I want to learn proper self defense, with so many different fighting styles, where do I start?
I want to learn proper self defense, with so many different fighting styles, where do I start?
Other urls found in this thread:
you start at the gun shop
not with weapons
with cardio and guns
Practice Gun-Katas
99.99% of people don't even get into situations that requires fighting because we aren't animals.
90% of the time you have no problems, 10% of the time just walk away or ignore it or something. Even if you win you won't get money.
If you constantly get into dangerous situations get a gun, but stats show you'll probably hurt yourself or someone in your household instead.
If you like it as a sport (it's pretty cool) try MMA. If you like it because things are awesome when it works, try judo normal jiu jitsu, it's fucking magic in a controlled environment.
Buy a gun
Look for mma gyms in the area. Otherwise look for a decent boxing gym.
BJJ if you want to win fights.
Boxing if you're a man
krav maga
1st thing you should learn is how to verbally de-escalate a fight. Fighters and people who work in security always suggest avoiding combat if necessary.
2nd thing is most people don't know how to fight for shit and have terrible cardio, if you end up in a fight situation while untrained literally just punch the same way as the boxers do in competitions. Go for power shots and combos, don't stop hitting until they give up, run away or get knocked out.
For a beginner like you i suggest boxing, avoid comps unless you want to fight in them cos getting hit in the head destroys brain cells. Boxing will teach you the basic aspects of self defense, give you a sweet body and incredible endurance.
Muay Thai is also good but slightly harder to apply as it is not as stable against takedowns and not as evasive as boxing. If you watch Muay Thai fights, the fighters just stand there and get hit, not smart in a street fight. The reason MMA fighters prefer to dodge against strikes is that blocking isn't as energy efficient or damage evasive.
MMA is also good because it teaches you a healthy mix of skills.
If you're in Europe, China or America you can do Sanda, which is Chinese Kungfu with the most practical techniques put into it, looks like Muay Thai, with a lot of punches, round house kicks and sweeps, but its wrestling and takedown game is much stronger. Definitely an underrated self defense art.
Then comes grappling, which I suggeat bjj, catch wrestling or judo.
So basically, you start off with a striking art (the fight begins usually at a distance and with fists) and then supplement it with a grappling one.
Boxing is Chad af
boxing>muay thai>wrestling>bjj>learn how to shoot a gun/use a knife
>t. doesn't understand the confidence in all situations that comes with knowing how to defend yourself
Ancient art of .45ACP
buy a gun if you learn a martial art learn it for fun and competition dont fight random niggers on the street cause you have 3 months of bjj under your belt
You need to know how to handle all fighting distances (kicking, punching, throwing/grappling, ground). Fastest way to cover them all would be muay thai and judo/bjj. If you have more time, try boxing, tae kwon do, judo, jiujitsu, jeet kune do so that you have the widest pool possible and pick what is actually viable from each one of those.
you should look at arts that value conditioning and fitness. Good arts include boxing, wrestling, mt, bjj, and whatever that focus on athleticism. Now choose a gym near you that has amateur fighters and pro fighters or else you might be going to a mcfagdojo.
Train hard and spar hard.
Learn how to swing a bat or any stick you have laying around.
Jew Jujitsu AKA Krav Maga is a perfectly good defense form, just don't think you'll be doing tournament spars and shit
>people are unironically recommending martial arts instead of firearms
Fucked that one up
It's unironically a good idea to know some form of fighting in the event that you need to defend yourself and you don't have a gun on you. I absolutely agree that firearms are your best bet, but I'm certain that circumstances can arise where that option is not available to you. There are also situations that wouldn't require a fatal solution and instead would benefit from one that can just incapacitate
Or of course the other option of getting the fuck out while you still can.
t. doesn't realize that said confidence can be bought in gun form and all the time wasted on martial arts lessons can be spent on literally anything else and that the only real reason to take up martial arts is if you plan to compete
Learn boxing first, then learn muay thai, then bjj.
>implying everyone here is an americunt you absolute brainlet
>lives in a country that's not Switzerland or the USA
I got you user.
you sound pathetic
If self defense is the legitimate concern just get a concealed carry permit.
If you want to fight outside of the gym with your friends learn some grappling art. Everyone has a friend who thinks they're hot shit and wants to fight and you seem like way less of a dick if you wrestle them into a pretzel vs you throwing a hay-maker and knocking them out.
Kek! Shame there isn't combat sambo or Dutch kickboxing, but try finding those outside the NL or Soviet Union.
Boxing + kick defense + takedown defense + sprinting
>drunk guy shoves me and calls me a fag
>shoot him 9 times in the head with my gun
>americans, are you guys really taking your guns with you to the beach, bar or club? cmon now.
Guns are absolutely a royal flush in terms of protecting yourself, nothing is even close but it's just impractical to think you'll always be ready and waiting with your firearm in your hand. Not to mention you're instantly escalating the situation to a life and death stakes when it could simply be the case of some drunk guy needing a small reality check.
Been doing BJJ for a few months but I have a background in boxing, it's probably going to be the best thing to learn if you'll be defending yourself against one person. BJJ is like magic in a 1v1, but if you're getting jumped by two guys you are absolutely fucked because you'll catch a kick to the back of the head when you're rolling around and you'll wish you took boxing.
BJJ is only useful if you're sure nobody else will jump in. If you pull guard on some guy only to get your head stamped you're done.
best ground styles are wrestling, and enough jewjitsu to defend yourself
>b-but khabib beats everyone with sambo
he's also one of the best sambo practitioners in the world, doesn't make it the best style
best striking martial arts:
Muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, and extremely high level taekwondo
>b-but krav maga
literally ignore everyone who even mentions this in their posts
I knew a girl in uni who did taekwondo tournament level. One time she got mugged and took the mugger down and kept him down until she got the police there. She ended up getting charged for assault, but at least the tkd was useful.
Most fights end with a couple guys rolling around on the ground maybe giving each other a few scrapes before getting broken up. Guns are more practical for protecting yourself from real dangerous people.Your BJJ will only train you to willingly get in the missionary position for your rapist.
>She ended up getting charged for assault
do you live in England? just curious
cool story too
>Most fights end with a couple guys rolling around on the ground maybe giving each other a few scrapes before getting broken up
t. "I don't know how to fight and shouldn't give advice in a thread about self defense"
At the time I was in South Africa, so yeah. Her own fault for calling the cops in the first place, desu. She should have known better.
I'll never understand those laws as long as I live
It's fucked up. In S.A even defending your property is complicated. If you shoot a home invader, you have to be able to prove they were coming at you with intent to kill, otherwise you get in trouble. It is now so ridiculous that in some cases niggers would break in, and if the victim has a gun they will turn their backs and taunt them, because any back wound would then make the victim liable. Not as bad as Sweden, but at least in Sweden they won't have a chance to torture/rape/murder your family as well.
Point is, even women are taught how to defend themselves dirty, unlike in "martial arts" and "self defense" classes in the West. Many will at the least have a knife. I myself had a knife on me the whole time living there and honestly if I had stabbed someone in self defense I would 100% walk away without reporting a thing.
Most of us did martial arts since school for sport, but we would usually join self defense clubs for ACTUAL self defense. It involved knife fighting and learning what to do in situations when getting held at gunpoint or being mugged/hijacked. None of it involved learning fancy moves, it was all about assessing situations and staying alive in the simplest way.
I'd say getting a gun is best for OP's question, at the end of the day. The rest will help with knowing how/when to use it, doesn't matter which discipline he chooses.
>be boxer
>read this thread
>feels good
I did muay thai for four years and been on a break the last 18 months, I'm getting that itch and thinking of boxing again. Fuck.
You learn regular boxing
I'm just about to start muaythai at a centre near me. she just messaged me after asking what I need to bring and she said just my subs and loose fitting clothes. What are subs? Don't want to ask in case she thinks I'm retarded
Money to pay for membership or the class whichever way it is done.
Ah okay thanks
>concealed carry
>not useful in a fight
Fucking trash
I would imagine muaythai is better than boxing as you're also learning how to kick and clinch as well as just punching.
Kicking is bad in a big altercation in an inclosed space.
The only thing you get out of it is kneeing and elbow.
And the former will leave you open to murder if they are significantly larger in size or number then you and the latter better be used damned well or not at all.
Boxing is the safest martial art.
Combine that with Judo to get people on the ground and wrestling to protect yourself on the ground and you're golden
Learn how to fight like a man by boxing, faggot.
Also note that nothing in this post makes any sense.
Clinches particularly, can be devastating, outside of being able to inflict damage, you also take control of your opponent, and can pretty much lead him wherever you want.
It's a bit of boxing in your striking toolset.
I've found however that MT practitioner had a pretty poor space management in the ring (due to being effectively static thanks to their blocking options). It makes it pretty boring imo as I like to slip around. Also not very fond of the ruleset of MT. K1 is better for that
Low kicks are pretty safe and usually don't mess your balance up too much.They can be pretty damn devastating as well. Push and snap kicks are usually pretty safe in an enclosed space
You obviously won't tornado kick in a telephone booth.
If you're close enough to someone for them to hit you, your gun will likely do more harm than good.
Freestyle wrestling
Muay Thai
Jap JJ black belt here. Whilst learning a martial art is great the more you learn the more you find yourself acoidong situations that could result in fights anyway.
Yeah tell that to American cops or even trayvon martin
>90% of the time you have no problems, 10% of the time just walk away or ignore it or something. Even if you win you won't get money.
You've never been to Europe, haha. If you just walk away, you're dead.
best advice in the thread. boxing and wrestling/jujutsu
I live in London, specifically the acid attack part of London, and you're talking shit
Europe is literally the safest part of the world.
Almost all the stuff you can learn is either useless or so specialised it's useless. You can stiff arm MT guys, takedown boxers, or just gouge wrestlers. Judo? Just sit down when they try to throw you. BJJ? Do a leg lock.
All of them are usekless against a goos street fighter and instant win against a bad one, so choose.
Listen to Jocko youtube.com
I'm pretty sure that would be East asia or something.
But anyway that guy's probably from the Gopnik part of Europe
Oh yeah you are right now tell this nigger with a knife
What's mixed muay thai?
>All of them are usekless against a goos street fighter
Yeah, that's bullshit
>douche thinks you cut in line in the club queue and starts shoving you and won't stop even though you're trying to de-escalate
>pull out gun
>everybody starts screaming, twelve police patrols are called to the area, club has to shut down for the night
>you won the altercation but basically made yourself look like an edgy psychopath and are now the bad guy in the situation
>Charlie Zelenoff has come to your gym and wants to spar you
>you either look like a pussy for turning his skelly ass down or get rocked and beg him to stop, ending up on his flawless record like all the other gymcels since you can't fight for shit
>friends want to see who gets the highest score on the punching machine in the bar
>you could've been proficient in a martial art and impress all the cute girls who are watching by doing throwing a spinning heel kick and getting a score that overflows the counter
>instead, unused to throwing punches you get a score of 150 while also spraining your wrist
>ego shattered, you pull out your gun and start shooting the bag
>arrested for property damage
Remember gunfags, a gun might save your ass in a mugging situation, but not in a mogging one
The best self-defense is area awareness and not being driven by ego, so you can talk your way out of fights. Talking your way out of a fight always beats exchanging blows to the head.
I also carry a knife.
They refuse to acknowledge that these situations exist. Is it autism?
Area awareness and social skills trump all this:
>waiting in line for a club
This is a memescenario
if you're whole reputation for the evening relies on a 2-minute interaction with a novelty item, you lost before you started. Even worse, if you spent years of your life to prepare for this event, you're even worse off.
>scenarios are hyperbolic for comedic effect
>take them all literally, missing the entire point of the post
What part of his point didn't I address?
If you pull a gun at even the slightest altercation you're a fucking moron
>not learning an MA and carrying a gun at the same time
yeah, but I never advocated carrying a gun. My post also points out how all those are avoidable with area awareness and social skills.
I understand you needing to be a little more physical as you can barely read.
That your metal penis extender will only work in your favor in a situation that is literally a matter of life or death, that these situations are not common and that they are not the ones people mean when they talk about the social perks and confidence that comes from knowing how to defend yourself
matters of life and death are the only reasons you should be in a physical conflict. If not, you're just an insecure faggotito.
If you need to feel you can kick everyone's ass to feel confident, go for it. Whatever works for you. But when a dude talks his way around your head and the only way you know to deal with problems is with violence, prepare to: be really frustrated that you can't do shit without having to punch someone OR get stabbed in the lungs because dude wasn't playing your caveman games.
Have you ever actually been outside and around people?
There are stupid people, drunk people, or stupid drunk people everywhere. Sometimes you find yourself in an unavoidable situation that requires physical action but is not dire enough to require a gun.
This. Me and my mates get approached all the time when we're in town having a drink. Luckily one time nothing happened with this one guy but then 10 seconds later he runs into these 3 guys and starts trying to have a fright with them. He got fucked. He was about 15/16 as well. Happy though, turns out he took our bottle of vodka which I didn't realise until my mate told me a couple months later
>matters of life and death are the only reasons you should be in a physical conflict
Too bad everybody doesn't think like that user
Area awareness. Avoid 'em.
For everything else, fuck your ego and talk. I was in a bar and some 40something dude sizing me up telling me I look like I played football or someshit and how he was in the military. Few beers later he tells me to fill his beer with our pitcher. I don't and he slides/tips the rest of his beer at me. Typical barfight or flight scenario. I'll give it to him, he sized me up right because I didn't jump on him. But as our exchange continued he ended up looking like a douche and starts talking about how he's a doctor and military honor and shit. Dude fucked our vibe, my friend wanted to kick his ass but I had to keep telling him not to bother. He keeps rattling off in a bitchy manner and it's just being a general disturbance. I decide the best course of action is just to leave as this put a bad taste in our mouths. I half-fill his cup with whatever's left in the pitcher, tell him how upright of a dude he is, thank him for his alleged "service" and go to a fresh place and feel way better. Dude ended up being banned the following week.
Moral of the story: douchey people start douchey scenarios. Learn to tell them apart and avoid them in general. There is often no "cool" way around them, physically or socially -- real life isn't a Seagal movie. There will always be a scene and the vibe always disrupted. I understand Veeky Forums in all it's asocial wisdom will tell me how that was a beta move, but I ask you consider the actual outcomes of your more alpha fantasy approach and if it's really worth it.
We have this thread every week so I'll give the obvious answers in order from best to worst
>Muay Thai
In order of efficacy
>dont live around niggers
>dont be a cunt
>parkour/good 800 time
>boxing/muay thai + bjj/wrestling/judo
>falling for the krabby magoo meme
Sambo is legit.
Systema is literally russian orthodox vodka magic
>People can't enjoy the sport
>People can't do both so you can be prepared without one
This user has the right idea. There is no winning a street fight. He handled that situation with grace and skill that no fight could be comprised of and it ended 100x better than a fight could have.
>some dude tries to punch you
>you shoot them
guess who is going to jail and getting their precious right to arms taken away
punching bag machines at arcades/bars don't give an accurate measurement of force, its proven to be somewhat randomized.
why are you arguing with someone who is making the same point as you.
fuck its been years since I've seen this in a Veeky Forums thread