Should Men Shave Their Legs?
Should Men Shave Their Legs?
If they are trying to become a passable trap, yes. Otherwise, no.
I do it because I'm a marathon runner. Feels nice too
I do it on occasion. I don't think it's a good look to have that untamed jungle of leg hair, so I shave them like once a month or so to keep it under control.
I wouldn't keep them perfectly smooth tho, too much work
only gay people shave their legs dude.
So you think it's too gay-ish? But what if i'm absolutely straight guy which just have shitty genetics and i'm hairy like a some kinda monkey?
Dudes who run serious marathons should and guys who swim as their main exercise. Honestly I don't give a shit but if your asking because autism, there is your autistic answer.
Lmao what a faggot. I bet you also wear gloves in the gym
>manly hairy man
>shitty genetics
good goy
If you count faggots as men I guess you could make a case for it, faggot
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
I shaved my asscrack, glutes and quad/hamstring area once when I got my bodygroomer just because I got carried away. Things I was not prepared for
>I looked dashing
>once the hair started growing a bit, i could feel every hair EVERY TIME, it was very weird
>gf said never to trim/shave my legs ever again
>saying that my farts had become loud would be an understatement, they put the seven trumpets from the Bible to shame
>no, seriously, I couldn't sneak one in anymore, every fart was broadcasted to everyone within a mile
>worked a lot from home during that period because I was (and am) bulking, so protein farts
I really liked though the feel of it, would do it again, but due to these reasons I probably won't.
nope lol
quality post tho, really enriching the thread
Why tho?
I don't really mind people doing this, but it looks weird
Only if you're a true hardman
For cycling it's to make it easier to massage the muscles and also to treat injuries to the legs, at least.
one time I got a bottle of razor less cream shave and burned all my shit off
wiping with no ass hairs is pretty much life on easy mode
>needing to wipe in 2018
my man get yourself some psyllium husk and enjoy the brown pill
If you are a twink, yes
do it all the time the only people who don't are fat "power lifters" who look like shit and wont stop talking about how "real men" should be hairy and unhygienic
T.y user :') you made my day
Anyone else have gay fantasies of their gym partner? I'm not gay though, just this one person.
Seems related as we are talking about men shaving their legs
I trim them every 4 months or so
Just stealthily pull your cheeks apart, wise guy.
Yeah but that's hard to do innocuously when there are people around.
pretend to be searching for your wallet or something in your back pocket
or just man up, drop your drawers and spread 'em
Sit down for a sec, wait till no one's looking, slide one cheek off the edge of one side of the chair and fart.
Y-you're trying to convince me to s-shave my asscrack again, aren't you?
I trim.
I shaved my ass once and I did it wrong against the grain. Felt great for a day, then the hair started coming back. Felt like there was a wasps nest coming out of my asshole. Couldn't walk straight.
The thing about the loud farts is true, but I find the trade off (Less wiping) to be worth it.
Ripped Asians look better without body hair but other than that no.
That's for sure. Given that I usually shit at home before going to work, I've usually taken to simply waltzing over to the bath and using the shower head to clean myself. Much quicker and cleaner that way, but I'm terrified of someone in the house accidentally catching me. (Because the sink is in a different room than the toilet, so roommates could just assume that I'm washing my hands and just barge in on me. But even if they know, they'd probably ask wtf I was doing with the shower or something)
Legs? Wax them, just like you do with your pussy.
I trim my armpits to make my b/o less awful. Honestly if you've already bought the clippers no one can stop you from doing whatever you want to yourself
you have to if you do competitive cycling or swimming for speed
>I trim my armpits to make my b/o less awful
Iktf. I shave my armpits because I do smell fucking awful and I have to do something against it. Fuck, once the hair is visible, I definitely am more smelly and roommates start to complain above anything longer than ~3mm. Now I just have to get ripped enough to pull the look off.
If you're a competitive swimmer or a faggot, yes.
>competitive cycling
This isn't a /fraud/ thread.
the extra efficiency from reducing air resistance is literally immeasurably small. there is absolutely no evidence that it lets you go faster
>implying a competitive athlete has ever visited this site
Yes :3
but most pics posted of gays here are hairy?
I shave my dick and balls to enhance my fapping. I will never go back to fapping with hairy balls again
How much weight do you think leg, body, and head hair make up? 3 lbs?
no homo my guy ;)
who am I to judge? I'm not fucking running my hands over men's legs, that's for gay guys to do
I trim my legs once every couple months, I get really hairy and I don't like that, it's much comfier without a bush on my legs
Show me a man who shaves his legs and ill show you a faggot
That’s not why runners do it. I used to shave my legs in the summer and spring to cool off during distance runs. It was like I was wearing a pair of hair pants. Made a huge difference, and your leg muscles look pretty sweet like that.
so you want to exchange pictures?
I would shave half of my leg for no reason rarely.
But that smooth feeling. It's so good.
Yes it feels great and to be honest also looks better.
Who said anything about air resistance faggot
Not shave, but I trim fairly regularly, especially the dick and balls area and upper legs
Show feet
are you cosplaying as a woman?
hello new friend
Shaving legs would lead to an estimated 0.6% improvement. Considering that it's basically free, I plan on shaving for race day. 5 seconds on a 40k isn't much, but it's 5 seconds for free.
shave? no
trim? yes
big difference
I do...
It doesn't matter
11/10, would swim over her eggs and deposit my sperm on them
I will ravage your boipucci
good idea
Now I want to shave them wtf
>should men do x
not necessarily.
Funny how this board is filled to the brim with soyboy hate and how society is emasculated and trying to destroy manliness yet there's guys shaving their legs on here.
my legs are ape tier. can't trim them properly otherwise it comes out all patchy. clean shaven is gay. wat do?
laser removal
Mee too, I also tried my balls and holy shit did it hurt to walk for the next few days.
Kek, bantz
Soyboy shit is just /pol/ shitposting like they do on every board. If you don't automatically hide meme threads, then I recommend you shimmy on over to your respective containment board.
>losing stealth farts
you poor soul
Post one with bulge qt
>can't trim them properly otherwise it comes out all patchy. clean shaven is gay. wat do?
should i trim them or nah ?
>guys who swim
Aka gays
cucks detected!
>>saying that my farts had become loud would be an understatement, they put the seven trumpets from the Bible to shame
>tfw bought a hair removal device for the ass
>tfw I cannot stand to have dingles
>tfw I love the sound of my farts without ass hair
Men do what they want regardless of what other people think. If you want to shave your legs, go ahead. If not, don't.
yeah you should trim. having hair on your leg is alright, but you cant have a damn forest on your leg.
There it is
>be me
>have SUPER hair legs
>get called a monkey and get made fun of and shit in grade school & middle
>shave one little patch of leg hair so I wouldn't get made fun of
>go to highschool
>date one of the qt-ist chicks for 3 years
>college: bang several grills
>post-college, dating qt
>all those ugly fat shitters who made fun of me are still just that
>that one patch of hair I shaved NEVER grew back
Thank God I didn't shave my whole legs. Thank God. My mom would always tell me ladies like hairy, and as a kid I never believed it, but yeah man.
only if you love other men's cocks. wtf bro.
My legs look like
so I trim them sometimes, i'm a skeleton prettyboy tho. Also I trim my shoulders/top of my arms but my forearms are jungle-tier and also pretty thin (not sure if this is a good look)
The real question is what to do with that back hair? I don't wanna let it grow enough to get it waxed and i've been shaving it but as I get older more appears and there are like some 1 inch stragglers that I can't see/reach so it's not working, also razorburn.
Could I use nair or something and just cover my back so I don't miss any stops and wash it off in the shower? Does it work? It's not real thick or consistant and hopefully won't get any worse but like I said there are like 1/2" random ones that pop up and look like shit. I don't have $3000 to get it lasered
just got a brazillian bro (girl was pushing for it), so far so good but i'm worried about it growing back in.
also i really want the chick to give me a handy if i go in again.
Well I did.
I think its gross to have so much hair touching my stools.
Its cleaner.