Watch this and then tell me it's not true, even the manlet is prejudice
Can I get Veeky Forums enough to negate this?
>tall men earn $1000 per year per inch they are taller than average
Watch this and then tell me it's not true, even the manlet is prejudice
Can I get Veeky Forums enough to negate this?
>tall men earn $1000 per year per inch they are taller than average
Other urls found in this thread:
>I'm entitled to something
Beta mindset, you'll never make it
t. 5'5"
Did you watch the video?
You dispute any of the facts?
I don't intend to watch your video or debate statistics
I have no reason to believe you're misrepresenting the findings
so you're saying manlets will never learn?
>54 minutes
Get the fuck outta here
how long is your attention span user? I can pick out the good points
Holy shit I’m only a few minutes in and I’m dying
manlets: the movie
Those pathetic fools
>>I'm entitled to something
>Beta mindset, you'll never make it
You would have made a great jew during the holocaust
"yes, master we deserve to live in concentration camps master, we are not entitled to equality and human rights master"
This is your brain on public education
I just think about how uncomfortable it is when they are on a plane.
But fuck the alpha wealthy tall chad who sits in business
top 3 richest people on the earth and many in the top 20 are all below 5'10 and youre blaming your height for not getting laid. kill youself user
im 6'1" and get no benefits for being tall. but if I was below 6' id still kms so fast
40mins in it's fucking gold
not just that, manlets are more likely to commit and be a victim of crimes.
hey, yeah, but being in the top 20 richest people in the world is about as achievable as raising your hands to the ceiling and yelling "grow! grow! grow!' and gaining a few inches
>implying the holocaust happened
this is just feminist reasoning
what controls are there to determine its literally just height?
>this is just feminist reasoning
Yeah height also correlates with intellgence. It basically means you have good genes and didn't starve as a child
>tfw 6'4 lanklet
That can’t be true
What is my IQ ?
I am 5’11
mine as well just bring up bigfoot and the loch ness monster while you're at it.
>be tall
>don't have manlet complex, therefore more confidence
>get that salary raise instead of the company's mascot manlet
I'm a manlet and even I know how statistics work
nah asians are more intelligent and shorter on average
ITT: tall and short people who ain't gunna make it.
I am 165 cm and when I walk most people get out of the way. The man there isn't just short user. He looks like a mouse.
>sperm bank height requirement
Is this real life?
Yeah you also are going to be rejected if you have Down's Syndrome, cystic fibrosis or other deformities.
Manlets are still (technically) people, but that doesn't mean any woman actually wants to waste the effort pumping one out.
>a documentary by Howard Goldberg
imagine my shock
Jews making a film about how they're being discriminated
But manlets do face discrimination
Of course they do, that's because they are sub-humans
and which group is disproportionately short?
>Measurements of Jews have been taken sporadically in most European countries with the following results: The average height of Jews is 162.1 cm... so that they are the shortest and narrowest of (((Europeans))).
That’s racist
when will they ever learn?
>>tall men earn $1000 per year per inch they are taller than average
i earn more than $5000 per year
he's probably talking about the wage gap, which technically exists, but is probably due to factors outside of simply being a woman, as in this case is probably due to factors outside of just being short
like what
what can tall people do in suburbia that shorter men cant?
What they are saying is you earn $5000 per year more than you would if you were 5'8
>every 15 seconds $100 of your money goes to....
>$2,103,840 per year
wow i didnt realize my net worth was so high in 1950
You're dumb as fuck.
be less of faggots. but seriously, there are a lot of ways to cherrypick and misrepresent statistical correlation. just look at any infographic on /pol/
>manlet doesnt understand a satirical post
>tfw 6'5" morning, 6'4" evening
>tfw want to grow to 6'7" morning, 6'6" evening so I can heightmog people even harder
I grew from 6'3" morning height to 6'5" from 22 to 22.8 years old now, late growth spurts are a real thing if you are a babyfacecel like me. I've been lifting since I was 15 and now I just kept my size while growing another few inches, so I don't have to deal with lankletism
This thread is not about being tall, it's about the factual realities of being shorter than average
you don't know what the holocaust was?
people think this is /pol/
/pol/ pls go
I watched this yesterday and it actually made me kinda depressed, thanks alot
Thats right goy. Wasting money and resources on building holocoasters and masturbating people to death is totally something you'd do in a total war scenario. As opposed to, you know, locking the niggers up somewhere and letting them starve to death.
>masturbating people to death is totally something you'd do in a total war scenario.
I guarantee you IQ generates greater returns on average than height.
But then again, manlets are often brainlets too kek.
i'm 6'4 and buff and i'm a virgin at 26yo
fuck off
t. sheep
Not the same guy but there are Jews after the war who claimed the nazis had masturbating machines that jerked Jews to death.
best source I can find atm
Why is that?
Holy shit
>minute 40
it was just a way to make mantels taller I guess.
Start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Train at least 2-3 times a week, and never quit. Learn to love being choked out and armbarred constantly. You will quickly learn to have no fear of taller, untrained people.
I started 5 months ago, and I've learned to fear the people in my gym 3 inches shorter and 40 lbs lighter than me. Sure, all things being equal the bigger person will have a definite advantage, there are weight classes of course. But this just applies to BJJ people, and the smaller folks tailor their game to take on bigger people. "All things being equal" never really happens. Now when I pass a smaller man or woman on the street, I always wonder if they study BJJ and they're secretly a killer.
And a smaller BJJ practitioner vs an untrained person, taller person? Forget about it. Outside of freakish size & weight disparities, the untrained person will be annihilated. Height makes no difference. A juijiteiro who's made it to blue belt (1-3 years) will have a viable game plan to seriously hurt most people they run into. A purple belt (4-6 years) will seem like a force of nature to the untrained. Brown and black belts are absolute killing machines, and if normies had any clue they would avoid eye contact with them on the street. These are people who spend 2-5 nights a week practicing murder with their bare hands, sweating, bleeding and getting injured, while other sane people are sitting at home relaxing on the sofa. Merely "being tall" or "having muscles" will not save you from them, will not grant you the split second insight needed to prevent being thrown onto the pavement and then triangled, kimurad or heel-hooked.
>t. Trashy 5 month white belt, just lost my dad bod. I have been submitted or choked more times than I can count. By far the best was a woman I outweighed by 30 lbs. Holy shit, BJJ is the real deal.
Why are you comparing it to a fictional event?
post pic lol
>tfw average height
Of being tall has advantages and perks. No shit. That doesn't mean you can't crush everyone else as a short dude; it just means you won't have the height advantage.