>tfw dating a girl taller than me
What would Veeky Forums think if they saw us?
Tfw dating a girl taller than me
>taller girl really lusting after me
That's kinda alpha desu
Most other girls would think you got a big dick or money, it's really never a negative.
Nobody cares until there is a big difference in height. At least you may have a gf.
They'd see a woman with her little brother
Respect you and be jealous.
I'm for it. Your children will thank you.
I'm 6'1 and gf is 6'2. Pretty much everyone is jelly and I get way to much internal joy from seeing her towering above manlets. Makes me feel alpha af.
I just went out with a girl last week
>shes 5'10
>Im 6'4
She was telling me how much she hated being with her ex, who was one inch taller than her
>told me when she was drunk she would make him stand on a street curb to kiss
Yesss my ex was 5'9 and I would have her wear heels around my manlet friends and we would laugh at them lol
How does this relate to this thread at all?
I'm glad you care about your kids not being manlets. Good on you
>dating deformed big asses women just to brag on /fit about it
enjoy your downie kids ass you breed with her
Just knowing what girls are thinking in relationships with manlets has shaped my thinking about them
I'm in the same boat. I once made a joke about us looking weird together because I'm shorter and she replied with "you're tall where it counts" and grabbed my benis. Feltgoodman.jpeg
Are you implying that tall genes correlate with down syndrome?
i can't tell if this is bait or not because of how often this line of thinking is posted. your only joy in life is seeing that you're taller than other men to the point of dating a woman to amp this feeling even further?
If you own it it's fine, Matt ogus always dates girls taller than him and he gets butthurt when people mention it
That you are my future wife's son
t. cuck
not at all in men but in women, tall women arent healthy in the long run, do with this info whatever you wish
Spotted the manlet
It's mostly
That's the best part yo. She has 0 of those deformities and ugly shit. Perfect hip to ass radio and qt face.
I literally didn't care about her height, met her at work when she was married. The only reason it joys me is because of the manlet meme from Veeky Forums.
It's just joyous to have a hot af amazon gf and see how fucking intimidated manlets are around her and sperg while I dominate her every night. How can it not make me feel alpha?
> I dominate her every night
your relationship is likely unhealthy if your main pleasure originates from what other men think.
What is she compensating for? Who hurt her?
How do big women like this get fucked? I don't think my dick would even reach her vagina
Interesting. Thanks for the tip
i dont think mandingo could reach back there.
It would be yeah. But it isn't my main pleasure. It's just a random bonus. And like I said the only reason I feel this way is because of the manlet meme, normally I date girls shorter than me. It just clicked.