How do i widen my torso to get rid of my hourglass shape?

how do i widen my torso to get rid of my hourglass shape?

You want tiny hourglass shape otherwise you're a fridge. If you want a wider torso then work your lats.

Incorporate in your routine any workout involving your latissimus.

You want an hourglass shape you absolute moron.

Block body is the most unattractive body.

Lats and shoulders

>facepulls bands
Makes your shoulder delts 3D

but not your lats.

What was your diet like in Dec 2016? We’re you doing cardio to get that lean?

not to me you fucking trapezoid

>facepulls bands
>Makes your shoulder delts 3D
How many times a week?

stop doing abwork you retard



then dont complain about the hourglass with that belt, stop doing leg raises

good insult im stealing that

I don't see anything (ANYTHING) wrong with this body. Can someone edit it in MSpaint and add lines to show me what he thinks is bad?


(hairless worm).
>probably doesn't shave his pits, tho'.

Your ribcage:pelvis ratio is the problem. There is nothing you can do. One chance at life and those are the bones you were given.

capital d colon!@

latissimus dorsi & serratus anterior

bigger lats would help

weighted pullups

Women find that curve attractive though.

lift heavy weight

3 times a week

You have almost my goal body t b h. I think a relatively small but defined body looks better than big and bulky

A little more muscle and definition in the arms, shoulders and chest would look good though

Yes i did skiprope for 10 min