These days everybody just wants to lift for looks or pure strength. Take a look at what lifting should really be like...

These days everybody just wants to lift for looks or pure strength. Take a look at what lifting should really be like. No machines or 0 inch ROMs. No curling at the squat rack or other shit.

Why "lifters" want to let an amazing sport die, and instead carry on with their unathletic, boring gymrat training?

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nobody cares olyboo

your lifts and body are probably shit like every other oly memer on this board except for Durkz


Oly lifting is shit for aesthetics. Fuck off.

Exactly my point. You are more women than men. Do you also wear makeup?

actually olympic lifters besides the SQUAT they are weaker when compared to powerlifters and armwrestlers to give you an example

yeah olympic lifting looks great, but most of the se guys cant curl, bench, overheapress heavy shirts for their lives

i know they dont train for them but still, focusing only in olympic lifting unless you want to compete at it is useless

she looks like gosling

They all look like shit and are on literal steroids lmao.
Meanwhile natties look way better just doing meme exercises.
No one gives a fuck about how much you can lift on a ridiculously asinine technical lift that has little to 0 function outside a weightlifting platform and only third worlders on tons of drugs funded by the state excel at.

My point is that it's sad that people are obsessed with looks and raw strength instead of sports. Speed, athleticism, strength etc. in balance.

Also this study is shit, because in 8 weeks you don't really learn the lifts. It's just jumping curls and and body swings with zero speed and weight.

oh yeah thats right, i support you 100% on that

right now im doing lot of mobility work because i have such a poor flexibility is a shame

Hang cleans are fairly easy to learn though.

How is it asinine? The principle is very simple - put a loaded barbel above your head in one or two movements.

If they weren't functional, could you explain why most sportspeople incorporate power cleans in their routine?

The study is still shit, because ofc a group of people get best results from increaisng their overall strength in a shor period of time (noobs) instead of increasing a skill.

Show me a study with people doing free weights + oly lifts and a group doing just free lifts for a year. There's a reason you see every hardcore college kid doing cleans and power cleans.

Assuming they took newcomers in this study, it would take about 8 weeks to learn all of those Olympic movements properly, so that would invalidate the study.

weightlifting blown the fuck out

the classic lifts are nonfunctional meme shit, gymnastics with a barbell

at least you'll get big and strong doing PL instead of twirling a broomstick for 10,000 hours to learn technique because you're a GDE and not a 1 in 100000000 genetics chink with 2 inch femurs

What's wrong with lifting for looks?

tbqh I think you should definitely incorporate power movements into your routine - but the thing is, snatch and CNJ (especially snatch) are too technical. On the other hand, clean pulls, push presses and pendlay rows are awesome power movements that can be implemented into your regular routine.

The IOC doesn't hand out Gold Medals for aesthetics.

"too technical"
Yeah, unless you do sports. In our gym kids coming from a wide sports background learn them pretty fast.

But for a mama's boy wanting to get some bi's and tri's so he can get ouf of his house? Sure.

Everyone isn't an olympic lifter either so what's your fucking point?

I'm saying if you want to get a Medal, then lifting for looks is not a good way to do it.

You are letting your profound ignorance slip.

Could you tell me why American football college gym rooms at all levels are teaching power cleans if oly lifting is 'nonfunctional meme shit'?

But WL is literally just a skill of olympic weightlifting, so of course the squat and machine group blew the wl group the fuck out.
The study was done to literally compare explosive barbell wightlifting movements ALONE to exercises that more closely mimick functional movements, and it does a good job at it.
Good luck having a study that properly compares weightlifting at the top level with exercises that have been proven to have carryover in actual athletic endeavours.

The study provided here shows that even easy to learn variants of the classic lifts SUCK for explosiveness and power output.

>study lasted 8 weeks

They literally made them do easy to do variants of the olympic lifts, like hang cleans.
It's quite possibly the best way they had to deal with this sort of study with the budget they had.

Same reason why the most popular sport in the world and the most well payed sportsmen of all time are being told to do crunches and medicine ball throws.

WL is the only real sport in regards to lifting weights. Strongman is acceptable as well.
Everything else is pure soyboy/thot/boomer tier.

Why does everyone get so into one thing or another, I thought this board was general fitness but you never see threads that are like post your body, best lifts, fastest run times and flexibility, it's always just body or best lifts when all four are the focus of anyone who actually wants to be fit.

>cant curl, bench, overheapress heavy shirts for their lives

u wot?

t. little weak faggot with shit lifts who looks like shit

>Why "lifters" want to let an amazing sport die, and instead carry on with their unathletic, boring gymrat training?

Because it's hard to find a gym with bumpers and a tolerance for drops. Normies and physique bitches freak out from loud overhead lifts, and Dunning-Kruger powerlifters have developed a monopoly on strength sport because you gotta bench, brah

I get rock hard erections from people's faces when they see me overhead squat what they're half squatting. Truly Oly lifting is magic to normies, not to mention power movements have explosive thicc gains as a result.

>3 examples in a pool of hundreds

klokov shits himself with a 180kg bench press despite roiding since he's a teengaer and weighing like 110kg.
There are many 83kg males benching that in the IPF.
Clarence is a genetic freak on tren and has world class oly lifts but again, 185kg doesn't even compare to the DRUG TESTED 200kg benchers in his weight range.
yuri vlasov was a strong at bench pressing because he specifically trained for it since olympic weightlifting included the press as well so it had some carryover. Nowadays almost no world class weightlifters in the olympics train the bench press, because there is 0 need for it.

Ilya ilyin used to struggle doing bodyweight chinups on rings.
Weightlifting is a fucking joke of a "strength" sport.

Your point being?

WL is a sport, but really no one cares about who's the "strongest" weightlifter.
World's strongest man is the biggest most popular strength competition in the world where little corruption or politics are at play unlike olympic weightlifting that has a constant scandal of drug busts, bribery and corruption.

>There are many 83kg males benching that in the IPF.

Real benching or bent back/round belly benching while wearing sleeves and a shirt and shit?

My point being that power cleans even though have some carryover are 100% unnecessary for the sport of handegg, just like crunches and medicine ball throws have little use for the sport of football and yet the most well payed players in the most expensive teams are made to do them.

>sport's people do conditioning work

Yes, welldone

how is any of that training the triple extension explosively?

Take a look at this diagram, then take a look at the clean after the second pull. Are you really arguing there is no cross over?

Idk what you think of it, brett gibbs benched over 200kg but he's a manlet.
This russian guy uses a regular normal arch and benched over 185kg and he didn't even get a bronze for his bench press.

99% of guys just want a nice beach body to get pussy. No one cares about this "lifting for the love of the game" with your minimalism bullshit.

klokov benches 200 kg with a pause and his PR is 230 kg on the bench. That's while not training bench at all

>while barely training bench

Yeah, no shit they aren't as good at a lift that powerlifters SPECIFICALLY TRAIN. How much can those 83kg powerlifters clean and jerk?

What the fuck do you even mean by hardcore? Hardcore lifters? Because the only people I see do those are the barely out of dyel oly lifters who are actually super seniors who’ve been making minimal progress the past three years

i like to think of the oly lifts as a culmination of all the strength stuff i do,
yh, just doing wl stuff all day, isn't that good for anything other than form,
since the movements themselves are designed to use your entire body to move as much weight as possible.
but i mean you cant clean 150kg, if you cant didly, atleast 200kg.

edit 2:
>while pumping all kinds of steroids up his ass

Rebeka would be so much cuter if she had better eyebrows

That's a good point. We should have "general overall fitness threads with"

>Totals of lifts
>Blood pressure and heart rate stats
>Body fat %
>Running speed, endurance

There's more than just being strong and looking good, after all.

Omg it's like she's photoshopped!

In what video? I have been following his youtube channel since forever and he has never benched more than 180kg on camera, and his 180kg looked difficult even though he used a long pause.
Did he post any video on his instagram account or something benching more than that? Tbh that's still kinda pathetic considering he's a world class weightlifter who's on drugs and 240lb, many natties have benched more than that while being lighter and training for less than half of the time he's been competing in the olympics.
But that's to be expected, I'm not the one here claiming weightlifters SHOULD be as strong as powerlifters, they don't have to.
>how much can those 83kg powerlifters clean and jerk.
It's a technical lift that requires years of practise that has 0 carryover to powerlifting, so no one really does them since they're fucking useless outside of the sport of weightlifting.
Meanwhile you have some olympic weightlifters using bodybuilding exercises in order to avoid muscle imbalances, injury, or looking like shit.
That's the whole point, in order to be strong you don't need weightlifting.
In order to be fit and muscular you certainly don't need weightlifting.
In order to be muscular you need to do hypertrophy work, squats presses curls rows and hip hinges take care of that.
Weightlifting has 0 carryover to other sports, weightlifters always have to train odd lifts by themselves in order to get strong on them, not to mention all the anabolic drugs that give them the muscle mass all over their under trained muscle groups that are quite often in the upper portion of their bodies.

>Weightlifting has 0 carryover to other sports

I told that other faggot - go read about the triple extension then come back and try argue your case

>In order to be muscular you need to do hypertrophy work, squats presses curls rows and hip hinges take care of that.

You can get muscular without ever touching a weight or stepping foot into a gym.
3+s paused bench with 200 kg at 3:05
and here are his PRs:
to say that someone who benched over 5pl8 was weak while not even focussing on that lift is a bit far m8. His PR OHP is 180 kg as well, he's one of, if not the best overhead athlete at sub Eddie Hall weight classes

I would consider bodyweight exercises hypertrophy work.
You can get muscular on calisthenics for the most part, but that entails doing something that is completely unrelated to olympic weightlifting so again I don't see how this makes weightlifting useful.

durkz spotted

I don't understand your point, a 230kg lifetime bench PR is more than you'll ever even look at. Him roiding doesn't negate the fact that he still managed to put up over 500lbs

Yuri vaslov could do a one arm pull up weighting 275 lbs

He doesnt count

He was a freak and i respect him

I was talking about nowadays olympic lifters

So it was a limited, poorly organized study that didn't include key aspects of one of the events being studied? Nice.

>most of the se guys cant curl, bench, overheapress heavy shirts for their lives
>cant curl, bench, overheapress heavy shirts for their live
>cant bench, overheapress heavy shirts for their live

What a bunch of faggots

But here's the question, is it because they are European or is it because they are OWL?

Besides most of the 105+ lifters, weightlifters look quite good, they look normal in clothes ofc, but they look strong and bulky, weightlifting has tons of crossover to other sports, any proper american football, cycling, hokey, wrestling, etc athlete does some sort of variation of the classic lifts for their sport, explosiveness, strength, and overall athleticism is extremely valuable in all walks of life

>two groups train squats and jumps
>get better at squats and jumps
>another group does not train squats and jumps
>does not get better at squats and jumps

They are all on roids they could fucking jerk off all day and make gains. Every parent wants their kid to get funded since US education is a fucking scam and far too expensive.

Seriously football college gyms have more needles in them than a fucking crack house

because the power clean is not an olympic lift and has significantly lower technique requirements, thereby making it not meme shit and actually somewhat useful (though not as useful as say, jumping trap bar deadlifts, which show the best improvements in RFP and have no technical requirements)

push press is nice

You don't know shit, powerlifters out squat weightlifters, it's a competition lift for them
Also weightlifters tend to have pretty good overhead presses, kokloves pb is 180kg iirc
turns out this was good bait

Are you retarded? That's how you go fast

Anyone who calls Oly and power lifting a sport needs to honestly kill themselves. That concept is beyond cringe

>That's the whole point, in order to be strong you don't need weightlifting.
>In order to be fit and muscular you certainly don't need weightlifting.

You definitely don't need to back squat, barbell flat bench, or barbell deadlift either.

It's called weightlifting you fucking faggot

Weightlifting isn't a sport you fucking idiot.

What constitutes a sport in your opinion? Genuinely curious

Seems like a really comfy place to do a regular workout. Like you read these dwarf stories of how they're only comfortable when they have the constant hammering noise of the forges around them.

Olympic weightlifting is fucking awesome, but you get very little back from the time spent practicing form, you could spend 3 hours a day doing weightlifting, or 1 hour a day doing normal lifting and you'd get the same results.

looks like fun. i'd love to be in a class like this. everyone in this thread is so fucking buttblasted
>muh oly memer
>muh not a sport
>muh shit asthetics
god you pricks are insufferable.

>world class weightlifter is on drugs
>and powerbabbies are not
At least WADA tries.

Also, Klokov strict presses 163kg with some left in the tank at around 110kg, so his bench is likely around 210kg at least at that time. That's very impressive considering Klokov does not train bench. If you train bench a lot (especially for mass) you'll be spilling serious spaghetti when you're cleaning and it might also affect internal rotation during the snatch as well. At the same time, klokov has snatched 206kg with straps and 200kg without. No powerlifter can do that aside from koklyaev (who incidentally, comes from a weightlifting background). And of course this is the case because they train different lifts, so it's a fruitless effort to compare different lifters in different sports. If Seim trained strict press everyday he'd probably be a top level strongman as well, if Eddie Hall had trained under Olympic weightlifting he'd probably be a top level weightlifter, but it turned out this way since they chose different disciplines to train. Weightlifting just so happens to be more respectable.

It's just because maybe 2% of fitizens can call themselves athletes / do sports. The rest are just sad people who hate their body and mind and try to fix it so they can enjoy life a little bit more

Even if it is a sport it's not nearly as fulfilling as common sports can be competitively or as an amateur.

In a weightlifting competition you just pick up the weight. Literally no strategy, little skill, almost entirely genetics and effort.