Webm thread

Webm thread
Post inspirational or aesthetics lifts
Powerlifting and weightlifting




S t o p

I kekd.




>The Chad Stride


Why do people lock their joints? I thought it was common sense not to...

Why don't people see that there's no weight on machine, kid's face not in pain, and realize he's just naturally hypermobile making a joke

There should be a rule against posting gore

This is my ultimate fear and I will never ever fucking use a leg press ever.

The fuck? That has to be brittle bone disease.


You KNOW she let him smash after that

What is the real benefit of doing 1 rep max? Seems a waste of time and a big risk for injuries



guy in the OP webm wasn't going for a 1rm, he was going for a triple iirc

that plan went out the window when the barbell deformed around his shoulders making the first rep RPE 11 though

this is 160 not 180kg

>those mires

based on what evidence? Also did you count the bar?


lol its like time stops when he was bout to finish the lift everyone just looking

he didnt count the bar thats the joke

does this faggot compete? and if so in what level he is?

>not doing floppy barbell strides

exactly what was I thinking

I've never actually finished watching it desu. Is it as bad as everyone says?

it is

he used to but he constantly had trouble with injuries, so he just decided to hop on gear and do it for fun.

you can do leg press, just don't go full retard and max it out like that idiot did
its actually worse than anyway you can describe it

It bothers me that he has the safety bars so low.

Shes so huge she probably smashes him after the workout.

theres clearly 3.5 pl8s there

Conditions your CNS to heavier weights.


LORD JESUS, my joints are fucked up just by watching it

no he's just double jointed.
there's a guy at my gym who also does this to freak out his friends some times

25kg bumpers



>ywn be payed thousands of dollars to do a single push-up
>you will also never be Boogie
Fair trade in my eyes

this fat manlet fuck for the fucking win

>dives to catch tummy sweat in my mouth

welp, that made my dick jump



>Paused wheyfu squats

So this... is the power of SS...

damn powerlifting is for ugly people? i had no idea

Lewd fucking image hahaha

Phew, almost missed pause.

today i fell on my ass while trying to learn the snatch
i also fell a second time, after trying it again.
thank god i go to a small gym and only 2 other people saw my autism

Should have done front squats

>not doing cable thot slays
not gonna make it

It's not locking out that does it. It's locking out then transferring the tension from your muscle to the joint.

what the fuck are you talking about? Theres a shit load of weight that moves.

>not doing these
>surviving an anaconda attack
pick one

he has world class lifts and just does it for fun

how heavy is that?

>The Virgin Lift vs the Chad Bounce


2 heavy 4 u

impressive regardless of how stupid it might be

You motherfuckers need to stop worrying about pussy so much. Focus on self development and eventually you will get a girl.

Cmon man. Shit...


Dat shadow-dick tho LMAO

Care to explain? I've never done a leg press (bad hips), I always see my fellow mexicans doing it with a lot of weight AND locking their brown mexican knees.



monka fuckin S bois


how much do i need to lift for a short hair thick gf



How to watch webms on iphone?

Go to Samsung.com
Buy a real phone

download vlc

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>samsung phones

App called merlin

fucking iplebs when will they learn

>thot squat



Is that blue chick pregnant?

Yep, now imagine your wife dropping a barbell on your unborn child. Basically crossfit.

thicc Ilya

vlc player

How the fuck do you get the plates off now?
Pull from the right side and it might lose the grip against the cage and it all falls, pull the clip on the left side and they all slide right off.

Just kidding, figured it out as I finished typing. Just set the safeties right below the bar on each side duh.

yeah but thats a work out that you can only do if your a manlet. good for him, finding a niche 'advantage'.

okay this warrants putting a bounty on this guy




Not anymore, stillborn.

who did he have in mind?
