What are you doing to “make it”?

What are you doing to “make it”?

Already made it 2 years ago.

Lifting and playing baseball.
Nice digits.

>lifting for strength while watching diet
>saving money
>working on relationship with gf
>seeing a therapist

Trying to fuck fat chicks on tinder while working graveyard shift janitorial at a flailing mall.
Just smoked an 1/8 of weed in 45 minutes.

>Trying to fuck fat chicks on tinder
Aren’t you turned off by their bodies?

>saving money
>seeing a therapist


I feel like you can always make more once you've made it. I feel like I made it about half a year ago when I checked off my last goal. I have now made more and am working on them every day

> Change to a more Veeky Forums and respected career
2 months to go on my normie job before the 3 month notice period is up

> Applications for new career sent
Have a main plan, and a backup plan that is guaranteed to succeed

> Increase amount of girls I'm regularly sleeping with from the current 2
Have some prospects and debating whether to dump both the ones I already have for better ones as well

> Get back to deadlifting once new career is in place
Can't afford an injury until then and I got close some months ago

> Increase other compound lifts
Of course

> Get back down to 12% after winter bulk
A good reason to cut/bulk is that the extra layer on your body really helps against the cold here up north

that pic is aesthetic af

whats wrong?


bad genes

Isn’t a therapist a waste of money?

>was a fat, lonely loser in school
>spent 15 hours a day playing vidya
>got fit
>got an education
>got a good white collar job
>got a qt Christian gf

I think I'm doing it, lads.

Not if he's helping, I guess.

Making what?

1) losing more weight (im 5'10 started at 194, 166 now)
2) started taking finasteride to correct my shit hair thinning that started around 18 (im 21 now)

3) trying to study harder and be less of a waste man in general ( this one is pretty hard)

idk im not really having much of success on the last one to be honest, hopefully it will change

>no porn
>no fap
>seeing a therapist
Checks out

no it helps but you still have to do a lot yourself

fI ment novidya

*fuck I

Much better

what are you doing here then?

I take LSD

Lifting and learning guitar and studying David Koresh's teachings to restore the Branch Davidians globally.

Lifting, starting rowing in a few weeks, uni starts back soon so that's gonna be full on plus learning Japanese, thanks for the pic reminds me I have another 15 mins worth of that for the day

Working 70 hours a week
Gym 5 times a week
Diet on point - slowly becoming aesthetic
Reading a book every two weeks
Learning french
Saving $3000 a month so I can buy another house in 12 months time

I'm removing all gains goblins. Going full cacoon mode this year so I can coast and travel for the next 5


reading more books
>extreme ownership, make your bed, leaders eat last
setting stricter sleeping schedules for myself
>go to bed at 21:00-22:00
>wake up at 04:30
Making better diet decisions
>currently 5'10, 185
Continue to have a positive yet driven outlook on life

Just general shit, ya know?

crying myself to sleep and enjoying fee seconds of happiness after I workout

>Be me
>Nordic guy from Scandinavia with blue eyes, great looks and perfect frame
>185 cm tall
>Six pack is now fully visible due to low body fat
>Apartment is comfy as fuck
>Seeing a right wing blonde qt who hates degeneracy and has disdain for everything red or liberal
>Also seeing a few really hot chicks just for the sex
>Literally have to say no because I am so busy in general
>Doing great in my studies
>Already got a job lined up after college in two years
>Became manager of the bar I work at
>Know people everywhere, people generally know me too
>500 followers on facebook
>Money flow is good
>Skins is perfect
>Hair is finally growing to be longer
>Fashion style is good; classic but laid back
>Lifts are so good that everyone basically comments on my arms or chest when I interact with them for more than a few minutes
>Social life is flourishing
>Just ended a case where I was charged for possession of drugs but I got off easy with a fine
>Understanding of self and the world makes me calm and happy
>Redpill has turned me into the most sane, calm and respectable guy I know
>Starting to notice how I am generally way smarter than most people and how this is reflected in the succes of all areas of life
>Im confident and assertive in all situation
>Feelings of fear, anxiety and insecurity has totally passed

5 years ago, I was an aboslute nobody who drank himself to sleep and smoked weed from morning til evening.


godspeed user, I hope you make it

what a childish list

>Starting Strength (t. lifting noob)
>Reading before bed (really helps me sleep way better, never thought it would. I'm reading Plato's republic)
>Eating 3 meals a day
>Daily vitamins
>Focusing on improving tech skills/schoolwork and not playing video games for 8 hours a day
>Fapping much much less
I'm working on makin it brah

How's the finasteride working for you? Any regain? Any side effects?

A Lot of the stuff already mentioned here.
Lately i've started suppementing my meditations with DMT. This shit is pretty much magic for personal / spiritual development

Nice quads.

Accumulating cryptocurrency.

You made it, brah

Crypto is dead

This except I'm not seeing a therapist and am seriously considering breaking my one month no fap streak

>Saving $3000 a month

Just be a woman and sell your body. About $150 per hour. That's only 20 hours. 1 month, 4 weekends. Just do 5 hours every Saturday and you are golden or do 2 on each Friday and 3 on Saturday.

Monthly white privlege checks

I am the same. How do I overcome my Nordic autism?

living with mommy

mirin ur life m8 good job

>Starting to notice how I am generally way smarter than most people and how this is reflected in the succes of all areas of life
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>masturbating to yellow porn
>contemplating suicide daily
>lifting weights, but since I'm trying to lose a lot of weight lifts aren't advancing any
>running every day
>no job, associates degree, no prospects
>looking to join military, but probably won't even be accepted due to $30,000 debt
>constantly threatened with homelessness by single mother
>26 years old
How do I make it?

its over

Oh, good. I don't have to feel bad for giving up in that case.

You could always try murdering your mother for that sweet inheritance.
Or sucking cocks at the train stations.
The choice is yours

You are my kind of people

>Lifting PPL Strength-Hypertrophy blend
>80/20 rule diet
>stretches and agility work like box jumps
>reading canonical lit and practicing vocabulary
>volunteering in my community
>trying to connect with God
>frequently sort my house and self
>trying to log thoughts and events in journal
>battling inner demons on a daily basis

What am I lacking in my, /fit?

more gifs like this op? its for my t-levels

nice fantasy

Working out eating healthy.

why? why not >notv or >nomovies

Living a lie. Making it is an endlessly-going process.
There's a reason you never see 70+ year old monks going around talking about how enlightened they are. They continue to practice more humbly as time passes.

finished my degree, got a decent paying job.
working out hard and eating properly, seeing very decent gains.
teaching myself python in the evening, got a course for deep learning lined up next.

I'm doing quite well actually. And apparently I look good enough that girls come up to me in the gym to chat and get to know me, in stead of vice versa. Feels goodman. If only I actually knew how to fucking flirt.

nothing, i just need a FUCKING JOB

fucking losers. get a high level education in a field thats hiring, then get a job, thats how.

Doesn't read like high iq

>Started doing great in the gym
>Started running
>Getting more and more into Anime
>Signed up for mechanical engineer
>After 4 relationships i decided to get better care of myself and not to get any more relationships, its a fucking meme, don't fall for it, just have some girls for sex and stuff
>Meditate up to 30 minutes per day
>Buy a nice bike with crypto profits
>Started to learn a new lenguage

I don't have much friends or something but i don't care i feel fucking great with all this

>Getting more and more into Anime


lol you can laugh all you want but it is great and i don't regreat a single thing

Minimizing my drinking and doing calisthenics. Once I'll be able to do a planche, I'll get all bitches

is what you guys actually want? girls?

it all resumes in that? its fucking sad.. i have fucked plenty of girls and it is the same at one point, its overrated please chase something better..

Dumb slut's gonna fuck up her wrists.

I'm 27 and I've never had a relationship with a woman other than my mother and sister.

Boxing, drinking one gallon of water per day, reading literature, Catholicism, traveling when I can, studying German, looking for better work, staying up to date with current affairs, act gentlemanly in public, etc.

Not Op, but also on fin. Im in my third month right now, with a lot of baby hairs on the temple.
26, started noticing at 21, but things only got real bad last year

DMT is my favorite supplement. Very underrated.

He's laughing at you because it's not improving a goddamn thing about you. Anybody can sit there getting high and watching anime all day while taking fap breaks every three hours. It's not an accomplishment in the slightest.

Lift 5 times a week.
Go to paramedic program.
Read when I can.
Eat well.
Meditate and stretch.


>Working out
>Trying to get the nerve to talk to that cute girl I always see in the uni
That's it really.

>bachelor with honours, got a good white collar job after uni, saved, met gf
>moved overseas (S. Korea), learning korean
>applying for masters
>improving fitness again
>2 years ago would use all my time on vidya, fit and other shit, no real connections with anyone
>contemplating taking my parental guardian to court (she is bankrupt atm though i think or sent money overseas) for literally using all my inheritance trust fund (~500k$)

Idk brehs I was hoping to be set for life and live nicely but I guess I have to be a self made man


sorry to hear user, where did that 30,000$ in debt come from? sheesh seems like a lot with little to show for it, but its not the end. You might need to work a dead end job for a year or two and come out of that hole. As long as the people at this job are chill and your making gains elsewhere with lifting and education, you'll be golden. Its only over once you give up



Probably a larp, but possibly true.

If you just eavesdrop a little you'll realize just how dumb and uninformed most people are. Not even trying to brag or take high ground, but it's true.

>got a promotion
>think I'm probably becoming more social
>hitting gym at least 4 times a week
>coming to terms with anxiety and facing what makes me scared
>trying harder at school

And most importantly

>Not letting people control my life

>ywn be a qt3.14 Japanese high school girl
Maybe in the next life

Good on you m8
Fuck the haters

>Started to learn a new lenguage
How about you start with learning english you fucking retard

Maintaining "it".

>in a relationship
Why the fuck would you have to masturbate while in a relationship?

Once you hit the 3 year mark that's all you get to do

Sounds really great I'll tell you hwat.

these whores arent cute

theyre probably not virgins too.

>working nights
>wasting money on alcohol and cigarettes
>don't even get drunk anymore
>haven't worked out in years
>haven't had a single friend in years
>never had a gf
>hate myself and everybody else around me more day by day

looking good so far

You probably are though

>still on /fit