Rate/advice thread

I'll start

Been making slow progress for a while, trying to get my bf % low as possible as I used to be chubbo
19 years old
5ft 9 3/4
145lb approx

working out every other day, rotation upper/lower body, following a routine called "Athletic Body in 8 weeks" on bodybuilding.com

diet is high protein and cal defect

any insult/rate/advice on how I should change routine etc would be great

anons post your pics and r8

do you even lift?

I'm new to lifting desu, I was mostly trying to lose weight

I used to be v fat desu

what are your lifts, no estating

Stop right there. You’re a fine twink. Shave that happy trail.

timestamp and shoe on your head

bench: 30kg
deadlift: 25kg
squat: 35kg

thanks senpai but the bara dudes only like bara dues so i gotta keep goin

will reply with timestamp soon

>bench: 30kg
>deadlift: 25kg
>squat: 35kg
You've never actually done these exercises have you?


Lift and eat, you'll be otter by summer.

Bro split, light on the DL, don't wanna get wide. Heavy upper and make sure you do your cardio every Saturday. Rest Sunday and practice giving blowjobs. She'll be right.

I meant in total if that's what you're getting at

1.Load the bar to 135 lbs (60kg).
2.Learn proper deadlift form
3.Just fucking lift it

im sorry i disappoint you senpai im brainlet

dont't want to sound like a newfag but i am to Veeky Forums what does "DL" mean and thanks for your advice

You did the right choice to cut first
If you bulked you would of went powelifter mode
Go on a bulk

Deadlifts m8.

Easy to do at a morgue. Most morticians don't mind as long as you tip them before you leave.

jesus christ



Anyone have a ish estimate for bodyfat?
also should i bulk or slim down then bulk?
Bench is 95kg 1RM
OHP 55 kg
Dont squat or deadlift since im really close to having to big legs for normal pants 32 32 (Former Cyclist)
Any critique or advise is much appreciated

>Tfw been fucking around in the gym for soon 6 years, and first now starting for real

> 6' or 188cm
>176lbs or 80kg

Ran GSLP for a while, then some random high volume program once a week cause of weather/exams etc. Starting SS from the beginning again to actually have some decent lifts.

Diet is high protein and bulking - I look dyel anyways so I'd be strong and dyel than weak and dyel.

>bend over naked with butt facing camera
>spread butt cheeks
>take photo
>upload to thread

>diet is high protein and cal defect
Yeah I would say your calories are defective considering you look like the poster boy for gay twinks.

He only eats cum

15%. Keep bulking


>My response to OP

>also should i bulk or slim down then bulk?
You should lift.

You should lift.

i am, any program or focus area you can recommend?