Alright for those of you who have taken/are currently taking the neck pill, what improvements have you seen in your life- aesthetics, finding bitches, self esteem? I've only started but I already feel like a different person. Definitely next level Chad shit, the best meme to come out of Veeky Forums in years.
Report neckpill gains
I've increased it from 15 inches to almost 16, haven't really noticed any changes in the way people act around me or anything but I look a lot more jockish in the photos and the mirror.
What's the routine I can do without looking like an autist?
You have to live it
I would do this, but honestly my neck is already 'normal' sized, and I don't want to look like your OP pic
Couple years ago
>start working out kneck
>head strap with 2 25s
>get into fight with some guy one night outside bar
>eventually we end up on ground
>he gets on top of me and grabs my head
>tries slamming it into pavement 3 or 4 times
>my head doesn't move a cm
>he asks if I'm cool
>I say yea
>we both get up and he helps me look for my glasses that flew off during fight
>laugh a bit, alright guy
>go home
Working out your kneck is imperative if you want to be able to take a hit and not crumple like a fag
Neck curls- flexion, extension. Lay on a bench and put a pl8 on your head and do the exercise. This is what has worked for everyone, sideways stuff or anything else is useless. I do it at home with a 5L water bottle, 5 sets of each, until failure with diminutives (you can regulate weight with your hands as you hold the pl8). Do it once a day until your neck is like pic related or maybe a bit less, that's personal preference. Shouldn't take long either, neck gains are fast.
>my glasses
You're telling me you didn't try to kill the guy that tried to bash your head into the pavement? What kind of man are you?
It was an enjoyable fight for me, he got his hits I got mine. He apologized for trying to crack my skull when we got up, the fight was over and I accepted his apology. He wasn't worth catching charges over.
The sternocleidomastoid is the single most important muscle for overall aesthetics in the body.
been doing some static wrestler bridges for a little more than a year now with no result
been doing some harness work 3x20 twice a week for a little less than a couple of months and already got some visble results
absolute beta
I went from being a twink that no girl wanted to getting pussy every week now.
pic related, my progress.
I've done band neck work but haven't seen any gains. Haven't measured or taken pictures tho, only look at mirror. I've done something like 3x15 or 3x20, until I feel a burning sensation on my neck muscles. Perhaps I should do something else. How soon have you seen visible results?
Do you stop squatting when you feel a burning sensation in your legs?
sometimes its your head posture that makes your neck invisible from the front, work on that. i have a double chin so until i cut i'm doomed to have no neck becasue flaring it out only shows my face fat.
you can also try bar shrugs while looking at the ceiling. it activates my whole neck and leaves is visibly pumped after just 1 set
Update: I just tried curls with a heavier band and it feels much better. Did 13 reps.
I don't feel burning sensation when doing squats because I don't do more than 5-7 rep sets usually. By burning sensation regarding neck work I mean really bad burning, close to failure.
0/10 not big enough
C'mon dude you can't be that carefree. Strikes to the back of the head can lead to serious brain damage or death. You do realize this guy basically tried to kill you and you're worried about criminal charges?
Do it with the harness for size, bridges are for strength. You can also lie on the edge of your bed on your belly and do neck curl then flip over and do again, no weight needed at first huge difference.
>Do it with the harness for size, bridges are for strength
that's what I figured out
I used to do it for boxing then I satrted doing it for size after seeing all those threadds
If I have a hump at the top of my neck should I just do these neck extensions to strengthen my front neck muscles so my posture doesn't make me look down any more?
Work entire neck
You have that bump because your body is compensating for your neck
Ok thanks
U should aim to do 50 reps per set or even 100
i do 50 reps x 4 but planning to try and up it to 100 x 2 both on the front and back
I do them 4-5 times a week on days that I work out, 3 sets of increasing reps, up to 50 now.
It really does fuckin work, I was always a bit of a pencil neck but deadlifts+neck curls even my mom (who always gave me shit for my neck) said I should stop working out because I have a "bouncer" neck.
>tfw your mom is s gains goblin
How long until I see results from doing neck curls everyday?
I made about half an inch of gains in the first month then about two more months for the rest of the inch, but I wasn't being consistent.
Do everything to boost your testosterone while you train your neck. Neck muscles have a lot of androgen receptors so an increase in testosterone will cause them to grow on their own.
How do I boost test?
may sound like shitpost but he went from pretty twink to guy you dont fuck with
>Definitely next level Chad shit,
t. DYEL incel
Do 250 mg test e injections e5d
Dont forget to take ai
Thats the best way
Vitamin D daily (2000 IU+)
8+ hours of sleep in pitch black quiet room every night
Diet high in fat, vegetables, low in sugar
Use organic toiletries
Lift heavy, HIIT cardio
Do all these and you will make it buddy
I'm currently doing twice a week 3x20 front and 3x20 rear
I'm thinking of adding a third instead of training wrestler bridge
would that be better?
Train side to side too
Some of those are nonsense and most only work when the body is deficient. This "just in case" mentality has led to a ridiculous amount of wasted money from fools that want a magic pill rather than a disciplined routine.
developed sleep apnea. have to use a cpap machine because I snore loud enough to wake the neighbors
She still has a tiny neck
been training neck hard for 2 years, gained maybe an inch? neck gains are exaggerated
I was told it was a waste of time compared to front
btw how do you train side with a harness?
Most people are deficient in vitamin D, magnesium and zinc. Ashwaghanda has been found to boost test and lower cortisol in studies, same with good sleep. Organic toiletries sounds like bullshit but common ingredients in regular toiletries have been found to be endocrine disruptors, such as phthalates. Good diet and lifting is obvious.
For you
Youre probably also fucking fat
Vitamin D deficiency is influenced by a significant number of factors, and deficiency is in most cases insufficient to reduce testosterone. Please cite your Mg/Z deficiency stats. The test boost from Ashwaghanda is primarily in infertile men and there's no test-based evidence to suggest it will boost in otherwise healthy men. If you think organic toiletries are going to get you away from phthalate's then you're absolutely insane.
Good food, good exercise, and good sleep can help. Woah, surprise! My previous point still stands.
True, even if you stopped using any toiletries you're still exposed to a lot of endocrine disruptors, point is it's a lot less. Maybe it doesn't make much of a difference but buying Dr Bronners' soap instead of regular shower gel isn't a massive extra expense.
I really want to take the neck pill, but I'm terrified of fucking up my neck. I messed it up years ago, and never went to physio or anything for it.
you are retarded and conflict seeking nigger who deserves to be beaten into a pulp and pissed on.
fucking cunt. Im off to sleep after this dont bother replying, just know I enjoy that you are sad little cunt. Id fuck you personally.
fucking cunt. KYS M8ERINO
after taking more than 50mg of Zinc you could seriously have a bad day if you trust anything in this post it's just natural selection at this point
1) I said primarily. As promising as those results sound, a single study isn't sufficiently convincing that supplementation is useful for the population at large.
2) From the study you linked, copied verbatim: "Before recommending an increased intake in zinc from supplements, it would be prudent to wait for further research and National Academy of Sciences recommendations to be issued relative to this trace mineral."
3) From your magnesium study: "Magnesium deficiency in healthy individuals who are consuming a balanced diet is quite rare because magnesium is abundant in both plant and animal foods and because the kidneys are able to limit urinary excretion of magnesium when intake is low.." It also states that there's reduced absorbtion when combined with Zinc.
So yeah... I'm unconvinced. So many supplements are debunked when they are researched with any sort of rigor. You do you, man, but the last thing I'll say is that you're doing most young guys on this board a disservice by creating an expectation of results. We'd all be better served by encouraging your other points (consistently healthy diet, good exercise, and quality sleep) long before we turn to anything else.
The half life of test-e is shorter than that, which makes that extremely stupid. It's E3D or E3,5D
I know you'd prefer to snuggle up to oft-repeated broscience but he's got a point...
nope but /fraud/ which may be the main culprit
How pathetic are you?
This is sad
This can't be real. If this is legit, then respect, user
Guess what nearly everyone is deficient in? Zinc, magnesium, d, and sleep. Each one of these can effect t levels by over 25%. These literally cost 1-2 pennies a tablet and can take someone from soyboy levels (200-300) to a healthy strong mans (900+) which by itself will do more with half assed training than even the most optimal programming will at 300. Most hba products are the equivalent of estrogen cream on yourself.
Just because you’re deficient DOES NOT mean you will get those test levels you know nothing.
>I’ll just google my narrative and copy paste links without reading them
>In general, zinc is considered to be a relatively nontoxic mineral at moderate levels. However, deviations from usual dietary practices, typically through high levels of supplementation, can be detrimental to health (Mertz 1995, Sandstead and Smith 1996, Wada and King 1994, Wood et al. 1995). The 1989 RDA committee noted that chronic ingestion of zinc supplements at a level of >15 mg/d is not recommended without medical supervision
I wasnt aware that im "most people".
i got a lil bigger neck over the past year during a bulk and i'm getting looks like never before. it might be a real thing boys.
thought it was a dude. you sure?
Only Westerners are deficient in Vitamin D.
Thats the only place the matters hence saying nearly everyone
He attempted to kill you you absolute idiot.
half life is 3.5
125 every 3.5 is ideal
Thanks for the bar shrug tip, gonna try it out today
Not really consistent with neck training but I mean it helped.
Made me look older.
Unless by over 25% you meant a few hundred %
>tfw Australian
How the fuck do you become deficient in vitamin D lmao
I'm a renovator and I often have to paint ceilings with my arms up and head tilted way back. It's fucking horrible to your upper spine but very good neck muscle excercise. Back in the day when I was single I used to chat with girls in a bar and turn my head as if glancing at something to the side, making all the seperate muscle fibers in my rather long and muscular neck pop out. I rarely had to go home alone.
The neck pill is real I can tell you that much.
I just do neck bridges. It's what Tyson did too. Do them for long periods of time. Was 16 inches, now 17.
deadlifts don't increase neck size.
It looks exactly the same.
His Sternocleidomastoid muscle in the right pic is clearly thicker. Look at the left side.
posting on Veeky Forums all day
Yeah I know Tyson did neck bridges but I'm looking for the fastest hypertrophy results and Tyson did it for boxing for years. Anons have reported that doing flexion and extension with a lot of volume is what works best. Have you experienced good results doing neck bridges?
You got it spot on. Volume and Time under Tension is what counts. My brother is a wrestler, and neck bridges really helped his neck grow, and they've helped mine. Of course, I would do them everyday and hold them for 2 minutes, and I would make sure each side of the neck was exercised. Dont know how long Tyson would do them. Probably longer.
dont do neck bridges youll compress your spine and fuck yourself up
just buy a cheap neck harness, its far safer and easier. you can do them at home on your bed if you dont want to look like an autist at the gym
looks like you just got fat
Bro unless you’re a boxer or play sports don’t do neck bridges
Has anybody developed neck pain or anything from doing neck curls?
I could see this being a very likely outcome if your t-spine mobility sucks and you end up hinging on just a few joints.
I'm talking completely out of my ass right now, but I would be wary of doing neck curls if your neck and upper body don't move well.
Probably the opposite as long as you do it with good form. Bigger neck muscles will help fix any neck issues.
Why is there a photo of a guy with a pencil neck trying to make his neck look big with the text "never skip neck day"
Neck pain and degenerative disease is normal in neck training. Ask any wrestler over 30.
100% wrong.
because neck bridges are dumb
You complete fucking idiot fearmonger. If you've ever done wrestling or jiu-jitsu you're gonna have a sore neck and microinjuries that may be troublesome depending on the care you give them, but working out your neck with good form for hypertrophy is COMPLETELY unrelated to being a wrestler who overtrains and gets microinjuries for years.
yeah, that comes from doing bridges with bad form and from fighting with your neck
Srsly what the fuck is wrong with you.
That's exactly my point though - if your thoracic and/or cercical spine doesn't move well, which is VERY common, for the "computer population" it'd be hard to do neck curls with what I would consider good form. Instead of a smooth even flexion/extension of the spine you'll see hinging across just a few segments. Theoretically this would distribute forces poorly - like the worst example of a catback deadlift you can find, only on a smaller scale.
But I don't know if this is a real issue or just a theoretical one, hence why I was asking.
Am I meant to just curl my neck or keep it straight and only bend it from one point?
As in, bend it so I can hit my back with my head and chest with chin or essentially 90 degrees each direction with a stiff upper neck?
Most def a trap, and a pretty passable one too
>or essentially 90 degrees each direction with a stiff upper neck?
This is what you definitely want to avoid. The cervicothoracic junction is not a hinge joint. You want a smooth extension across the length of the spine.