
What kind of cardio does Veeky Forums do and when? After lifting or on a rest day?

make lifting your cardio!

Started doing 20 HIIT on a bike immediately following lifting and I’m already seeing new veins and getting leaner

*20 minutes

I don't lift, it has literally no health benefits.

Run 4.5mi 4-5 times a week, followed by 80 pushups after each run.

Quit reading after "I don't lift"

I fucking hate cardio but I really need to get back into it. Usually just use the bikes at my gym but thinking about changing over to a rowing machine.

how’s auschwitz treating you so far?

the pool is too cold and theatre never has anything good

>lift in the morn
>300 cal myoplex directly following
>500 calories on the bike over lunch
>fast until dinner
will this make me not a fatass? I’ve been adding the bike and fasting for a week now but haven’t seen any real results

added c25k after my lifts a few weeks back, its absolutely killing me but feels worth it.

Once the worst of the snow and ice is gone i plan to lift mornings/run evenings instead

Muay thai class 1 hour a day 5 days a week after lifting. Want to start swimming or running too though.

Started endurance jogging not too long ago, had to stop due to sickness recently. Want to restart but am afraid of hershey squirts

Running is legit god tier. Gymcels will never understand how good it feels to get outside and just run through nice scenery.

run or cycle to gym, lift, and back again.

>wasting potential gains on a sissy activity

prowler intervals/running intervals (not min max but hard/easy)/chill swimming

>tfw 19yo runner
>one day bought some weird looking minimalist running shoes on clearance
>used them for parkour meme
>break both heels because no cushion
>heels heal slightly off
>foot alighment not quite right
>mess up knees
Its been 10 years since the injury and i still cant run more than 100 meters without knee pain. Only lifting for me, brehs

Hit the heavy bag

a fate befitting of a parkour faggot, don’t you think?

I lift and I completely agree, running through mountain trails is goat.

Usually treadmill set on 15% at 5.8-6 km/h for 45 mins. If I'm cutting i do 6 times a week, or else it's usually 3 times. Almost always before i lift, or i won't have the energy.


Boxing for 30 minutes followed by 20 minutes on the treadmill. With the weather turning good hope to get outside and run. I am thinking about adding lifting after running.

Swimming masterrace

I should do this but I usually feel so worn out after lifting. I need to stop being such a pussy

I do upper/lower HIIT cardio
One upper body lifting day I do sprints or jump rope sets
On lower body day I use shoulder endurance ropes or do Burpees, or in the summer I do tire flips

eat less than you burn will make you not a fatass, read the sticky faggot

I HIIT bike for 10-15 minutes every other evening while my girlfriend gets ready for bed. I lift 3 times a week atm. while cutting.

TL;DR on a separate day or 6 hours before the training session

won't fit well with lifting, generally speaking. MISS is better, for cutting as well. The only downside is that it will take a lil bit more.

>I don't lift, it has literally no health benefits.
Quite the opposite, my dear uninformed skelly.

Mostly just jump rope and heavy bag, really drenched after those for about 40 minutes to an hour.

Also, I do a MWF split for lifts, so only do the cardio on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, as Sunday is the day of rest.

On rest days. Lifting days are for lifting. Cardio days are for cardio.

Usually do 30-40mins on bike or treadmill, keeping pulse at around 80-90%

>won't fit well with lifting, generally speaking. MISS is better, for cutting as well. The only downside is that it will take a lil bit more.
Sprinters vs endurance runners
Look it up, and look at their body type

My gym has a pool and racquetball court. I love it.

no, you.
btw, MISS != endurance/marathon

in summer its nice. but now id rather die. any part that is exposed on my body literally dies off if i run outside right now

speed rope or a spin class. I hate running

I run. 6 days a week, sometimes a pool too

>spin class
are you a girl (female) or that odd nu-male in pic related?

Is his calf transparent?

I just do low intensity stationary bike for 30 mins after every workout. Not a big fan of cardio desu

Is he using an olive oil bottle as a water bottle

what are your intervals?

>I don't lift, it has literally no health benefits.
But it makes me feel so much better.

wear more.

>how good it feels to get outside and just run through nice scenery
where the fuck do you think I live faggot, xanadu?

>break both heels because no cushion

how do you stop yourself from just getting down on his cock when you see something like this?

bet you're more upset you can't play hackey sack anymore you hipster fuck

Fair enough, wrestlers and swimmers are usually the most aesthetic though

My gym put in a punching bag. I fucking love it so much. Great cardio and feels good to release some violent energy I have stored.

>tfw elliptical HIIT after high volume leg day

Reading you all makes me feel like I'm missing out.

Rest day is rest day my lads, is it really beneficial to do cardio on rest day?

It's never beneficial to do cardio, the people on here are twiggy mcfaggots, little david hogg twinks pushing false narratives

I sprint one lap around a track after some of my workouts. I also walk a lot.

Thanks for the MISS advice. I can always move the bike into my living room and watch a movie

By not being a faggot. You know, being normal.

Holy Jesus-kicking fuck. How? A good MT session will exhaust pretty much anyone. And you lift first? I don't use the word "overtraining" much, but how?

>for a week now

Be patient. Damn. You didn't get fat in a week; you ain't gettin' skinny in a week.

>wear more

Fuck that. I'll run inside during winter because the weather fucking sucks.

>it's February
>decide to go out an run
>80 degrees F
>fucking asshole nigger bugs everywhere
>scenery is just swampland

Yes, honey, you're elite. Now, little summer child, head back to /pol/. Good little boy.

Prove me wrong David

>You didn't get fat in a week; you ain't gettin' skinny in a week.

Based sentence. Patience is the name of the game.


so, any of yall do marathoning/ultrarunning? curious to know how long it took/how much training you do

right now im doing 1 minute at a moderate pace then 30 seconds maximum effort. eventually ill do 30 second moderate/maximum intervals, all at maximum resistance

easily amused, aren't you?

think of it as a feat of discipline. some may take cold showers, some push the envelope and choose to run under any circumstances.

I run to the gym and back. Takes about 10-15 mins each way

A fellow Louisianafag I see

Is there any kind of cardio that can be done in the home with no equipment? I'm in a position where I'm only able to do bodyweight stuff at home. I would go running but I am surrounded by niggers

Run from the niggers?

Inside: jumping jacks, burpees, etc. Google, faggot.

Why is his leg semitransparent?
Jumping jacks, skipping rope in the backyard. Twerking is silent but is technically cardio, so is any kind of "dancing" that you'd see in a club. Basically, go to a club, look at what the girls are doing and repeat it at home

Cardio? More like tardio.

I cycle everywhere because I'm poor and the buses here are terribad. I probably work in about 60 miles (100km) a week at about 15 mph (25kph). Before lifting, I'll do 5 mins of cycling at 20mph (30kph) as a warm-up to improve circulation, this is on top of cycling to the gym.
I want to try swimming. Any anons know any good beginner swimming routines if I want to improve speed in particular? Please post.

Bitch it's -5°Celsius outside i'm not running.


At least no sweat issues...

My cardio routine (cycling):
>15-20km in the hills
>90-110 rpm
>4W/kg average
>short sprints over 50 km/h

I do this as long as there is no ice.

I feel super relaxed after running 6miles, and picking clumps of tangled har out from around my asswhole.

I do cardio 5 6 times a week. it's usually sprints (fasted),fasted 6 mile walk in morning, hiit for 45 minutes or 40 minutes of jump rope. if i ate too much i'll add in walking fasted for 2 hours on sunday (rest)

That's it? Bitch I've run in -15-20 C. Just gotta wear more.

-5C is nothing.

That leg tat makes his leg look translucent with the bar

2 hours +


Cardio kills opaqueness gains. Don't be a transparent faggot.


After lifting I do a light run
On rest days ill do something a little heavier like swimming.
I tried HIIT sprints but they're too taxing on my legs and it feels less like cardio and more like leg day, so i cant do that shit.

walk up 100 floors of stairs. no handrails just a good steady pace.

10 mins of fast running before lifting
5 mins of calmy walking after lifting

is this a new way to call someone a jew? i'm not he guy you're replyign to but i'm 6"2' 200lbs and cardio is legit. i'd say if you can't run a couple km you're not fit.

Prowler FTW.

walking to the other cable machine when my main cable machine is in use

>5 min of level 15 cycling (I don’t know how to describe it besides more resistance?)
>always before my lifts
>when I don’t get a pb that day I do an additional 5 after my last set of the day

On a side note, how can I turn my gf into a cardio bunny?
>right now she is kinda chubby
>does yoga but that shit doesn’t cut weight
>constantly says that she doesn’t wanna run because it’ll make her legs bigger

Wat do brahs

>health benefits
lifting isnt about health. it's about vanity.

How heavy were you at the time and what did you jump off? I noticed leg exercises like box jumps really helped my jumping

I have simmilar issues with my ankles, riding a bike puts a lot less stress on your joints than running, especialy with short cranks and high cadence.

Focus on swimming 1km.
Do 50m and then rest 20 sec. Until you do the full 1km. Do not lengthen yiur rest period, swim slower if you are getting too tired. Over time you have to shorten your rest, go for 15 sec. Then 10 sec. Then do 100m and 20 sec, but only swim 1km. Then 100m and 15 sec and so on and so forth, you get it. You have to measure your time, this is very important, it will let you know if you are progressing. This will be your "test day".

On a second day you will train your aerobic capacity. You will swim for time, no resting allowed. Go as slow as you need to, for as long as you can. Lets say you can only go for 10 minutes, stop, rest for no more than 2 minutes and then do 10 minutes again. Only do it twice. Speed is not important, only try to swim for longer times. This will be your "cardio day".

On a third day you will train you anaerobic capacity. You will take half the distance you swam on cardio day and you will sprint in lengths of 25 or 50 meters. Lets say you swam 1 km on cardio day. You will sprint 25m, then rest 20 sec then sprint 25m, then rest 20 sec. After 5 sprints, take a 1 minute break. Then continue. You will augment the distance you swim as you get better at cardio day. This will be your "strength day".

You week will look like this:
Monday: cardio
Tuesday: strength
Wednesday: test
Thursday: cardio
Friday: strength
The rest for the weekend.

To get better at swimming you have to willing to drown every time you train. Hold nothing back, swim like your life depended on it, and you will get better.

Godspeed user.