>tfw 6'1 168lb lanklet
>tfw I can only lower myself about 4 inches on a one handed incline press up off a chair
>tfw I've been doing 6 reps for 3 sets every two days for 4 months now and still can't do a proper one handed press up
should I just transition or kill myself already
am I doing something wrong or
Tfw 6'1 168lb lanklet
wtf, 6'1 168 is kinda skinny but its not that bad. im 6' 165 and just starting to look like im not a complete DYEL. If you workout for 6 months youll have a decent body.
Also why are you doing them one handed? Shits hard
Im 6,2 and 165 lbs and this is me. What are you talking about? Training for 5 months now. Ofcourse im still skinny as fuck but at least im not as weak anymore
do archer press ups until 3x10(each side) then try again
whats your eating routine like
Im ectomorph so I have a hard time putting on weight. I have only gained like 1 kg a month from when I started lifting. In the morning greek yoghurt with muesli, lunch is full grain bread with cheese and other kinds of meat, dinner is always potatoes + vegetables + meat. I eat 2 bananas a day and sometimes an apple. 1 protein shake a day and some oatmeal before I go to sleep. I probably dont even get like 3000 cals a day though. Lean bulking is hard. Also my stomach has gone to shit for the last 2 weeks dont know why
> just guessing caloric intake
start counting
>Im ectomorph so I have a hard time putting on weigh
No, you just need to eat more. The ectomorph/mesomorh/whatevermorph is a myth. Lean bulking is a meme, just eat and make sure its not all garbage.
>I'm an ectomorph
It most certainly isn't a myth. Skinnier people have a more active thyroid and so burn through calories for a fucking giggle
Are you sure you're 6'2"? I'm 6'2", 187 lbs and I'm aushwitz mode.
I doubt youre an ectomorph (if that even exists) what you just described is like 2k calories, up that shit to at least 3.5k if not 4k. Stop making excuses
yeah nice citation bro
Forget about clean bulking and just fucking eat more you sperglord. You’ll think you’re getting much fatter than you are because skellies always overestimate their eating and their weight gain.
>isn't a myth
You should try the onion diet bro it works wonders
I'm 6.1 myself and only 150lbs,that's skinny.
I was also referred to by doctors as ectomorph (might be bullshit) because of my super fast metabolism. This coupled with IBS makes it nearly impossible for me to gain weight, yet OP's moves seem weak even to me
your diet sucks. eat better food. eggs, chicken, fish.
you are probably 6 feet 6 feet 0.5 inches without shoes, measure yourself correctly, your torso looks short for that height
also whats your lifts max?
Im almost positive you aren't eating enough. Yes there is a chance that you do have an actual issue, and IBS is a bitch, but if you havent tried counting out and eating 4k calories a day yet like OP then you should try it.
If you even want to get big
Maybe the body type stuff is a meme but I have an extremely fast metabolism, I just naturally have low body fat and crazy vascularity. But you guys are right, I'll start counting my calories. Its hard to find foods that are high in calories though, any suggestions? Yes Im serious I just cant find a good meal plan without having to eat like every hour till I have to puke.
Normies always tell me "how are you eating this much?" while in reality I probably dont at all. My girlfriend even starts telling me that what Im doing is getting unhealthy, which I know is ridiculous.
100% sure
>My girlfriend even starts telling me that what Im doing is getting unhealthy
Ignore the bitch. Every gf on the planet says this when their man hits the gym. She doesn't want other girls miring your inevitable gains. It's her way of trying to control you.
what are your lifts max bro, you look pretty nice for thaty bw
It’s more that most women don’t have a clue about health or lifting or what constitutes a ‘good diet’, and have been told from when they were about five by every meme source imaginable that eating ‘too much’ is bad. A great many of them have internalised this to such an extent that they think eating a healthy amount is gorging, particularly for a skinny dude trying to get bigger. Plenty of men believe it too. Our culture has this idea that ‘skinny = healthy’ which is just as ridiculous and harmful to many people as the idea that ‘morbidly-ass obese = not unhealthy.’
I've always had a rather small appetite at a given time and my schedule makes it impossible for me to regularly takes nutritious snack breaks.
I'm considering two scenarios
1)Acquire some weight gain or protein or whatever supplement I could just prepare in advance and drink
2) I occasionally have enough time to go eat a giant burrito / kebab around 4pm, I tried that last week 3 times and judging by my shirts I feel like I've taken some weight
Any thoughts?
What the fuck?
I'm 2" taller, 20 lbs heavier and look so much skinnier. Can you take a pic straight from the front?
Most fish almost has zero calories and all the meat I eat is high quality and comes from a butcher.
Yeah I read similar stories like this here on Veeky Forums.
Im weak af, these are my max for like 5 reps atm
bodyweight exercises are extremely easy for me to do though. Keep in mind that the pic I posted has extremely good lightning. Ill probably post another one later this evening in this thread
Eggs, chicken, pork loin, Lentils/Split Peas have MASSIVE protein, more eggs.
For me I recently started drinking a liter of milk a day in addition and Ive gained 5 pounds in 6 days
I make hardboil eggs in the morning and carry them in my pockets all day. Also drink a liter of milk or more a day. Shits cash
the fuck you doing? just do bench and/or weighted push-ups
0,6/1,2/1,7 whats that ?
give numbers xd
Thanks man, this is the advice I needed.
OHP 12,5 kilo each side, total 45kg
Bench 22,5 kilo each side, total 65kg
Squat 32,5 kilo each side, total 85kg
Im using 2,5 kg plates atm that explains the random numbers
are you improving your lift slowly or they stalled ?
anyways once you manage to increase weight you will get stronger
45 kg overhead press for reps is pretty nice man
I want new fag to leave
Picture source?
nope, it's not
any untrained man should be able to do that
>pocket eggs
Are you by any chance an elderly Korean woman?
I've got 65kg after 4 months so that must be good
Or maybe it doesn't count because I'm short?
do you know how weak the average untrained man is ?
i think i do, but it's still hard for me to acknowledge
I've got bad news, shorty.
I thinks its always just pretty slow but steady progress. I never go more than 3x a week because I always have bad doms.
Yea probably the average for a male but for my weight Im doing pretty good. I hope Ill get a lot stronger once I gain more weight like said
This is a frontal pic of me, im dyel af. Got pectus excavatum operation but my chest is still not 100% fixed now so I guess ill always look shitty from the front. Sorry every mirror in my house has extreme downlightning
most of my untrained friends the first time went to the gym couldnt overhead press 30 KG
normies usually start with 20 kg or so
maybe the strong ones (big people) or manual labor people with 30-40 kg if not less
keep in mind shoulders are one of our less used muscles in a daily
I'm not antagonizing you for not being able to OHP this much from the start but i just state the fact that men today are weak as fuck in general
don't take this personal and keep up the good work
nah i just a skinny white boi
well, my first day at the gym i was able to overhead press 50 kg for 5 and my 1RM was 60kg
but i've been exercising since i was a brat and doing lot of manual labor, blacksmithing included
170 cm, 74 kgs back then - lean
yeah if you did bodyweight exercises like lots of push ups and stuff like that you can start with that weight, althought 60 kg is pretty good for you weight
how much can you OHP now and how long since you hit that 60 kg press ?
it's 5 month since i started lifting and my OHP is now 82.5 kgs
Sorry forgot pic im high af
Thanks man
pretty good progress mate, whats your bw now ?
78 kgs and probably like 15-16% bodyfat
Wow nice dude. SS?
you must have lmaonolegs am i correct?
if i cut from 177-165 i may look similar to you idk
Well man, in the beginning i've had no idea what i'm doing so i fell for the 5/3/1 meme for like 2 months. Then i started doing an actual 3x5 (based on SS, although squatting only once per week, bp and ohp twice and deadlift 1x5, ofc i added accesories) and still reaping some of them linear gains
you're actually gaining weight at the perfect pace so dont listen to these niggas, although id try and eat more protein and get rid of the shakes, youre just starting and doing pretty good, you will learn a lot and change a lot about your training and diet as time goes on if you decide to stick with this
I'm not OP but I'm eating as much as I can, usually until I feel sick and still only get in like 2k calories. I have been working out for 3 month and haven't gained any weight yet.
Can it be just bad genetics?
Try eating more frequantly a day instead of eating large portions in one sitting. Add high calorie sauces to every meal, eat honey, and drink milk with them
just because you feel sick doesnt mean youve eaten enough. 2k isnt enough to bulk. You have to force it down, eat 6 meals a day, after a couple days youll start feeling hungry more often
th-that’s not a trap is it?
Indeed, theyre sticks but theyre starting to get pretty good definition
You get used to eating more over time. I eat 4000 calories per day, went from 130 lbs last February to 170 lbs as of yesterday at 6'2. I was super lanklet
Holy shit you look so much smaller in this pic. I actually believe your height/weight now
i am a 5'8 manlet and i weight over 180 pounds and don't have a crazy amount of fat on me so you are about as strong as a woman dedicated to cross fit.
Peanut butter.