20 y/o virgin

>20 y/o virgin
>balls shrink, lose libido, limp dick
>go to doctor, get testosterone test
>check results: """""""""""normal"""""""""""
>11 nmol/L - 317 ng/dL
>I have a testosterone level lower than the average for 80-100 year olds
>my life hasn't even started and i'm for all intents and purposes a low-T geriatric
What the fuck do? Is there any hope for me whatsoever?

Other urls found in this thread:


Google TRT

>choosing to being born in 1998
>wonder why you're a soyboy

I have no sympathy for you.

Well get some supplements that boost testo then. wtfs your problem

have you ever exercised in your life? do you go out of your way to never eat protein or saturated fat? what the fuck???? how can someone’s genes be so bad?????

05 fuck em dude. if i were you i would start roiding HARD. your genes werent meant to be passed on, might as well become a freak and leave a giant coffin for soyboys to carry

Maybe you should go out in the sun and exercise more

start roiding on 500 and get reg tests done, why is this even a question

what are your lift stats ?

i wouldnt worry about testosterone unless i couldnt curl a 15 kg dumbell

>have you ever exercised in your life?
I regularly exercise and have never been fat. My last job I was repetitively lifting boxes of up to 30kg all day.

I do.

If american, go to doctors till one prescripes you TRT

If not, UGL , if not that. keep going through the bullshit tests in western europe untill they finaly give you TRT after ages.

Environmental factors that no one seems to want to research are what caused it.

Maybe since you arent gonna be having sex or anything you could dedicate your life to helping others.

>My last job I was repetitively lifting boxes of up to 30kg all day.
That's not exercise moron.


Yes it is faggot.

>lifting heavy things up and putting them down isn't exercise

No, it's not. Exercise is in a tightly controlled environment like a gym where the movements are ordered and deliberate. Moving around all chaotically like in a warehouse isn't exercise. It's catabolic. It literally won't build muscle. Period.

If 30kg is heavy to you in any lift you are a disgusting soyboy beta numale and should off yourself.
Or go to the gym and eat correctly till you become a normal human.

That's not how T works. you're an idiot and you're falling for memes.

Fix your diet, stop using porn, stop fapping if you have to, get enough sleep, lift, get up at a regular time every day, talk to girls, find a purpose in life more fulfilling than moving boxes.

>repetitive movements
>somehow different than repetitive movements in a gym
are you retarded? that's a rhetorical question, yes, you are retarded

heavy is relative. do you lateral raise 30kg?
>buzzwords and kys
i'm actually disgusted by the amount of immature dyels pushing right wing agendas in Veeky Forums the past month and i can't seem to filter enough of you

>hurr, lifting 30kg for 8 hours isn't exercise
Kill yourself you fucking autist.
The only reason it's up to 30kg is so workers don't fuck their backs.

>Moving around all chaotically like in a warehouse isn't exercise
It's 8 hours at a conveyor belt a few metres long ffs.

LOL I bet you think you can get aesthetics without changing you split every month like Men' Health. recommends.

literally what the fuck are you on about and how is it relevant to my post or any posts in the reply chain?

How does work then faggot?
>Fix your diet
My diet is fine, I'm not some fat burger.
>stop using porn
This happened a year after I stopped


how much do you lift for the big 4?

genuinely curious to see what role test plays in how heavy you can go

Yup, that's why african tribesman who don't have gyms have zero muscle. Moving around all chaotically in the jungle isn't exercise.

Not OP. 5'8 165lb 297ng/dl
280 / 300 / 205 / 130

If you're a skinny af dyel with low body fat like I was it can disrupt the natural production of testosterone. But that's like 10% or lower for most guys.

your average loader (UPS etc.) will move roughly 7 tons/hour (~1500 packages @10lb average) for 8 fucking hours. yeah,sure, that's not exercise at all, but lifting 150kg for 2 seconds *totally* is.
i made it to intermediate level in my early twenties, then stopped lifting completely and worked as a loader for a while besides uni - ended up with a more defined and stronger back after two years of work than after roughly 8 months of a retarded brosplit.
i know that's not much, but even "catabolic exercise" clearly builds (some) muscle - enough to become "normie big" if you eat well.

>what is muscle hypertrophy

280 squat

300 deadlift

205 bench

130 curl ?

I've never been to a gym, I just do pushups/pullups at home and occasionally 200 reps with 6kg weights I have lying around.
>inb4 hurr DYEL
Lifting won't do shit to my T levels and the low T will make it impossible for me to get gains anyway.

deadlift/squat/bench/ohp, or were you trying to bully me

theyre all dying of aids and starvation

for your T. levels, that's not bad. you're almost at 1/2/3/4

... well, not deadlift actually

No, the hunter-gatherers are doing fine.

>I just do pushups/pullups at home and occasionally 200 reps with 6kg weights I have lying around.

>Lifting won't do shit

why are you even on this forum?

yeah my deadlifts are abysmal. haven't made any progress on them in months and squats overtook them from being a manlet

nah you'll still make strength gains at your test levels. no excuse not to lift, unless you want to end up like that guy who had to buy a tool to open his soylent bottles

>yeah my deadlifts are abysmal. haven't made any progress on them in months


>unless you want to end up like that guy who had to buy a tool to open his soylent bottles
I don't see how not going to a gym is going to suddenly make me unable to open a bottle.

I mean I would lift, but I'm too autistic to do it in a public place like a gym.

just buy a barbell and some dumbbells, anybody can /homegym/

Shut up you fucking retard, you've never stepped foot in a fucking gym so everyone you see with low bodyfat is "FUCKING YUUUUGE DUDE OMG" plus that and your low test hunger for fucking nigger cock combines in your perpetual psychosis to create some myth of magical africann warlords who do cardio all day eat nothing and look like greek statues. Stfu till you've been here for a month.

Not OP but 334 ng/dl
Lifting for a bit more than 4 months
Don't keep track of what I eat

47.5 / 67.5 / 90 / 105

>everyone you see with low bodyfat is "FUCKING YUUUUGE DUDE OMG"
I have low bodyfat.
>your low test hunger for fucking nigger cock
Dude, my first thought was ancient europeans, but since there are no european tribesman anymore I said african instead. Your angry mind-reader posts suggest I've triggered you cognitive dissonance in you.
>Stfu till you've been brainwashed into agreeing with me

they literally lift heavy things outside in africa

or have makeshift barbells made out of rocks and shit

not bullying

how long you'veen lifting ?

pounds or kilograms?

Guys, the serum testosterone results are not the end all and be all of testosterone. Don't get obsessed with comparing your number that you don't understand with the numbers you saw on the internet that you also don't understand.

This is your endocrinologists' job, if he thinks your test levels are fine, they're probably fine.

>they literally lift heavy things outside in africa
What the fuck do you think people in a warehouse do?

I didn't say brainwashed, I said fucking retard, annd by low bodyfat you probably meant 30% you retard, go to a gym.

Good goy

14 months ish

think really heavy, like lifting rocks or weights heavy

not "i'm moving 10lbs repeatedly in a warehouse" heavy

I'm still milking on GSLP so friday that bench is going to 70kg

17% and go fuck yourself

And what about "moving 60 lbs repeatedly in a warehouse" heavy?

as someone who moved a similar amound of weight 48 hours a week, every week

let me be the first to say, that if you've never weightlifted before, you have no idea what you're talking about.

60lb doesn't hold a candle to deadlifting 400lb for example.

what you're doing is more like cardio, basically swinging a 60lb kettlebell around

moving 60lbs repeatedly is not going to promote muscle hypertrophy, and I'm guessing you know this is true when you look in the mirror with your shirt off

i'm not the guy arguing it's not exercise, but I will again say you're basically only doing a form of cardio and not "lifting" or building any real muscle

Alright. What sort of weight do you start out with on deadlifts?

>Implying not being fat is the only indication that your diet is on point or not.

You are fucking something up. That or you're just meant to start transitioning into a trap.

Nigga I have more than double your test on my worst days and I feel like shit, what keeps you going?

I don't get it

Try 5 sets of 5 with 35 pounds on the bar until you get the form correct

The hope of getting on TRT

I probably would've killed myself already if I had a gun tho

Probably got atherosclerosis

I am glad you moved from /adv to /fit. Shame you are getting here same advice, but you seems to do nothing and just keep posting it all over and over again. Btw this is one symptom of autism: doing one thing all over and over again without a single reason to.

Did you even read the op? If you think that male at age 20 who cant even get erection is normal male human body development, then you are retarded.

At age 20 you are supposted to not be able to think clearly without rubbing one out at least once per day.

>but you seems to do nothing
Nah, I've been taking zinc, vitamin D3, and brazil nuts to try and increase it a bit while I wait to see a endo, which has definitely improved my mood. My balls seem to be back to normal or nearly normal but I'm still feeling much of the same symptoms. ED is still bad, but not as bad.
>but you seems to do nothing and just keep posting it all over and over again. Btw this is one symptom of autism: doing one thing all over and over again without a single reason to.
This is the second time I've ever posted this thread. I'm definitely not autistic, but I wish I was because then I might've been good at STEM or something.

>libido is higher than it's ever been
>huge Chad balls

Get a second opinion dumbass. Most primary care doctors won't give a shit you might have to see an andrologist or endocrinologist. Also, why specifically did they tell you they wouldn't prescribe you t? They genuinely don't believe your testosterone is low enough or did you pull some dumb shit like getting your bloodwork real late in the day when your testosterone naturally drops


environmental epidemiologist here, we're researching the shit out of them. we have tons of data/studies, just no means to enforce/reduce industry's usage.

>limp dick at 20
being a virgin doesn't have anything to do with how low your test is, can't offer anything that hasn't already been offered, but best of wishes, that shit sucks

brief follow-up for anyone interested. check this out for a quick overview / state of the knowledge:


Well doc I can solve it for you. Lack of fitness and shit diet. That combined with easy lifestyle and it's not hard to see.

War will toughen men up real quick. Digging trenches, eating only what you need and when you can, running carrying your gear, and watching your best buds die in front of your eyes will boost your test real quick.

>Gymcels unironically believe this