Tfw no matter how much I lift, it won't change my shitty MBTI Personality Type

>tfw no matter how much I lift, it won't change my shitty MBTI Personality Type



I'm ENFP. The Campaigner. It's the fucking worst. I just feel so useless thinking of great ideas but never being able to utilise them. Not gonna make it.

>TFW no matter how much I lift, it won't change my shitty Zodiac sign

Istj is much worse. Literally wagecuck.

Agree on ISTJ being terrible
When I was at my lowest, depressed, fat and unhappy I was ISTJ
Now that my life is going well I'm ENTJ

>tfw intp
>tfw to inteligent to have gf

Nobody likes an INTP but you surely can improve your mindset and bring body and mind to balance by joining this comfy cord

discord. gg / 2xmP8vP

how do you change personality?

>I will never not be a Taurus

ENTP here blablablablabla

I have immense respect for the MBTI test simply because of how accurately it summed me up and all of my problems.

I know that feel. Being an ENFP sucks because I lose interest of anything within minutes

I feel you. I'm Sagittarius

>tfw INTJ
>One letter off from being ENTJ
Tell me it's possible to change your personality type, bros. Just need that E.

>he thinks he has it bad
istp here


>INFP part of SJW League

In the same boat here
Practicing dedication and thinking about things you want to do a bit more can help

Practically the same result as me

>psychopath mbti

>people believing in MBPT
>people believing in astrology/horoscopes
what happened to my once-glorious fitness and health board?

MB isn't an excuse to act a certain way or a cure-all personality test. However it does it gives you perspective on who you are. It's static and changes multiple times throughout your life.

Horoscopes are faggot-tier explanations for middle-aged women to blame their love lives on.

we're all gonna make it bros let's go lift

ENTJ here and literally CEO of a company. I am a gigantic stereotype and a yuppie scumbag. Get on my level.

Not even trolling.

>Nobody likes an INTP
INTP chad reporting in
i'm autistic but still funny
also very good looking
the girls love it

You realize mbti just measures your current emotional/psychological state right? Your "type" isn't set and can certainly be changed

>tfw istp aswell
i've gotten different results before and these types are pseudoscience anyway

>not INTJ

>INTJ 100%
Just make me fucking dead

Post proof faglord

ISTP here aswell

>managing to be a cuck while being a literal bull
Shit nigger what are you doing? If you put any weight in astrology, then being a Taurus is great for lifting. Set goals, be unreasobaly stubborn about meeting them, but pragmatic enough not to intentionally injure yourself.
It's literally the lifting master race.

INTP here. Its pretty much just the autism personality.

Ayyyy, a fellow psychopath


anyone who isnt INTP/ENTP should be executed

ENFJ is surprisingly accurate

>tfw have had lots of gfs, falls under sjw, most people think I'm successful even though I feel like I'm not

ESTP here. What's my endgame?

>tfw ISFJ
>Literally the most beta personality
Help me Jesus


Who infj here
How do I make money without being miserable

Use the money to fuel the eternal fires of greed that burn deep inside you. But than again I'm ESTJ so what do I know.

its surpgisingly accurate brah im literally fedora tipper inside

it's possible to a certain extent. MBTI says itself that personalities are dynamic.
>t. INTJ who actually started to enjoy company. Not too often tho.

istp is painfull accurate at least to me
this is not fair, im joining military so i wont shoot up school

>tfw autism

ENTJ master race

Same here. I don’t want to use adderall as it’s addicting but I can’t finish shit lads. I have so many video games
And books unfinished it’s not even funny.

How do you socially about being an ENFP?

i would buy a tshirt with this on it

That's not what static means you fucking RETARD

>INFP's lives dwindle and erode as their escapism reaches unprecedented heights
This hits way too close to home

best be b8

we arent beyond saving, just gotta find what we love
check Veeky Forums or even mountain biking forums, youll feel alot better
yeah poor car tuners like smokey and memenight club i bet they all shot themselves
we are secret master race and have balls no one can match
harden the fuck up

ill add
mid night club, ive read about them few times on Veeky Forums
>kept as secret as possible
>rich autists with love of cars
>instead of ,,flexing'' like niggers did it for own enjoyment
>still anonnymous for 99.99% of ppl

>stayed awake in workshop alone he worked at and tuned shitboxes secretly
>made his own tuner shop
>is madman we deserve

they still might be autists but at least they had moments maybe 1 in million will experience.
tfw honestly im coping this hurts lads

tfw they probably did all of this shit because they were dead inside. i guess in hopes of being happy at least once

>intp for all my NEET years
>sorted myself out
>got friends outside of internet
>bettering my life
>entj on test I took right now
I hate to say the test is bs, but mindset determines the results.

I had what made me happy but I fucked it up and let her go because I though I was making the right decision. I swear she cured my borderline sociopathy and made me care.

Now I am regressing back quickly and I am in a really bad place without any need/will to change and I am just going deeper.

am infj
find a job that you don't necessarily have to love but at least kind of enjoy, then you won't be so drained that you can't pursue hobbies

>borderline sociopathy
get a load of this normie kek

>mfw INTP desperately trying to become a normie
>just cant into emotional thinking
>literal robot with no emotions
>not even smart

>be aquarius
I'm not even really Chad, but life is just so fucking easy to succeed at, thankful everyday

spot on


I 100% relate to pic related but other than seemingly severe bouts of depression (self diagnosed obviously, most likely just being a bitch) and hellhole boredom my life is breddy good