Butchers or gtfo imo

I OMAD. I eat 10 servings of beans with lots of salsa (carrots tomatoes onions peppers) and 5 grams of nutritional yeast. Only 1200 calories since I am losing weight.

Thanks for the reply brah,do you make your salsa yourself?
I figured beans are a pretty good staple food to include in such a scenario.
How long have you been doing this for?
Right now Im fasting,but when I get back to eating I want my meal to be pretty much perfectly nutritious

Yeah I throw the carrots tomatoes onions peppers in a blender. The tomatoes and peppers are from cans. I've been doing this for a little over half a year. I only lose a pound a week since I like drinking on the weekend. For fat I take flaxseed oil.

this chicks porn name is felecity feline

Awesome,I gott try that,thanks again!

>has to take supplements to compensate for missing nutrients

he looks like he's in so much pain hahaha

by golly thats a sneaky way to say supplemented

imma be the opposite. Miss out on college years by studying/working out and end up spending my money doing drugs and alcohol when i get older

It pretty much means the same thing, what's your point

2kg of salmon= 3420kcal, 480 grams protein
200gr of olive oil= 1600kcal, 200 gram fat

Eat 250 grams every 2 hours spread over 16 hours, drink 1 cup of olive oil before bed
Sleep for 8 hours

odd bod

>2kg of salmon
>1 cup of olive oil
>not throwing up £20 of salmon

Is it okay to add some vegan food to my diet but also keep my nonvegan foods?
Will it adversely affect my gains?

New plan: 1.5kg of oat, ~5000kcal, 255 grams of protein.

>not wfpb vegan

not gonna make it. the processed shit is almost as bad for you as stink meat.

Not gonna make it. Allowing a passageway for bacteria by eating things from the ground is retarded, pretty much asking for cancer. Learn to fast like a monk if you want anything resembling good health.

Vitamin D deficiency is serious enough for the whole population that lots of foods, like milk, are fortified with vitamin D. Doctors also recommend supplements for people who work indoors especially during the winters. This is for omnis too. I had a major vitamin D deficiency a couple of years ago and I was pescatarian then; vegan now and no problems.

but why dont vegan eat muscles and oysters ?
these foods dont suffer .
and eggs taken for chickens that are treated with care dont inflict suffering .
im all for empathy and love not only for my fellow humans but for animals as well.
i think im going to stop eating chicken and beef and pork.
im not a troll im a real person who wants less suffering in the world.

soy is fucking gay

> 1 cup of olive oil
holy fuck we have literal toilet demons in here

> i separate humans, common pets in only my country, and all other living beings into 3 different categories

How much plaque do you have built up in your brain?

Reminder that if you're ever feeling a little discouraged or depressed, take comfort in the fact that you'll never be as fucking stupid as these two posters.

Supplement or/and fortified food, there are both vegan vitamin D2 and D3. There is no evidence that D2 is less effective.

You wouldn't do either fatty

>using a dictionary definition as a red herring

No one was arguing the definition of the word. I'm sorry you're not smart enough to participate.

>el goblino verde

pathetic pecks

>indisputable facts are red herrings

The fact is that the word murder has been challenged, proves that it isn't indisputable.

In all seriousness you should read some papers on ethics of life and death, you'll grow as an adult. I'm sorry that the idea that murder can go beyond killing only humans is too scary for you to discuss.

Twisting language and making up definitions to suit your personal agenda is the logic of most failed movements.
You can call a chicken a cow if you want, you're still wrong regardless of the reasoning behind it.

>In all seriousness you should read some papers on ethics of life and death

Not the person you're replying to but I've seen this response a few times and I don't really understand it. Are you trying to say that ethics is something that can be learned about? I mean not just different ethical systems, but that ethics is a singular, objective thing that can be learned about the same way you would learn about how plants conduct photosynthesis and that water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius? I've always assumed that ethics were a matter of opinion rather than objective fact. If you feel differently I'd love to hear your reasoning for it.

Not hating on you or veganism or anything, I don't have an opinion on that but saw this scrolling by and felt I should ask.

This is why girls are never honest. I also was a different person a few years ago (partying, drinking, etc), but I've changed a lot. I don't think its fair when I get judged for things in the past.

I understand it's a natural thing for guys to be suspicious, but it's in the past It literally make no difference. Not a lot people know I about the amount of drugs I did in the past. I always lie about this stuff. I usually tell guys I slept with 4 or 5 guys before and always in a relationship even though it's actually 6 or 7 times that. Not counting BJs and hand stuff like that. I do feel guilty about lying, but I don't really have choice.

It's not all in the past. I don't want a disease.

No one in nordic countries get enough vitamin D unless we take supplements

You don't know that for a fact

All protein comes from plants. Some, like me, choose to eat it in a concentrated form via an animal product, in which case the animal serves as a convenient middle man. It is possible to eat 1g of protein per 4-5 kcal using animal products, which is competetive with protein powders. Others choose to eat it in a concentrated form via plant-based protein powders.
In short, the fundamental building block comes from plants and there's no getting away from this. However if you're interested in eating whole foods only as a diet restriction, it is impossible to consume large quantities of protein with low calories on a vegan diet.
You will struggle to find whole plants which can offer anything like 1g protein for even just 8kcal.

That being said, most people eat far too much meat. And too much dairy. The animal farming industry is horrible for the environment and by eating meat you are contributing to the decline of the planet's resources and ability to clean and repair itself.
Not to despair though, some meats are worse than others. Hence some are better. Pork and chicken are relatively good. Beef and lamb ought to be avoided. And don't eat fish, just take an iodine supplement.

>you should read my professional veganism propaganda papers! then you will understand!

how about no
lmaoing @ ur delusions

Insta @youdidnoteatthat

It's hilariously thotty

look how much you have to fuckin eat as a vegan. so fucked.

i'll have some vegan meals and it just can't seem to satisfy without eating pounds of veggies. something aint right boys.

i am vegan for purely selfish purposes. i couldn't care less if animals suffer or not.

what i care about is my health and when all kinds of long term studies have shown a direct correlation between eating meat and basically all the most common ailments and diseases (obesity, alzheimers, heart disease, colorectal cancer, etc) of course im going to avoid that shit.

you think it's a coincidence that ameriburgers have such a raging hardon for meat and also happen to have epidemic levels of obesity and one of the worlds highest rates of death related to heart disease?

only an actual simpleton (read: diseased meatcuck brainlet) would go to such extreme lengths to defend their consumption of meat which is literally killing them and lowering their quality of life. they have been fully indoctrinated by the meat industry and previous generations that "meat is murican and if you dont like meat you're a pansy communist."

so in short, lab grown meat will solve nothing and will just give the meat industry a "moral" leg to stand on.

hell yeah bro

>im not a troll im a real person who wants less suffering in the world.
then don't own a phone or computer or car you fucking hippocritical cuck

>1st year philosophy courses = professional veganism propaganda

I'm not going to explain to you examples of words evolving and definitions changing. Please stop trying.

I'm not a philosophy student, so I might butcher this. Everyone has different ethics, but your individual ethics can change, especially by having your views challenged by people who put much more thought into the topics. I was stating if the person I was replying to bothered to ever read any literature on ethics in general, he wouldn't have used a dictionary definition as an argument.

>words and definitions evolve and change to suit my agenda
You make yourself look stupider with every post. Stop anytime.

That food looks fucking disgusting. I pity vegans.

>the processed shit is almost as bad for you as stink meat.
Is that a fact or are you just being a nanny?
Seems pretty good to me. Granted, I only treat myself to faux meats once a week.