Effective tips for increasing my endurance while jogging?
Effective tips for increasing my endurance while jogging?
Sprinting increases endurance
Jogging increases speed
so, should I incorporate sprinting into my jogging?
Yes. Sprint for 60 seconds, jog for 5 minutes, repeat until you're done.
Forgot to mention I managed to go from being exhausted after 10km runs to being able to run half marathons in decent times with this method
Get a cardiobunny to compete with.
Awesome! i can barely get past 5k at the moment.
You're a fucking idiot.
Train at or below your aerobic threshold (the ceiling of comfortable nose breathing, this will feel too easy but trust me). The cardinal rule of endurance training is LSD, long slow distance. You should be training at your anaerobic threshold as well (when it feels hard but still fun) but not nearly as frequently, maybe once a week.
Run more.
Don't give up. Look if there's some local run you can compete in, there are several 10km runs around my area and those are great for beginners who can't do half marathons yet. It's really motivating. Aim for something between 50 and 60 minutes.
How long do you need for 5k at the moment?
Quit whiskey, time restricted eating, and caffeine have been helpful for me.
hijacking the thread just to ask: how effective is the couch to 5k?
To increase endurance, run slower. It sounds like you're quite new to running. Increase days running per week and mileage very slowly. Run slow enough to hold conversation until you've done at least 2 months of 4+ runs per week to build up an endurance base. Make sure you do a long run every week that's at least 35% of your weekly mileage.
To run faster, you have to run fast. This is normally done by doing some sort of speedwork in the form of intervals.
It's extremely effective for those totally new to exercise.
If you already lift or do some kind of sports, then just run.
its a fashion meem that runners use to feel more serious n shit
they don't do anything unless you just ran a marathon or cycled 100 miles in a race and you use them to help recovery
But if you are very overweight or have done very little in the way of moving around for a while I suggest that you start with 30 minutes to 1 hour of walking(can be all at once or cumulative) every day.
Worked for me, though I was running at a snail's pace. I feel that was on me though and not the program
run 2-4 days a week in a ketogenic state at a very slow pace, mix in 1-2 high intensity vo2max interval days on high carb days
hill sprints til you puke. don't give in halfway, push it to the limit
actually, hes not. sprinting forces your body to adapt to a higher level. it needs more oxygen and needs to function. after the adaption, regular jogging will be so much easier and tolerable. its no fucking joke
Cool thanks! I can run 10-15km with no problem, but my half marathons were pretty shit tier except for one. I'll try this from now on.