Who here has experience with HGH?
What are some good resources on it?
Whats the best way to get it in the US?
Hiw much is it going to cost?
Who here has experience with HGH?
What are some good resources on it?
Whats the best way to get it in the US?
Hiw much is it going to cost?
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im not sure, i cna't help you out on this one OP
You can watch Piana on youtube.
He talks about how he would get it and who from.
Also that shit is expensive as fuck. it's thousands of fucking dollars for a small vile of it. Oh and back in the day they could only get it from fresh cadavers.
you can get something akin to the positive effects of hgh from mk677. But I've not tested it out or know if that's true or not.
I can guarantee you can't afford legit gh
Hgh sucks for aesthetics. Gives you a shitty gut, weird face. Basically should only use if you're a pro bber who needs more mass than steroids alone can provide
gh confirmed expensive
Quints don’t lie
this thread is now about bread and how it is fucking
seriously if you unironically consume this regularly then your legit an rtard
>Not knowing about Ezekiel 4:9 bread
Or are we supposed to just believe you like it’s the word of god or something?
a 30day supply of hypertropin is like ~$350 my dude
does it make your dick bigger? asking for a friend
If you have to ask these questions on Veeky Forums you're not ready to commit to HGH
Jose canseco claimed it made his dick thicker not longer
>having done so little research you havent even found the /fraud/ threads
>asking for source talk
Id hold onto my natty card a bit longer, if I were you
Not true whatsoever.
MK677 is nowhere near as good as real GH.
Every single fitness athlete you admire is on HGH.
this shit is why george clooney is 70 years old but looks 40
rich people get this shit all the time
its not fair
its literally the fountain of youth
it even does shit like repair bad vision. you can literally have shitty vision that needs glasses, take a bunch of HGH and your eyesight can go all the way back to 20/20.
but they keep it out of the hands of the normal public because rich people are evil
Yeah, imma need some source on that
I can't find any actual studies, but its one of the most common things you read in forums of people taking HGH
There was an Outside Magazine article about a competitive amateur cyclist that did a course of PEDs to see how much improvement they actually make on normal people and this was one of the things he wrote about how it improved his vision and that was one of the things the doc explained to him. He also said that HGH was the only PED that he would love to continue using due to its miraculous effects and low chance of bad side effects with it. He got all his shit through a San Fernando Valley aging clinic. These are places where rich people go to to get this shit and why the majority of old actors look so young. He got really, really fucking fast on the PEDs (epo, test, hgh.
That's what it does. Make everything bigger.
Also there are a handful of steroids that will add a permanent quarter inch in girth.
Length has to come from pulling and constant blood flow.