/fraud/ - Cheating Frauds General

/fraud/ - Golden Edition

Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.


Previously on aspirating the vial

Other urls found in this thread:


protip: If you guys want to feel a bit better about your lack of progress despite /fraud/ing, just go on the /r/steroids monthly "progress" threads. It's how I cope.

Requesting we severe all ties with plebbit, including their retarded wiki link. Highlights of retardation include anything written by Jceaser369

A lot of the wiki is invaluable when people read it.
Why discard it because the community is retarded?

I'm natural and after seeing so many shitty "cycle transformations" I'm glad I grinded it out this way.
Also I like seeing guys go off cycle or "cruise" at the gym and lose that "look" lmao

Guys if you aren't on steroids, like ON, you won't look like it, sorry. You have to be ON, to look ON.

Crusader is a tiny weeb whom'st'dv sucks dicks for a living.

This. The only way of maintaining steroid gains is to never stop taking them. Most guys who BnC "cruise" at supraphysiological levels. I've read of people cruising on tren kek. There's a reason no one who cycles on and off looks good.


I mean, as long as you don't want superhuman gains you can keep them by going on and off.

Panini cycled off...

Inb4 vegan natty meme

I have also seen some people over there that look pretty damn good. Way better than here

Those fucking Pajeets. The thing is my manager is also a Pajeet so it's hard to complain about them

You don't run crazy amounts right? . Is that more a mental thing, or?

If I clean bulk on roids, I just eat when I'm hungry, right?
Most of my carbs come from oatmeal and that stuff satiates me.

I don't want to end up like those people who just eat a fuckton and get fat because "muh roid cravings"

Started first tren yesterday. Is it really magic or am I getting meme’d?

175/250 test/tren

>clean bulk on roids
you have to eat above maintenance obviously, well above it. Like if you maintenance is 2500, you should be hitting 3000 in the first couple of weeks, then 3500 in the middle of the cycle, then probably higher as you reach the end of your cycle.
People forget that if you put on 12lbs of muscle and 4lbs of fat your caloric requirements will go up during your cycle.
Eating 4000 "clean" calories is a nightmare.


Is that a day? If not you'll see a boost but it won't be insanity.

I get the insomnia for tren like, the first week. Long before gains.

Why people say that bpc-157 should be taken for at most 4 weeks? Are there any side effects if taken longer? 8 weeks for example?

Yes its really magic, yes you're a genius for starting with a moderate dose. 300mg/week ace is my sweet spot but I never make it past 8 weeks because of mental sides. That dose gets me friggin shredded. If you're using high dose your training and diet suck, either that or you better be regularly placing podium at contests.

enjoy your acne lol
tren is like 500% androgenic than test

500mg test, 600mg deca, 200mg tren, 30mg var, 75mcg t3.
Nothing crazy I guess but considering my physique....

It's just a basic DBol and Test cycle, first one too.
So I really need to eat like a pig? I'm considering homemade pizza or something.

Ever try running mast with tren? I find it works great at keeping the mental sides at Bay.

>tfwnogf as of last Monday
>Start Tren and test tomorrow
How fugged am I going to be?

I unironically waited 3 months after a breakup before going on a cycle. I started once I stopped having dreams about them or vietnam styled flashbacks.

Up to you. You are entering a months long period emotionally

Yeah, I'm just coming off test/deca/dbol so the tren end to a cycle was planned awhile ago, this breakup however wasn't.

The gear will at least keep me off the booze and all my bad dreams and flashbacks are Afghanistan related, so would take a hell of a breakup to top that lol

Am I a brainlet? Where the FCK can I buy them online?

Natty, here. My buddy keeps trying to get me to do a prohormone cycle with him, says it'll give me sick gains. Why are oral only cycles retarded? More dangerous, do you lose the gains quicker?

All the danger, not even close to the gains injectables give you.

My first cycle was 500 test-e and 400 mast-e or something. Then i upped it to 700 test-e at the end

Doesn't seem crazy at all imo. I remember that cruisader used way more

Well, shit. Thanks for the tip/warning, man.

>nothing crazy

>Also I've never heard anyone having the issue of mk causing bad sleep, except myself

that makes two of us. On top of it, once I ran out of the stuff after 6 months+, I've had withdrawls symptoms similar to xanax and anti depressants. It might have been mostly phenylbut or some shit

Nah I have phenibut and that is very different, also never had those kind of withdrawals from mk. I would get really hungry and hold a lot of water so it's definitely legit. Other guy who used it has great sleep on the same powder.

Fuck off you are dyel and a manlet, up your dose and be a swole manlet like nano or kill yourself

What was his cycle...?

1.5g isn't alot of gear.
Maybe you only run low doses because estrogen converts in fat cells so running high doses would be a bad idea for you, but for us who are lean, these "larger" doses will do wonders for us.

I watched you get bullied on sst and I thoroughly enjoyed it

goddamn soyboy

>it's another episode of "awful poster adds up multiple compounds like they're all made equal at equal doses"
you and garagebro make me want to gouge my eyes out

I don't know but i remember that his current blast was more than i have ever run in my life

>start bulking
>feel fat
>abort after 6 weeks
>start cutting
>16 days in and 2.5kg less
>feeling like shit (not cut related i think)
>blood pressure is high (140-150 / 70-85) or im measuring it wrong
>get headache and pulsating sensation in face every time before going to bed
>not sure if it's related to your mental condition (iv'e read it's psychomatic and it's caused by anxiety disorder)
>strength on bench press went up somehow
>don't feel like lifting
>start thinking about going to mental facility
>be scared that they are going to feed you with estrogen pills
>currently on 250mg test per week

It's not cool when you can't sleep. What do?

>started eating bran flakes and weetabix 2-3 days ago cause why not
>gigantic huge insane shit just now even though my calories have been constant and I do my business every morning (hell, I even took in much more liquid calories in comparison to solid)

Damn nigga, I never realized how clogged my bowels were, that shit was massive.

Fuckin goals right here

>tfw custom tailored denim shirt and piqué arrived today
fits like a glove

how bad will winstrol fuck up your joints?
if you used it to get faster and more explosive in boxing would it take you to snap city?

Starting tren for first time, I'm an experienced lifter but I was wondering if any specific routine will help me get better results while on 300mg test 400mg tren a week.

Old fashion oatmeal (the whole grain flattened) is my go-to. I do 3 servings every morning which ends up being 15g of fiber

Might have to give weetabix and bran a try

lol nano i they gave me one mk677 bottle and one fucking protein powder pack while i ordered two bottles

Not very unless you run it high for long
Its effects are over hyped
You could also run Deca alongside it and you'll feel nothing

Lmao how did that happen.
Contact them, at least you've got a months worth.

Is it true roiders can sit on their ass doing nothing and still put on more muscle than natty lifters?

If I get sides its not bunk, right?
Ever since I started my test Ive been sleepy all the time

look up the 10 week test enanthate study on muscle mass
roiders who didn't train gained like 6lb of muscle vs roughly 4lb for natties who trained

Off until when, your next steroid cycle? Obviously your gains don't dissapear over night, they diminish over many weeks... coinciding with the start of a new cycle. That's why some might think they're "keeptable".

How is 4000 clean kcal a nightmare? I'm hungry as fuck all day on TRT + LGD and I eat vegetables, rice, fish, chicken and oats all day. I wake up with hunger pangs at night. Have you seen how many kcal are in like, 10g of oats? Shit's retarded. 200g of oats, milk, and whey is over 1000kcal and takes up no space in your stomach.

I'm only running Test tho, and with some DBol still to kick it off.


no, the study mentioned LBM gains, which includes water weight. And we all know how much we balloon up on cycle if we don't specifically watch out for it

>b-but I worked hard for my physique! y-you still have to work hard even on steroids!

I bet you're running way more test than I'm running. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I had a very hard time not eating everything in site on 400mg/week. It was as if the satiety switch in my brain was stuck on off.

Yeah, I'm sure they gained 5-6kg of water lmao.

>this cope, again

6lbs are like 3kg not 6kg senpai
Pd: post your body you dyel piece of shit

>tfw have to wait to get approved by DNPsourcetalk to figure out how 2 acquire
I just want to get below 25% desu.

Fampai whats the deal with SARMs?
>Anybody got experience/stories they want to share
>How nice were the gains
>How was coming off/PCT
Thanks /fraud/

how come these non lifters got gains on test and you don't?

What do y'all know/think about US sources from ebay?
I've seen a lot of stuff sold as "plant fertilizer".

How many people here actually run HCG?

1) Oxymoronic question, there are no gains
2) See above, there is coming on so there is no going off

There you go, me after gaining 25kg of water on my first cycle (didn't workout, so I just gained water).

Everyone who isn't poor/cares about fertility

do you find yourself funny? very very sad

keep being a picless dyel who talks too much shit about people ten times bigger than you'll ever be

I don't care about fertility, but I don't want tiny balls.
Mostly asking since I'm doing a beginner cycle of 500mg test and don't have HCG, I do run an AI while on cycle tho

Will speed up recovery if you take it while on cycle. I run 250iu EOD and keeps the boys full but some can get away with 2x a week.

Well, they will recover afterwards, right?
I plan on doing HCG on my next cycle.

So you've never taken them

see >on TRT + LGD

the man is just dumb as a brick

y'all niggas know anything about yk-11?


myostatin inhibitor in theory, in practice all yk11 is fake

jerry is on some yk11 he thinks is real right now (but it's definitely fake)

>in practice all yk11 is fake
do most sarms kinda skirt the territory of the FDA requirements for accurate labeling? i dont even know the legality of most sarms in the first place

r/SST is kill. Is eroids the best place now?? I’m in Canada..

Thanks for the tip since I just have 1 bro from le reddits black market forum who i've been using and if he gets out of the game I dunno what I'm gonna do besides test only

Sorry about your ban tho


that shit isn't fda approved at all, it's some super gray market research chemical shit

user is right the studies done don't evaluate the amount of mass retained after a period after the cycle but evaluated exactly at the end so there will be a lot of water weight.

>So do steroids increase muscle mass while sitting oNyour ass?
>how much compared to natty lifting?
We don't know

You really should not talk so confidently when you don't know what you're talking about.

Who are those people? Seems like from /SST right?

Also, verification via microphone and a questionnaire?

Thanks senpai, how long does it take to get verified

Dunno i already mailed them. How could they make such a mistake

btw you start with 20mg from the start right?


THIS seriously. People talk like they're god but have nothing to show for

only fucking talk, talk, no fucking pictures to show their value

mfw losing size cause I moved onto a strength program instead of the bodybuilding program I was on

why did I do this

>why did I do this
You just fell for the strength meme.

How much test with that Tren A dose?

I haven't hit 2/3/4/5 yet. Well I can deadlift 5pl8, but I can't do the rest yet. I'm so close for Bench and Squat, but OHP is only at ~1.5pl8

So I wanted to run strength routine before I come off to give me a boost in strength gains.

what a waste, strength gains are the first to go when you come off

its SSTs discord channel.
No idea about verification, i didnt have to do it.

I'm moving to a place where roids are legal, but won't have a permanent address for a while, should i get stuff sent to a PO box or to my boyfriend's house? He's anti steroids so i think it would be best if he didn't know.

I guess I'll just keep running the routine, but add a lot more accessory exercises with volume.

wow twisted relationship. soyboy non-roiding bf vs chad stacy roidhead

Yes 20mg day one.

I want to be able to pick him up :^)

getting milky tits?
hows the bloat?
what about gains? getting more gains compared to test only?
Does deca actually improve skin?

waiting for my pharmacy grade aromatase inhibitor to come.
12.5mg exemestane EOD, gonna make sick gains.