I am 22 years old

I am 22 years old.
Can gains save me?

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No, Give up

yes, they are your only hope

They can, and good lord you should get big.

gain weight
lift for a year then hope on the steroid train.

Pretty sure gains can’t defeat cancer but gl

Lmao, not even batman can save you

yes but permanently wear a beanie

You look like Jason Statham, you're gonna make it.

Absolutely this. It's tempting to start roiding before you start working out but don't. Give it some time first.

can you....
move things? with your mind

Insane cranial volume. Are you really smart?


Get super Veeky Forums then cosplay Saitama.

This. At least you wont have to worry about going bald from roids amirite


You look like feels guy, except you don’t feel anymore.

Feelsless guy, that’s you

train hard and become a supervillain.

you can unironically train to try and grow your body swole enough to make your head look smaller. 22 is plenty young to start.


you could literally be one punch man mode

You were born for this OP. Embrace it!

Do the best you can user before your legs give out. Also get tested for Alzheimer. If Logan is to believed you might have some problems with that too.

Dont they give HGH and dianabol for cancer patients? tell the doctor to stop being such a fucking jew.

Also get a wig.


Bruh your head looks like an egg.

Hit the weights hard.

grow a beard, it's your only hope
and know hat you never have to fear hairloss form steroids or large amounts of creatine

Maybe wear wide glasses to make your head look less long

Do you work out at the library?

w-when will they learn?

I have a library inside my head

Looks like you've been doing 100 push ups, 100 sit ups and 100 squats followed by 10km run everyday

kek, you look like lex luthor in middle school

start researching steroids, with that massive head and tiny frame getting unnaturally huge is the only thing that will save you

Go away horatio
You won't put Veeky Forums into the sauce

that's pretty funny

You could star in the next sequel

>bald + beard combo in 2018
how to spot an insecure tasteless soyboy



if you put on some mass the best you can hope to achieve is Vincent Kompany mode

Are you from Nibiru?

fuckton of steroids will save you