Gut microbiome

What are the best food for gut microbiome?

Other urls found in this thread:

apple cider vinegar
avoid anything processed, especially fast food
avoid dairy

try some kefir and sauerkraut

leafy vegetables

>avoid dairy

nigga what

raw milk from grassfed herbivores+sauerkraut+rotten shark/fish

Yogurt yes, modern processed milk, no.

Cottage cheese is bad? WTF?

>modern processed yogurt yes
>modern processed milk no
...? Do you think before you reply?


I dare Veeky Forums to google this gut microbiome bullshit and find a page that isn't selling their own brand of products. I'm not some /pol/ conspiritard that thinks the jews are shilling this, but the only time I see this subject brought up in media is by snake oil salesmen.

>are these things that literally everybody around the entire globe have been eating for millenia killing you?

>apple meme vinegar

Go away normie

90% of the cells in your body are not your own.

>not damaging your intestines and self-repairing it slowly so your children have stronger intestines

You think Greek yogurt/kefir/skyr are comparable to the gallons of hormones that supermarkets sell?

I'm not into colonic irrigation, bub.

eat more fiber they said
your shits will be better they said
>spent half a day on the toilet today
>enough gas to stock an auschwitz camp for a year
thanks anons


>It turns out that cottage cheeses and soft fermented cheeses like Gouda, some cheddars, and parmesan are all often packed with probiotics, similar to Greek yogurt. These cheeses can balance out your gut flora — which more and more research has shown is essential to maintaining good digestive health, weight, our immune system and possibly even mental health. Another recent study found that all the anti-fat sentiment out there is likely not based in any real evidence, and that moderate amounts of saturated fats found in cheese, butter, and other dairy products actually aren’t all that bad for you.
Cottage Cheese is good.

>not making your own tea of ginger, turmeric, black and cayenne pepper, ACV and lemon juice
Its like you guys dont even care about your health

I mean a literal probiotic supplement, like gastrus
>he doesn't drink 6tblsp of acv every day
it's like you don't even care about your gut flora

>Face has small red patches
>Learn about gut microbiome and how your skin can be fucked up of your gut microbia is fucked up
>cut out dairy and refined sugars
>add kefir and kombucha to diet
>face is red as fuck, way worse then before

Not falling for this snake oil jewery

About 3-4 hours after any meal I get bloated as shit, my belly makes very loud gurgling noises for anywhere between 30 minutes and 3 hours. I figure gas is produced in the intestine and then it's pushed down until I fart it all out (must be hydrogen because those aren't smelly farts), but it makes all the noise on the way to the colon.

The doctor basically said it's IBS / SIBO and there's nothing to be done here. Antibiotics helped once, but then the symptoms returned after a few months and consecutive sessions of antibiotics don't do shit.

It's so fucking frustrating, I'm farting all the time and making loud noises like a fucking oil pump, this is super awkward around people. So whenever I know I'll be in a social situation, I avoid eating anything for 5 hours prior, but it's ruining my gains.

Any help out there? :(

I just drink 1 kombucha a day

do you guys have gut problems? how do you fix it?
I eat a clean diet 99% of the time, vegetables, rice, potatoes, fruits, meats, fish, sea food etc. I take precautions on handling food and all other safety measures

have no problem eating or digesting it but every single fucking year for the past 4 years I have 2-3 times where for some reason my stomach goes nuts and I randomly start feeling nauseaus and have to puke, no fever, no diahrrea(rarely do I have it) and I just puke all I ate

yesterday I had this sensation but I slept a shit load and seemed ok, im better now but still feeling like shit from my stomach
managed to lift too(was deload week)

this is driving me crazy, I didnt even eat anything out of the ordinary

shiet user, I got the same thing but stopped giving a fuck
do you smoke?

Maybe check out VSL#3

Eat lots of fermentable fibre

Nope, never smoked.

Anyone else eat this shit? It's a fermented fiber. I've been making egg and kimchi skillets for breakfast in the mornings recently.

Hey I have exactly the same thing. I tried fasting to lose some weight but the most pronounced effect I noticed was that the gurgling and gas went away. Also, I went from shitting like 4-6 times a day to shitting just once or twice.

My fast wasn't even hardcore fasting. One snack in the morning, one big healthy meal at the end of the day. Make sure to eat healthy stuff and stuff that you know won't mess with your gut. A lot of fiber is good, but don't over do it. I personally like potatoes, salads, rice, beans and meats that are prepared simply and without too many seasonings or sauces. It's hard to hit macros like this, but its a small sacrifice when dealing with something as shitty as IBS.

Yes. They are produced by the same producers from the same cows

Fuck I love kimchi, but sadly no. It's too damn expensive where you can find it here.

Haven't heard of it, I'll check it out! Thanks

Tried that, doesn't help, though my shits are smooth as fuck afterwards

Kimchi is dank but honestly I have no idea about it nutritionally

Have you been able to pinpoint any particular foods that are most problematic? I'll admit I didn't approach the problem in an organized fashion, but I really haven't been able to notice any patterns, basically every food I eat seems to irritate the gut

strage, I mostly only get that after smoking because nicotine speeds up the rate of bowl movement
taking into account your antibiotic experience, you might have Helicobacter pylori overgrowth -

It wasn't that difficult. The research is solid. Half the product are probably a rip-off, but it should be noted that you generally shouldn't eat like a fat fuck and try to get some yogurt and cottage cheese in you

How does it taste? I am a huge fan of sauerkraut is it similar?

>be 15
>awful stomach cramps
>diarrhea and bloody shits
>get diagnosed with IBS
>cut out all junk food for 3 months
>am 24 now and only piss out of my ass when I really binge

Only source of meat for about two months was grilled, skinless chicken breast. After that I incorporated lean beef once a week for a couple weeks, and then sometimes twice a week. Very rarely ate any fruit throughout the whole 3 months. Maybe a banana, apple, or orange once or twice a week every couple of weeks. Ate a green vegetable with every meal, usually broccoli or spinach, but also had an occasional sweet potato. No milk the entire 3 months. Started to incorporate junk food back into my diet during the last month by having one McDouble or something similar a week while maintaining everything else. No soda or fruit juice, not even flavored water.

The food was bland because I didn't know anything about seasoning, but it wasn't too bad. I'm able to enjoy pizza or wings occasionally, can fast food a couple times a week, and don't have any problems.

I'm not a doctor, but I don't see the harm in recommending someone eat clean AF for a few months, it worked for me.

Thing on the photo looks weird for kimchi. It's usually red, because it's asian cabbage (whatever it's called) fermented in gochugaru red pepper paste. I love it, it's spicy and awesome. Kinda similar to sauerkraut, but a lot more flavors mixed in there I'd say

I have a similar case, however the bloating starts usually right after a meal.
For quite a long time it impacted my quality of life, diet and gave me the worse shits ever.
I tried several methods, cutting out gluten (lel) did have some very limited results, switching to vegetarian food actually made it worse. Obviously beer is a colon-wrecker, not sure about the other alcohols.

However, as mentioned I'm a smoker (cigarettes) since 5 years.
And guess what, abstaining from ciggies improve my digestion system by 90% it's incredible
>Almost as if cigarettes were bad for your body m'kay

bovine galactooligosaccharides are prebiotic you dumbass. nothing wrong with supermarket milk.

Well too bad I don't smoke then.

Even thought it's frustrating as shit to deal with IBS for 5 years now, but I also find it kind of funny that it's quite a common disease, but doctors are basically clueless, it's trial and error

Yeah, it does suck a whole lot.
Now, here are my thoughts

I think this condition is getting more and more prevalent in developed countries (US, Japan, Europe are the biggest areas for this syndrome), which might mean that an old-school lifestyle would be less likely to provoke such syndrome.

Another thing I've noticed is stress levels. While I smoked a lot (and had terrible digestion, one of the rare things that soothed was exercice. As we all know, working out is basically an anti-stress by definition.
Also, when cutting the cig I actually feel less anxious and stressed.
It's also common knowledge that stress can truly fuck up your digestive system.

Therefore I truly feel that many IBS cases actually stem from bad stress levels inherent to the Western lifestyle, worsened by some habits (cigarettes, beer, junkfood, extreme pressure on the individual coupled with a desagregation of norms that used to be lifelines, etc...).

Try to find a way to decrease your stress / anxiety levels, that could be a lead.

Could the articial stress caused by drinking coffee be enough to fuck someone up? I wonder

Thanks for the advice and good luck with your guts

Oh definitely in my case I didn't even mention it.

I used to drink a lot of coffee from 16 years old. Then it started to give me the shits more than I liked it. And because I was hooked on caffeine, coffee didn't even wake me up but made me feel jittery.
Even today I don't drink coffee or very rarely, tea is much better and doesn't induce stress, not for me at least.
Caffeine is proved to be a factor in exagerated stress.

Not if you buy organic fucker
>Inb4 vegan conspiracy mental gymnastics about organic coming from non-organically grown animals cus ((they))

Yes, improving your gut biome is for literal nazis. Lets get back to eating cheetos

I guess you must not be very interested in medicine.

Really happy to see a gut microbiome thread.

Bloating after eating = yeast rises. Candida overgrowth problem, guaranteed.

The cure:
Candida Enzymes
Prebiotics (resistant starch)

To mitigate die-off symptoms:
Activated charcoal

Candida can feed off ketones, in fact it can even help the yeast spread. Meme diets alone aren't enough to fix your gut. A healthy gut should be strong enough to handle all kinds of junk.

Absolute meme. I have crohns and have tried every single food combination and probiotic under the sun, each for months at a time. No difference whatsoever.

No, it could be instestinal irritation, constipation, obstructing. Likely anything else before yeast overgrowth.

Some scientists believe that the bacteria in your gut can send your brain chemical messages to consume food that will help those specific bacteria thrive.

greek yoghurt, kefir
no processed shit
fruits and vegetables
drink plenty of water when eating dry foods

So basically fermented products and a healthy variety of food.

Kefir is pretty easy to make yourself.

Look for cottage cheese without potassium sorbate or other strong preservatives. Great Value cottage cheese is bad because of that. Like most dairy products, don't cheap out

Whew lads, it's like this thread was meant to be.

I went through a very stressful period and possibly developed an autoimmune disease which could be related to my gut health. It has caused me to develop fucked up acne.

Went to the dermatologist today and she spent half an hour cutting my neck up and draining the abscesses.

I'm on roaccutane, but have now been prescribed prednisone for the autoimmune shit. Along with another antibiotic (which I don't think I'm going to take).
I feel totally lost.
I tried to get my girlfriend to leave me, but she refuses and cries when I bring it up.

I don't know what the fuck to do anymore, I'm fasting right now and don't think I'm going to eat for a while. I'm still taking my probiotic, though.

Here's my physique before all this shit started. I have probably lost a fuck load of weight, but don't go to gym anymore so I don't know what I weigh now.

> cry and tell gf to break up because of acne

how bad is it? And why don't you just do what the doctor tells you to do?

It's not because of the acne particularly, it's because I'm losing my shit.
I have been to like 6 doctors, none of it has done anything.


Go to your doctor and ask for a FMT.

I have crohns with total small intestine involvement. Two resections, will absolutely have short bowel syndrome by 30. Have to either be on huge steroids to keep it down or i begin to starve due to no absorption. Still get stricturing which requires me to intermittently come off steroids for surgery, so i lose all my muscle. Ive still never asked my gf to break up with me. I just hope that in 10/20 years they'll be able to regrow intestines.

Oh man that sucks

How does one know if they have this?

Yep, there's a time limit. People on venous feeding, which is necessary with short bowel, tend to die after about 5 years due to it killing the liver. So i need either CRISPR to take off before i have much more removed or i need stem cell therapy to exist within about 15 years. Fortunately the left is blocking both as much as they can because they are elitist or something.

I'm sorry for you man, but there's really no solace in blaming whatever arbitrary group you've read on the interwebs. Everyone is just trying their best. Try some mushrooms or LSD in nature and find peace, man. I hope you get better.

I spent a year just feeling ever more rundown and exhausted. To the point where i would have to stop every 20 metres when walking. I gradually lost weight from 90kg lean to 68kg. I had to stop doing all exercise, work etc. I put it down to a dust mite allergy i have which was really bothering me. Then i began to get joint pain, weird urine, vision blurring and floaters, nervous tremors and tingling, numbness of fingers. If i recall i was also constipated and about a year after symptoms had probably begun i began to bleed when i went to the toilet and get some abdominal pains.

The docs do a blood test for inflammation, a stool test for the same and eventually they shove a big tube up your ass to look.

Interesting especially since someone else mentioned RS, but seriously this website seems like utter bullshit.
Gestaltreality, bitch please.

Any reliable testimony?

don't personally eat it but it is extremely good for you, especially gut biota

Lentil soup

>he will never attain enlightenment about being a slave to fattening low fat processed foods and easily controlled like a voter sheep.

This is basically correct.
Especially if you invest some time in fermenting your own foods, you will become gut champion

Not one of these dumb niggers in this thread pointed out that if you've ever been on antibiotics you literally genocided the gut flora that made your ancestors able to slay mammoths and dominate the globe.

$3 a day. fuck that.
shit taste good but can't afford or find it.
this happened to me but fiber and phillups probiotics changed my life. I'm finally dropping turds I can show my friends.


Gut microbiota isn't passed down you mong. It comes back.

It's essentially one of the healthiest food imaginable. The cabbage is one of the most nutrient dense vegetables and it's packed with probiotics in kimchi.

>muh bacteria
Fuck off, bacteria is just a myth made by (((them))) to try and scare us into subordination


>Isn't passed down
Kinda is, you apparently get a taste of your mums shit solong as you were born vaginally

>Bought probiotics
>Always been suspicious that some are "shelf stable" and some are not based on...what? >What technology?
>Googled it
>Turns out they all die like immediately and if they don't they die before they get to your gut


Ok, (((lefty pol)))

I had that same shit for 10years, which fucked up my professional carrer. I had even blue and green coloured puss. Also shitting blood everyday and fainting frequently. !!!!! get yourself bpc-157 and tb-500, take bpc 157 oral +dermal injection, tb-500 dermal injection. !!!!DO IT, I seriously stopped beeing sick after only 6 months but none of that shit is legal.

I eat it a lot but it isn't something that you should eat large quantities of all at once. It's extremely high in sodium.

Imagine sauerkraut but spicy and less sour. It has a weird herb taste i cant explain that usually turns off my non-asian friends.

Yo different poster but check out the FODMAP "diet". My wife has IBS symptoms and this helped her so much. I put diet in quotes because it's really a program to find out what foods cause irritation.

I am fermenting my own Kombucha to escape the cost jew. Seems pretty solid.

>shit taste good but can't afford or find it.
It's super easy to make. Basically 10 minutes of work, 3 days of waiting and you have a huge jar of awesomeness

Is coffee OK for digestive system?

>tap water
I'm not paying money for fucking bottled tap water you cunts
tap is fine

Wait, why is tap water supposed to be bad?

raw tubers

Becaues "jews are everywhere, even in tap water".
inb4 jew detected

chloroform I think

Fermented foods
Cultured yogurt
Bone Broth - for gut lining

Have Bone broth to help fix gut lining.

if you're cooking with it, you kill the bacteria

>Cultured yogurt
Do I buy this in the same store as homemade coconut and activated almonds?