Friend is 19, female, and 4'11, and not very active (she might run once a week or every few weeks). She wants to lose weight. How many calories should she eat a day to realistically lose weight? I told her 2000-2200.
Friend is 19, female, and 4'11, and not very active (she might run once a week or every few weeks). She wants to lose weight. How many calories should she eat a day to realistically lose weight? I told her 2000-2200.
guess her weight (if you think asking is rude)
calculate TDEE
It should be about 300 or 500 kcals below it, the more the faster
Unless she weights about 280, she shouldn't need nearly as much as you told her
Medication gives me brainfog and fucks up my sleep cycle. Have to take it for about a month. Do I try to make gains in that month or just focus on maintaining my lifts?
Given the right amount of bf, can I get visible abs from doing planks only?
Does anyone have experience with dnp? Is it possibly to use DNP safely?
Im a 5'10" fatso, i want to improve my life, should i attend a gym and stsrt lifting before studying a martial art or should I go straight to the gym?
the fuck?
stop eating until you're a healthy weight and then do SS or SL
my dickhead is dry as fuck, it fucks me up when im with girls cause dry dickhead plus boners fucks me up.
i wash with water probably twice a day or more, which is probably good/bad who tf knows
i am at my wits end and i'm decided i'm gonna go balls deep and use my own goddamn piss as a treatment because i read piss is good for your skin (fucking believe it dude)
am i asking for an infection or something doing this?
i already know i'm retarded.
i am totally serious.
She should eat calories equal to her bodyweight in pounds times 10, daily. For instance, if she weighs 200, she should eat 2000 calories a day.
Yes, I have a lot of experience with it. It is very dangerous, unpredictable and poorly understood. The side effects can be bad, and they can strike with almost no warning. The benefits it gives are mild compared to what you've probably heard, and they will not help you unless you are able to stay in a caloric deficit to begin with.
DNP is sometimes good for a competitive bodybuilder trying to break into the lower end of single-digit bodyfat percentages. Otherwise, steer clear.
You can, but being an isometric exercise, planks aren't the best choice of exercise for getting popping abs. For this goal choose dynamic exercises such as crunches and leg raises.
>until you're a healthy weight and then do SS or SL
Resistance training is great for anybody who wants to lose weight. No need to postpone it.
>Is it possibly to use DNP safely?
Depends on how you define safe. You will be poisoning yourself. There will be side effects. Bad ones. But you should be able to avoid dying if you do it right.
Alternatively you could just opt to simply eat a little less and lose weight that way, you know, like a sane person.
How about some moisturizing agents, matey
>Bad ones. But you should be able to avoid dying if you do it right.
The only thing I am worried about is permanent damage.
>Alternatively you could just opt to simply eat a little less and lose weight that way, you know, like a sane person
I am trying to push myself the last 10-15lbs down to hit 15% BF. I know you’re right but I am getting impatient.
I'm doing SS right now, it's almost been two months. I'm wondering what I should do after it? I really just want to look good, but I thought SS would be a good start. I like doing compound lifts.
>the last 10-15lbs down to hit 15% BF
You're joking, right? You're not even semi lean and you want to run DNP?
user, you have several months still until shirtless season. Do this the proper way.
Coconut oil. Piss has potassium nitrate which will likely dry out your skin even more.
Why do people hate starting strength? I see it railed on all the time am I really gonna look stupid like the memes? I am not doing gomad because that is retarded though
Is it better to have protein from food or from protein powder, if the calories are the same?
Is vaping adderall dangerous?
inb4 vaping is autistic, I already know
>keep my adderall in work backpack >apparently a pill fell out of the bottle and was in the pocket
>put my vape in backpack before heading to work
>go for a break and notice that it tastes odd after a minute or so then see a half dissolved pill in the mouthpiece and see pieces floating in the liquid
>tfw im starting to feel really nauseous
Am I on my way to visit Zyzz?
If you can go to the gym 5 times a week do PHAT, if you can go only 4 do PHUL, if only 3 do upperxlowerxupperxx(your legs will be developed from SS and once a week will be enough to maintain them)
I forgot to drink my protien shake before I left for work, are my gains going to leave me?
>Why do people hate starting strength
I think the main reason so many people shit on SS is that new lifters will judge the effectiveness of a program on things like before/after pics. However, a beginner's program that's not intended to be run for more than 6 months at the most can never make a person fucking ripped. Nor was it ever intended to.
Essentially you're not going to be impressed by the results people get from SS because it's literally less than a year of training. There are exceptions (but these people would've gotten ripped doing whatever the fuck) but most people just don't transform that quickly.
Beginners expect the first program they embark on to take them to their endgame. This is of course completely ridiculous, but I don't think you realize this until you've been at it for a while.
Not saying you should or shouldn't do SS. Pick something you think you'll enjoy.
Having said all that though, keep in mind only about 4-5 people on here actually lift. The rest just parrot off random shit they read.
I am a novice in that I have been off the wagon, but I still maintain a lot of strength from work.
My lifts are still consistently above novice tier as well. I have been following this routine lately:
It doesnt seem to make a whole lot of sense to me really, and a few of you have pointed out its flaws.
Would "power building" still be the best route to go if what I'm looking for is more hypertrophy over pure strength? A system like SS doesn't work for me due to how little time is spent on the routine. I don't feel like I'm doing enough.
For lack of better phrasing I would like to hit my entire body but also maintain 4 to 5 days a week at the gym I just can't find a system that works
During last 4 days I took 6(1 on first and second, 2 on third and fourth) pills of this shit:
Vitamin K with Advanced K2 Complex2400 mcg3,000%
Vitamin K (as menaquinone-7, K2)100 mcg
Vitamin K (as menaquinone-4, K2)1300 mcg
Vitamin K (as phytonadione, K1)1000 mcg
Am I on my path to jaundice? Should I go to the doctor?
Can I exercise on a zero-low carb diet? I wanna cut HARD
How do you fellas cope with fat face from bulking? I haven't even gained *that* much weight yet, planning on bulking until May / June (started in January), but my cheeks are nice and round already, and it ain't looking too hot. In college too so I can't say it's helping my prospects with qt classmates, or my general self esteem
U'll be fine... Just take one a day from now on
I assume you're taking it because you're taking D3 as well?
Ketogenic diets are meant for exercise.
You know, SS isn't exactly quick to finish once your numbers have gotten up a bit. Towards the end you'll be resting at least 5 minutes between work sets.
Anyway, I don't personally like the routine you linked to, but I'm sure you could still see some progress doing it. Effort is ultimately what's going to make the biggest difference.
If I were you I'd go for some kind of upper/lower split simply because it's what I personally prefer. Focus on a few big exercises. Getting up your lifts is the name of the game, even if all you care about is getting bigger.
depending on how hard youre cutting you might end up being fatigued hard enough to not even be able to honestly
How do I make this part of my back stronger and bigger?
I feel like it's only me but before anything happens ,like lifting or getting into a fight perhaps my whole body puffs up like in an anime. Is this normal? Afterwards I literally shrink down like master roshi except only like 15%
A zero carb diet does nothing to help you lose more fat. This has literally been debunked for years now.
In fact the ONLY point in having any special kind of diet - aside from just eating a little less - is if it somehow helps you reduce your caloric intake more easily than it would be for you to just eat a little less.
Hey Veeky Forums, I got horrendous APT that's giving me back pain, and the reason is that I can't for the life of me activate my glutes on any exercise. I've tried all the exercises that supposedly target glutes, like RDL, hip thrusts, pull-throughs etc and every time my lower back takes over and does the exercise. It's like my lower back is saying 'nope, glutes too weak, I'll do this exercise, glutelets will never learn' and takes over the load.
Are there any exercises that specifically target the glutes without any involvement of the lower back?
Earlier in this thread user posted PHUL, you think that might be better as long as I progressively increase?
Do ss for 6 months, learn proper form, eat big, get stronger, and move to an intermediate program.
>you think that might be better
It's not a bad routine. Frequency on individual lifts is low so the learning curve is a bit steeper for an actual beginner. I'd make sure not to keep the number of sets too high initially.
Whenever I bench or do anything including squats my joints are clicking a fuck ton. It doesn't hurt that much but it doesn't feel right. Does this happen when you're new to lifting or should I take some rest days?
i need a complete list of every vitamin/trace element/etc. with the dosage that the body needs to function optimal.
can somebody help me?
i only find lists with the most important ones but i want something with everything added to optimize my diet.
Is it bad to shower your balls with hot water? I know it's proven that keeping them cold increases test, but hot water is going to increase the blood flow which is also good.
My doors are poorly made. Where can I get a cheap chin up bar that stands by itself and won't break my knees?
Also, is potassium a meme?
Any good same supplements to promote weight loss?
Also I don't know how to accurately measure my BMI. I am a 6 foot 24 year old male, and from the calculators and charts I have used it says to get to 18% BF I need to weight 135lbs.
That seems extremely low. Am I missing something?
MODS plz fix dead links in sticky
Yes, I actually had headaches when I was taking D(5000) for a few months, they stopped a week after I quit taking it. I assumed it was from a vitamin k deficiency.
Anyone shave stomach find their abs more visible?
I keep hearing all kinds of shit about stretching.
I've heard people say do it before, Ive heard others say do it after, I've heard do dynamic stretching etc...
Is there really any method actually better than others? I've tried all the different ways but never really feel much difference.
>muh feelings
Did everyone with big arms have to work for them?
not everyone, but if you have to ask, you will.
Warm up exercises are better than stretching, but stretching is good at home to loosen yourself up in general, maybe at the start / end of the day.
How do I get to the point where my chest doesn't hurt after 30 minutes of lifting?
I'm not fat, I'm 5'9 about 155lbs. I started working out again (I stopped last time because I got horribly sick for weeks and I fell out of routine.) but after 3x10 squats with low weight (Building back up to where I was) my chest is pounding and I can barely catch my breath, I still do the rest of my workout unless it gets really bad but still.
The fuck is wrong with me? Is it too much caffeine or something? I drink 1-3 cups of coffee a day.
10 reps is a lot on squat. If you're doing 10 reps heavy, and not allowing plenty of time between sets, you're gonna get winded and your heart is gonna get pumping. I prefer 3 sets of 5, heavier. you'll get stronger and bigger legs this way.
lmao, 4'11 and not active?
You just put her on a bulking diet at 2.2 k
I'd recommend 1500
I need to be able to climb a quarter pipe in a month's time. Currently I can't do a pull up which I guess is the closest exercise. How do I achieve this?
So I bought a nice home gym for €1300. The problem is that I have no heavy dumbbells. Bowflex dumbbells cost €450 for ones that go up to 32.5kg which is ridiculous and a set of dumbbells that you see in a gym cost about €2000. The next best thing to those two are the adjustable nut dumbbells which only seem to go to an extremely light weight. The homegym I bought i.e. powerrack, bench + lat pulldown only comes with 4x 5kg and 4x 2.5kg plates (rest are only 2x) meaning it's only 15kg per hand...
What do? I need my flyes and lat raises
No hair lets more light thru so you have more contrast in the shadows
Really? I always did 3x10. Maybe I'll do 3x5 with more weight. Last time I was up to 100lbs 3x10 which isn't heavy or anything, but 100lbs is all the weight I have so it's as far as I could go without attaching random shit for extra weight.
My old routine was basically 3x10 squads (100lbs), 3x10 OHP (100lbs), then body weight dips, 1 minute plank, I don't remember the rest there was one or two other things.
Anyways, I'll try more weight less reps and see if that stops it. It's really bad, like nearly painful, chest pounds hard and I can feel my blood rushing in my ears.
No, you don’t need them.
What muscles do pushups work out?
Kinda building off this, what bb/db exercise works out the muscles that I need to up my pushups? Obviously bench, but anything else?
I think my bench form is really retarded. I have no idea what I'm doing with my elbows and Stronglifts guide just confuses me. Any suggestions?
How badly is drinking a Mickey of vodka in a night every few weeks for gains?
Feel like my core strength is holing back some of my lifts.
What are some Veeky Forums approved core isolation exercises I can do that aren't memes?
Not fit related but:
There is a girl in my class at uni I’m like in love with. Problem is it’s math so nobody talks to each other at all. It’s go to class take notes and leave no time or opportunity to approach for any reason. How can I possibly talk to her before or after class without being a creep? All I would need is one date set up and I’d be set but it’s the initial part that’s hard.
Where can I buy steroids online.
Ask to see her vagina.
Seriously, walk next to her after class ends and say "Hey, I'm [Insert name here]. Would you like to go on a date?"
Not that fucking hard you limp dick baby-back bitch.
Fuck off cunt. No one uses steroids here, this is a christian chess players message board.
Is this a good sprinting routine for explosiveness?
>100 meters sprint
>light run back
>60 meters sprint
>light run back
>do this 3 times for three sets
Don't listen to the other guy. Planks are fine but Google planks progression vevause if you don't increase the load you won't get results. You can either add weight or do harder variations.
I've been inadvertently taking twice as much creatine(~10-15g) as I thought I was. Am I going to die?
MMA guy here. The later you start martial arts the more you'll regret not starting sooner
Dickhead is mostly self lubricating. Washing it over and over will just dry it out.
If you are circumsized then hahaha you are fucked your parents fell for a literal desert dweller semetic meme. Seriously though stop washing it dumbass that's definitely not helping.
I pulled 420 with the hex bar last night followed by 400 on the rack pull with double overhand and straps. Today I woke up with a fairly sore right bicep. I can see minor bruising in a thin 2 inch long line along the peak of it. It isn't causing any problems but I thought it was kind of strange. Any reasons this could be?
Should i still push myself and try to go up in weight when im cutting? I dont feel like im getting really stronger so Ive just been doing 2x8 for my workouts. I eat like 1800 a day and around 160g of protein. Still sorta a newbie, but not brand new.
How many calories is 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese? Breakstones 4% milk fat min. To be specific. Calories per half cup are 110, total fat is 5g carbs 6g, protein is 11g.
How many tablespoon make a half cup user?
I don't get sore after a workout anymore. I am doing splits working out 5-6 times a week and training a group every 3 days. I have seen no decline in progress but am I overworking my muscle groups?
>unironically can't do basic math or have google do it for them
For once I really hope that this poster is underage.
So I'm 5'6, 166 lbs. I've been doing SS for a while but I just can't seem to really drop the scale at all. I'm squatting a shit ton, did 245 the other day, but my arms are still scrawny. I've just got really thick legs. I've been doing SS on and off for a while now, getting into it for a few months at a time and falling off, yada yada. I've been going full on since December last year so about 3 months now on it.
My question I guess is, what can I do to best lose the last 16 pounds or so? I've been trying to do OMAD but my schedule is so weird that I eat at kinda random times and I gave up meat for Lent which means I've been eating a lot of carbs lately, regrettably. I've considered doing full on fasting but I don't know how that's going to affect me at work and with my lifting.
Essentially, whats my best bet for losing this weight for Easter? This girl I'm talking to is coming into town and I really want to look good for the occasion.
For losing weight it’s calories in calories out. Calculate your BMR and eat under that and you’ll lose weight. If you wanna lose weight faster then for BMR don’t include the exercise you do so you get a lower number. There is no other way. I’m a trainer for this old couple and they both want to lose weight. One watches what they eat and the other doesn’t. Guess which one has been losing a lot of weight? They both have increased in strength though
So dried fruit everyone recommends to avoid, yet I hear prunes/raisins are extremely good for you. Would it be ok to have them in a balanced diet? Or is the sugar intake too much?
334 ng/dl
>free test
8.83 pg/mL
20.5 ug/dL
20 ng/ml
How fucked am I?
Should I keep up my lifting as hard on a severe cut or should I do more cardio? I just wonder if I'd even have enough strength to lift at that point. I'm going to try and get down to circa 800 calories a day.
Weight lifting usually burns more calories than cardio does but it’s a good argument to include both. What kind of cardio exactly? I’m starting to be a fan of HIIT style workouts. For example on leg days you do 20 air squats then bear crawl for a certain distance (like 30feet depending how much room you have and difficulty you want) do 20 more air squats and repeat for 5 min. But do that after working legs with weights and it’ll fuck you up in both ways
I just reread your post I wouldn’t go that low I mean you would lose weight but also a lot of muscle too and it’s just unhealthy. But that’s your choice either way
>Weight lifting usually burns more calories than cardio does
It litterally never burns more calories then cardio does.
A friend of mine wants to start doing some running so I was thinking c25k or something of that ilk. I've been currently just doing high resistance and incline elliptical for an hour.
Bump, except make it every week for me *
k so here's a tough one, I fucked 2 girls, and when I'm in them I barely feel anything at all, are they not tight enough or is it my fault? She said I was legit one of the bigger dicks she's had
Masturbate less often. You've desensatised your dick to the point of numbness by over doing it.
Better yet, when you anticipate sex, don't jack off at all for 2-3 days before.
Is there a way to "cheat" deadlifts with shitty form allowing you to lift extra? I think my form is ok but I'm not sure, can I say I deadlifted what I deadlifted even if I possibly had shitty form?
Not him but has this worked for anyone before? I've always wanted to try it but people tell me I'll be a creep
Who the fuck is Keith? Why does it feel like a PT with an MBA is a relevant reference? In what timeframe is what amount of muscle going to burn more calories than a reference amount of cardio? What type groups of muscles are they talking about being metabolically active since cardio and weights stimulate different muscle type conditioning? Just saying cardio could be anything from HIIT to training for an ultra.
Jfc mate....
Best tips to get over an ex? Its taking me longer than I feel it should.
I tried adjusting a StrongLIfts / GSLP routine to make it a little more well rounded. What would you adjust in this to make it better?
Workout A:
Pendlay Row
Behind the back forearm curl
Calf raises (using smith machine)
Workout B
Overhead press
Weighted pull ups
Preacher curl
Skull crushers
Dont masturbate as often, and do plenty of gentle foreplay first to rlly get the blood flowing.
Yeah you should, but youll just find that your progress will likely be alot slower.
Find some excuse lol, and be confident to pull it off. Not that hard. Ask to borrow notes that you "missed" or something.
I haven't jacked off for quite a bit of time, but I am uncut, you think that has anything to do with it