30 years old people browsing /fit

>30 years old people browsing /fit

I'm only 27. And there's no age limit to Veeky Forums so fuck off.

t.high schooler


26, almost 27.
We're all stuck here forever.

Jesus, what are they still doing here? Don't they have important jobs, a wife and children to take up most of their time?


>tfw in 50 years we will have elderly shitposters, animeposters and frogposters

they are neets what would you expect ?

>24 turning 25 in summer
>Can no longer use the young adults part of the gym
>Have to go to the adult zone full of mommies and milk trucks

So glad I'm 35 not 30

>tfw you use the big boy bench for the first time

Kek at that picture. Literally black /r9k/

Kiddo do you actually believe you will leave this place before turning 30? lmao, You are here forever.

I'm 41 and you'll be too in no time goddamn

my mom is 40 rofl, feels weird sharing the internet with people as old as my parents

ps: im 20

>people who waste their youth on Veeky Forums have the audacity to criticize people who spent their teens and 20s appropriately (partying and fucking women) and are now established adults who come here for laughs

Kys if you are under 30 and post here honestly

>Kys if you are under 30 and post here honestly

I’m 29, dodged a bullet it seems!

45 years old checking in. It's true, some of us are still into fitness after 30.

>turn 22 in May
Its the beginning of the end guys

>Posting brainlet wojack edits

Started with Veeky Forums when I was 19, then stopped for 5 years and came back and stayed on and off. I'm 27 about to be 28 lol prob gonna be on and off forever.

now you have each other guys

I hear that
But I can't relate to normies no matter how old they are. Veeky Forums is my place of sanity and I like lifting

They have a young adult part of your gym? Why segregate It? For what reason exactly?

>im 20
Nah you're probably 14 since you type like one.

Your mom got knocked up at 20? Degenerate

>wasting your youth on Veeky Forums

I'd rather be old and post here tbqh

i swear im 20,

>t.physical education student

yeah, she got pregnant of me at 19

Not sure, it's mainly the same equipment just the dumbbells are color coated and there's little ipads attached to most of the machines to visualize how to use them

i type like that because i dont speak english, i am just a thirld wordly southamerican that likes to troll in japanese cartoon children forums on my rest days

This is the only place to find the type of humor that this place usurped from SomethingAwful.com and it's dying here now thanks to little faggots like you.

I just turned 29 and never admit to people I come here. Fuck you guys

Fuck off to fyad neet

Hows equinox treating you faggot

Cry more old fuck

U r me, help how do I get my shit together I won't even have the excuse of being young anymore

>go to gym
>find something heavy
>pick it up

Mid-40s here. Fuck yeah. Occasional good things here, and usually a lot of laughs. Both are good.

I'm black and that picture is pretty accurate desu.

Pics of you’re mum?

> wanting to be anywhere else

If Veeky Forums and it’s satellites suddenly disappeared forever, where do we go to shitpost freely?

>being under 30
Will agelets ever learn?


>Why segregate It?
betas and roasties protecting young women from real men

>will be 48 in April
At least I spent my youth fighting Saddam hussain rather than fighting limp wristed SJWs like you faggots do.

I thought most gyms had an adult section. I was shushed away once when I went to the young adults/teenage area because all the dumbbells were taken in my section. They use "happy" colors for the handles, smileys/emoticons etc. Like user said there's ipads everywhere with instructions.

I'm 30, been on and off for 6, 7 years or more. I enjoy my job and my gf is pregnant.
I understand you'll leave this place when you actualize all your dreams and become financially independent from crypto trading? Maybe live on a paradise island somewhere.

>Thinks fighting a defendless sandnigger is an achievement

LOL muricans not even once

black boys are pathetic

Fuck off nufag, your generation destroyed /b/ to a trap and cock rate board and r9k is on an all time high.

>spends his youth shitposting on Veeky Forums instead of getting pussy

50 years old and still ripped user

ay, suck my 27 year old dick you faggot
Veeky Forums is beyond age, we all autists here

how is that iron lung going grandpa

>tfw 22
>tfw I am almost certain I will still be here at 30

be nice now, one of us could be your dad, son.

My black female friend married a white dude and gets shit on in her FB messages by black guys she doesn't even know for it. It's really fucked up and makes me sad DESU.

>spends his youth getting pussy

kek, black guys don't like their womenz going for white guys

>Based Tyrones hating on race-mixing

>gf is pregnant
sh-should we tell him guys?

>Tommy Sotomayor
That nigga is hilarious. Damn shame youtube kept crashing his shit down. Makes it impossible to keep up with the classics

I would happily eradicate this board of all the teenager pseudoscience nofap/onionpill retards in favor of 30+ year olds

t. 23

29. I have a cozy job, but live by myself. So why not? Being on imageboards for at least 10 years now. Forums and social media for normies, boards for outcasts

Pretty much this. What the fuck are you guys doing wasting your time posting here when you’re still in college? You really should know better.

Its going to sneak up on me isn't it

I'm turning 30 in a few months, currently on a solution architect team and I fly for business quite often. Basically turning 30 soon and started to wonder if this is really what I want to do with my life

Not sure if I want to continue on this path and retire in my 50s . I thought there was more time in life but now that i'm turning 30 and actually maturing a lot I'm starting to realize all we have is NOW and time is a joke

Fuck, I'm not ready to be 40 in 10 years

This guy is right and most know it

Basically I didn't come on here full time until turned about 27 and had a full time career, Not sure how someone under 25 could spend their life on Veeky Forums. I used to actually do shit and would have hobbies every week that kept me sane

If you are under the age of 18 on Veeky Forums, you’re too young.

Either lurk or fuck off, ya cunt.

Same here. I’m 35 now and didn’t start browsing Veeky Forums till I was 28. I’m so glad this place wasn’t around when I was 18-21. I would’ve wasted so much time on this shithole.

Silly goy, blacks can’t be racist! Now go back home and drink your Soylent.

Fuck off snot nosed brats we were here first

It’s a shithole that you can’t get enough off

>being 19 and whining about how you still can’t talk to girls on a fitness message board


Someone from Veeky Forums? Not a fucking chance.

lol i'm 30 and just got here. i like the shit talking and i don't know many good fitness forums. ever go on reddit fitness? it's pretty gay.

>tfw you look in the mirror one day and see a middle-aged man looking back at you

>be a degenerate whore
What did jew mean by this?

me two bud. I turn 36 in a few months.

S-shut up old fag I'll be out of here and making 6 figures by 23

Im 21 and i dont browse Veeky Forums

Should we tell him?

Oh buddy...

>assblasted oldfag in denial, the post

Sigh... I just hit 25 and turn 26 in 6 months...

I'm on the path to be a 30 year old 4channer. I've been here since I was 13 lads.. I'm never going to fucking leave this place. I still have scars from posting that link/triforce copy past and someone calling me a fag because the triforce was off center. THE PAIN NEVER GOES AWAY

▲ ▲

Does it work prob not. Who cares. Life is meaningless. I just poured my heart out to my ex. She said, "we shall see what time does" wtf does that mean lads. I hate you all for making me autistic.

actually reasonably content in real life
>decent job
>a few close friends
i enjoy using Veeky Forums + /pol/ because i can only stand normies and fucking trevor noah/ samantha bee humor for so long

I’m in a similar situation. I try to give genuine advice here because all the shy, insecure 19/20 year olds on this board remind me so much of myself at that age.

34 faggot fight me irl.

>30 yr old veteranfag in college
>pulling 21yr old cardio bunnies and outlifting everyone in the school gym

Stay mad agelets

Leafy? Is that you, you crusty little faggot?


38, and what's sad is that I probably slay more pussy than you. 26~33 yo, younger girls are dumber than I recall when I were at their age and older are totally insane (biological clock ticking I guess). Not that I want to slay pussy, I risked to marry twice, but eventually all women are batshit insane in a long-enough relationship. At least, in my experience.
Anyway, while you post meme threads and tinder threads and feels threads and frog threads and r9k bullshit in general, I usually browse for, you know, fitness-related threads. It's getting harder and harder because of you "Generation Z" millennials and the countless robot threads you open up here.
When you're a teen you believe that life ends at 25 and at 30 you're grandpa already, 35 is something pretty much incomprehensible to you. It's a distant thing, your teen years passed so slowly after all, right? No, tomorrow you'll wake up and you'll be here.

35yo here. Every single word in this post is pure truth. I always try to keep in mind that the average age on Veeky Forums is around 19 so I understand the /r9k/ threads. You’re dealing with a whole lot of kids here flailing around trying to find an identity.


Fuck, hit me hard lad. You're right about 25.

>WAAAAAAH life ends at 22 WAAAAAAH

Grandpa wants a word.

this is what i call cringe people

Enjoy your teenage years while you still have them.

im 20 and i dont care, i come here to make meme threads and laugh at the memes, i know one day i will be as old as you guys, but when that happens for fuck sake i dont want to act like im your father in a taiwanese board

anyways, im glad you are over 30 and doing better than when you were 20, thats progress i guess

get off my lawn, kiddo