powerlifters think that this is an improvement

> powerlifters think that this is an improvement

>doesn't understand that everyone has different goals

>thinks being a fat strongtard is a goal

For some people it is my friend


>one of the strongest people in history
haha he so fat, not like he could cut anytime he wanted to and make you cry about your pathetic life/body.

>implying being strong is an achievement

increasing the ease at which you can kill someone is always an improvement, no matter the cost.

what have you achieved

Can't stand this cunt

*buys gun*

>tfw you realize you have the exact same insertions as eddie hall


>Oh wow user, you can pick up 500lbs? That makes me so wet and I want to suck your cock instead of Chad’s now! Who cares that you look like an obese retarded inbred redneck?

>lifting for women

grug stron
grug pick heavy thing
grug no pussy yet

i lift heavy to defend against all these stacys

both look like shit

>he thinks a 2x bw deadlift is strong

This pic makes me laugh uncontrollably even though I've seen it like 500 times

reminder that Brian shaw is the best strongman rn.

what the fuck are you doing here then?

>all this young fellows taking the bait

Jesus, guise,....you never learn.

the chad baiter vs the virgin angry grandpas

What kind of person sits down and makes this shit?

I love these personally, anyone who isnt retarded can bash one out in paint in about 5 mins.

Op is obviously trolling but I'm not so sure you are. Being strong is good, but don't get it confused with being able to "kill" someone. A trained fighter, even someone with only 1-2 years behind them will 9/10 times fuck up a bigger stronger person. I'd go as far as saying even 20kg weight difference and the strength that grants, the fighter will "kill" more.

Theres no fucking reason to powerlift. 400+lbs deadlifts are literally the bar, plus or minus some plates. Nothing to brag about.

I've always wondered if this is a meme. In my experience from highschool and most liveleak videos of fights I've seen, the big guy wins. Then again, I have no idea if anyone was "trained" in those circumstances.

>thinks eddie hall is a powerlifter

Uhh yeah he's not lifting 1000+ lbs in the first one

eddie isnt a powerlifter

if someone got the dedication be the strongest in the world records of history he could easly cut and still be stronger than 99% of Veeky Forums.

He has a wife and a kid you low iq liftlet

Give me an example of where being a fat fucking immobile lunk helped you in real life.

What is this thread about?

>LITERALLY the world's strongest man and world record deadlift

A 400lb deadlift isn't impressive unless you're a woman or in the lightest men's weight class

About dyels copin

avoiding the draft for vietnam.

Deadlifting 2x your body weight isn't really that impressive.

it is when no one in the world can do twice your bodyweight, but if you weight 150lbs and deadlift 4x your bw, you do 600lbs and it is impressive, but any respectful powerlifter can still outlift you by a lot