What routine are you running at the moment and why, Veeky Forums?
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Im running my own program. Ive tried everything over the years and found a way to get results.
It unfortunately involves a lot of work and effort.
my bench press is still shit tho
What is it?
PPL once or twice a week?
I recently decided to do a 5 day routine. Reds i absolutely do, blues are if i feel up to it and have time. I'm still adding stuff changing things around. most of this stuff i pulled from a 5 day routine i found online and changed a couple things.
i'm trying to spend as little time at home as possible desu. when its warm out i'm going to just go jogging by the river after the gym every night and chill out. probably get home around 9pm to eat dinner. if anyone has suggestions or wants to call me a retarded faggot, please feel free.
After a year on ICF5X5, I wrote my own full body A/B/A/B/A/B routine. Thoughts?
Squat 4x6
Bench Press 4x6
Row 4x6
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3x10-12
RDL 3x10-12
Skullcrushers 3x10-12
OHP 4x6
Deadlift 3x5
Incline Bench 3x8-10
Lat Pulldowns 3x8-10
Leg Press 3x12-15
Curls 3x10-12
how fat are you
i'm 6'1'' 173lbs kek
Only problem I have with this is the frequency. Especially if you're /fat/, you shouldn't be hitting your body parts only once a week
>what is it
Depends on goals.
not fat senpai just trying to get Veeky Forums. i agree so i have been adding extra shit in. I still want to bench and diddly 3x week like i was before, but i'm working it out. i just started this routine 2 weeks ago. i think in a month i'll have it down to something i'm comfortable with.
>4x6 everywhere
You're program looks fine if you are happy hitting things once a week. But do you ever vary sets x reps?
Sean10mm's Starting Strength
I'm mainly doing it, because I wanted to do one of the SS workouts in the sticky and this one looked the most like one I'd stick to and enjoy. Also I need to git gud and dips and pullups so that's a good reason for me to do this one. So far it's going well based on how I've read I'm supposed to progress. Really looking forward to hitting the 1 plate OHP and 2 plate bench. I think I'll want to switch to a bodybuilding program later on unless I just fall in love too much with picking up heavier and heavier things, but I gotta get a good base of strength first apparently.
On a side note if I complete my first and last sets fine, but failed my second after 2-3 reps should I redo the bad set? I'm going to try to force myself to take longer breaks since that seems to be one of my main issues, but I get bored just waiting to lift so I started walking laps on the track while I wait.
yes its copy pasta mostly. I don't limit myself to 4x6 i go until absolute exhaustion every exercise. then i up the weight by either 5lbs or 10lbs and keep it at that weight until i can hit a complete set and reps of either 4x6 or 5x5. then i'll start pushing AMRAP toward the end of my sets.
is this a good strategy? it makes sense to me but i'm a lifting brainlet.
>feel up to it and have time
>want to spend as little time at home as possible
make the blues mandatory!!!!!!!!
yeah i was just thinking that... i've made a few changes. i think this will work. i'll have to mix some stuff into Tues and Thurs
I do PPL twice a week with one rest day. Is it possible for me to substitute a leg day from one and a pull day from the other to do Oly lifts?
I've been doing that linear progression PPL for beginners I saw on Leddit for 2 months now, I enjoy hitting the gym 6 days per week and have gotten good results considering I'm also eating on a deficit. My main lifts went:
SQ 50-75
DL 60-105
BP 50-65
OHP 37-48
Would recommend, is similar to pic related.
I do PPLPPLx but sometimes I throw in random sets of squats here and there on non leg days before ending with 10-30 minutes of cardio.
I do SL with only a day of squats cuz I'm a faggot.
I have 3 weeks to get fitter than ever. I'm used to PPL twice a week so I work out once a day and rest. I want to up it to 2x a day but I'm not sure how to structure that. What should I do?
Mah nigga, kethnaab is goat. I've just started
phraks gslp, saw it on reddit and well, i needed to choose something, and lately i care more about strength than aestethic
working through a split rn
monday: strength chest
tuesday rest (cause im busy literally all day)
wednesday: strength squats and deadlift or full back including 1rm deadlift
thursday: strength upper back
friday: hypertrophy chest
saturday: hypertrophy back
sunday: hypertrophy legs.
cardio every day
PPL, been running it for 2 years.
Only care about aesthetics, work from home and have home gym so ~10 hours a week to lifting is no problem. Damaged back so don't deadlift or squat.
greyskull because I'm still making gains
what's in 3 weeks user
If you can lift two times a day your day should look like this
Wake up early, eat, go to the gym and lift heavy / low reps, go home, eat, read/study/play games/go for a walk,whatever,eat, go to gym in the evening and lift light / high reps, go home, eat, sleep
5/3/1 bbb
Oh damn lol I didn't realize it was called that. Fuckin Mark Nipplenose doesn't entirely hate it apparently which is a good sign I guess. Definitely will accept being called one of "the little assholes".
do people actually lift twice a day? what the fuck?
I’m running a 6 day PPL, because I was fat, and this seemed like the best way to kick my ass in gear. It definitely helped over the past few months. but I keep skipping leg day, or adding a couple of leg exercises to a P day and fucking up the system. So on a day that should be Legs, I’ll instead do a push or pull again.
Tomorrow is a scheduled leg day, and I’m planning on doing it. But knowing me, I’m going to wuss out.
Is a dedicated Leg day necessary?
3x5 Bench
3x5 OHP
3x10 Incline Dumbell Bench
3x10 Triceps pushdowns
3x5 Squat
3x12 leg curls
3x10 hammer curls
3x10 dumbbell curls
3x10 seated cable rows
Anything I should add/change?
12 week strength program by barbell medicine. got a meet coming up, wouldnt recommend it unless you compete
dont limit yourself with biceps and triceps. keep it the same just add some tricep pullovers on work b and some cable curls on workout A
Just do 5x5 and stop trying to reinvent the wheel, faggot
This is terrible
bench press
Incline bench press
shoulder press
t bar
Low intensity bike
bench press
Incline bench press
shoulder press
t bar
While cutting @ 1800 cals.
I wanted to incorporate a strenght routine with my kickboxing. Both ideally 2x a week.
any suggestions/remarks?
Full body three times a week. I just do whatever U feel like but always start with either bench or ohp.
I dont squat because I do not enjoy it, just do deadlifts and quad isolation things.
I was thinking of upper lower body 4 times a week, is this a good idea ?
GOMAD minus SS. Going to bulk as much as I can before lifting to make my pull ups and push ups worth doing.
Squat 5x5
Overhead press 5x5
Calf raises 3x10
Arnold press 5x10
Any abs 2x failure
Bench press 5x5
Deadlifts 3x5
Bent over row 5x5
Incline dumbbell press 3x10
Lat pulldown 3x10
Rep ranges are approximate
5/3/1 - 5 day split
On Leg days I do Squats>Front Squats>Leg Press and then go into isolation work. Back days are Deads>Rack Pulls>Isolation. The other days are the compound of the day into isolation work. All 3-5 sets of 10-12, some supersets thrown in at the end if I've got time leftover, but thats mostly on Shoulders/Chest/Arm days. I rest on weekends because I'm normally busy, but if I missed a day earlier on in the week I'll catch it up then.
Also do 60-90 mins of Snatches on monday nights.
I work at my gym so I normally do a heavy session (60-120 mins) earlier on around lunchtime and then later on in the evening if I'm still hanging around I'll do another 45-60 depending on how tired I am or what the time is.
What are your lifts?
Not good. The past two years have involved me getting Ill or injured and having to start again after weeks off. So basically I've been stuck at late beginner stats since.
Your program is bad by the way. Just do greyskull with accessories. Ure a beginner so don't try and create your own program
What's wrong with it?
Ppl 6 days a week
greyskull with some alterations (like front squat instead of back; barbell curls for whenever i have to curl) just because all i have is a standard weight bar. low fat/carb, high protein diet. nuttin speshul.
I do a weird ppl
Ill start with a warm up caliesthetic excercise that has to do with that day of
Then ill do the big lift of the day
Warm up weight x10
Add some weight x5
Add some weight x3
Add some weight x 2
Max out at 1
Then go back down doing less reps
Then i do other various excerises on top of it mostly 3x10s for reps to wear me out.
Im seeing the most strength gains from this routine than other things ive tried. Im hoping to get to the coveted 4 plate diddy and cut. I already have a decent amount of muscle i just never did deadlifts. Im already over for everything else.
once a week full body strength maintenance
because i've realised my dissertation ain't gonna write itself
five day bro split
Routines are for literal professionals and literal autists
Intrigued, can u post full workout plz
>Snatch Work: 5x3
>Chest | Back: 4x12
>Triceps | Biceps: 4x12
>Shoulders | Traps: 4x12
>Jerk Work: 5x3
>Squats | Calf Raises: 4x12 / 3x33
>Hip Hinge | Ab Circuit: 4x12 / 3x33
>DB Wrist Complex: DSx12
>Clean Work: 5x3
>Chest | Back: 4x12
>Triceps | Biceps: 4x12
>Shoulders | Traps: 4x12
>Snatch & C/JPR: Fx1
>Squats | Calf Raises: 4x12 / 3x33
>Hip Hinge | Ab Circuit: 4x12 / 3x33
>DB Wrist Complex: DSx12
>Muscle Ups: 3x5
>Back | Chest: 4x12
>Biceps | Triceps: 4x12
>Traps | Shoulders: 4x12
>Push Press
>Bench Press
>Power Clean
3 x 7-15
As for the selection of bb work:
Reverse Grip Incline Press
Decline Press
Chest Complex (db floor press and db flies)
T-Bar Row
DB Row (only if t-bar is off the table)
EZ Tricep Complex (lying tricep extension and close grip press)
Cheat BB Curls
Zottman Curls
Lateral Raises
DB Face Pulls
Military Press
Snatch Pulls
Clean Pulls
Rack Pulls
Hip Hinge:
Hip Thrusts
Ab Wheel
Landmine 180s
Leg Raises
Decline Crunches
Russian Twists
Stomach Vacuums
Reverse Wrist Curls
DB Wrist Rollers
Just settled on a split routine that I believe gives my muscles the right amount of pause so I have full energy for each days isolated exercise
M- Chest & Biceps
T- Legs & Shrugs
W- Shoulders
R- Core & Cardio
F- Back & Triceps
I take Saturday and the Lord's Day off to rest.
I don't do backsnaps aka Deadlifts and keep my squats to low weights to not fuck up my back.
Also I dont do bench press because I need a spotter to really get a good session and I don't do overhead press because I cant figure out where I can do that in the gym and not look like a faggot
I just made this, I know its crap so pls help.
Squats 5x5
Benchpress 5x5
Cable rows 3x10
Lateral raises 3x10
Curls 3x10
Deadlifts 5x5
Pullups 5x5
Incline Bench 3x10
Press 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x10
Fix your back so you can dead lift and squat. If you don't have any functional strength you are wasting your time
brety goood gains
Thanks man, real helpful. Currently getting oly lifting. Stats are shit cause just getting back into lifting after a few month break.
Snatching 145
Clean 185
Jerk 165
Day One:
Power Cleans
Day Two:
Cardio for 20 mins
Push press
Day Three:
Bench press
Front squats
Incline press
Chest flies
Chin ups
Day Four:
Cardio for 30 mins
Light biceps/triceps work
I usually do 5x5 for all heavy type lifts, 3x8 or so for the glammer types.
Hey fit I'm hitting the gym with a beginner routine for 3 months, should I change it?
It's basically 2 group muscles divided in 3 days.
Day 1: biceps and triceps
Day 2: legs and shoulders
Day 3: chest and back
I go to the gym 4 days a week
does rep range matter when cutting?
What do you mean? And he does do box squats, which seems a fine replacement for squats
Stop being a fucking retard and skipping legs
>Leg extension
>Incline Bench
>Core work
>Calf raises
>Core work
Yoga 1-2 times a week
I'm finishing my 2nd cycle of 5/3/1BBB but I think I'm gonna go to a 4 day TM split next week because I feel like my squat and press are getting weaker on 5/3/1.
Started mid January and I'm just doing SL 5x5 with some arm and abs work. Gonna just stick with it until... not sure really. I've peaked at OHP and barbell rows at 85lbs/105lbs and had to deload but everything else is still smooth sailing. I'm enjoying the sense of progress and the satisfaction that comes from committing no matter what.
As an aside, friends have gotten me into two yoga classes and two swim days, so I'm worried about overtraining my body. Some days I'm just super parched and it never goes away but I try not to put too much effort in those workouts.
>squat 5x5
>squat 3x5
it's good, I may try this starting monday or something. I always worry with PPL that i don't get everything out of my OHP after doing chest.
he says he doesn't squat, the routine also says front squat and deadlift but he doesn't do those either obviously
I do almost the same but:
Back & deadlift
usually throw in arms/abs anywhere i feel like. also i sometimes go sundays when i'm not hungover.
pull ups
chest flies
idk i could go on. just find a better program is my suggestion
pls respond
I'm planning on doing GZCL Jacked and Tan 2.0. I need to pack on mass and look like I actually lift. Anyone else tried it or have any bodybuilding program recommendation?
Power Cleans 3x6
Bench Presss 3x8
Incline Bench 3x8
Bicep Curls 3x8
Tricep Extension 3x10
Dips 3x6
OHP 3x6
Diddly 3x4
Lat pull down 3x8
Seated row 3x8
Squats 3x8
Calf raises 3x15
Hamstring curl 3x8
Glutes 3x8
Hanging leg raises 3x10
Stuff to add or remove?
>bigger leaner stronger
cuz its the best
OHP 3-5x5
Flat bench 3-5x5
Weighted chinups 3xf
Lateral dumbbell raises 3x10
Squat 3-5x5
Weighted pull ups 3xf
Bent over row 5x5
Bicep curl 3x8
OHP 3-5x5
Incline bench 3-5x5
Weighted chinups 3xf
Lateral dumbbell raises 3x10
Deadlift 2x5 + 1x3
Weighted pull ups 3xf
Bent over row 3-5x5
Bicep curl 3x8
I need advice on this program, what should i change? I do 4x a week because I work 12 hours on one day and I'm a live in staff over the weekend, can't go to the gym
>functional strength
>unironically using a crossfit term
Tell me how you apply the (((functional strength))) you get from squat or deadlift into real life. Are you a professional heavy furniture mover? Are you an NFL lineman? No? THen shut the fuck up with your ego lifts you retard. YOu can get as strong as you need to with other lifts without being a muh ego lifter
Next week I'm gonna start GSLP's mass variation.
Why? Because GSLP.
>Warm-up: 3x5 close-grip chin-ups
>2x5, 1x5+ Bench
>2x10-15 Hammer Curls
>2x5, 1x5+ Squat
>2x12 Leg Raises to The Bar
>2x5, 1x5+ OHP
>2x6-8 Weighted Chin-ups
>2x6-8 Pendlay Row
>1x5+ Diddly
>2x12 Leg Raises to The Bar
>2x5, 1x5+ Incline Bench
>2x10-15 Hammer Curls
>2x5, 1x5+ Front Squat
>2x12 Leg Raises to The Bar
>i dont feel well
Full body. Three times a week. Compounds, no fagotry.
Bench 3 x 6-8
Incline DB 3 x 6-8
Decline 3 x 6-8
Flyes 3 x 8
Skull Crushers 3 x 10
Squats 5 x 5
Barbell rows 5 x 5
Curls 4 x 10
Hammer curls 3 x 10
DB press 3 x 6-8
Side raises 3 x 10
Diddly 3 x 5
All with warm ups, Sat & Sun light cardio
Incline Barbell Bench Press – Warm–up sets and then 3 working sets
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press – 3 working sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press – 3 working sets
Face Pull – 3 working sets of 8 to 10 reps per set
3 ab circuits
Barbell Deadlift – Warm–up sets and then 3 working sets
Barbell Row – 3 working sets
Wide-Grip Pull-up or Chin-up – 3 working sets
Close–Grip Lat Pulldown – 3 working sets
Standing Calf Raise – 3 sets of 4 to 6 reps
Seated or Standing Barbell Military Press – Warm–up sets and then 3
working sets
Side Lateral Raise – 3 working sets
Bent–Over Rear Delt Raise – 3 working sets
3 ab circuits
Barbell Squat – Warm–up sets and then 3 working sets
Leg Press – 3 working sets
Romanian Deadlift – 3 working sets
Leg Press Calf Raise – 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps
Incline Barbell Bench Press – Warm–up sets and then 3 sets of 8–10 reps per
Barbell Curl – Warm–up sets and then 3 working sets
Close–Grip Bench Press – 3 working sets (no need to warm up after the chest
Alternating Dumbbell Curl – 3 working sets
Seated Triceps Press – 3 working sets
3 ab circuits
You're bulking without lifting? So... Getting fat?
>fix an injury so you can do an ego lift
>literally stated he's after aesthetics only
I absolutely hate dyel driveby posters
is that safe for your shoulders? Doesn't bench and row put a decent amount of stress on the deltoids?
I am a dyel doing full body + PPL accessories. Reason for this is because full body is known to be the best way to git stronk as a noob. But I want to promote hypertrophy asap and I don't think full body alone is enough volume to do that.
3x per week:
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
Chest press machine
Shoulder press machine
Tricep pushdown
Reverse BB curl
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
T-bar row or cable row
Lat pulldown
Face pull
BB curl
OHP or bench press
BB rows or chin ups
Leg press
Leg curl
Calf raise
>GOMAD minus SS. Going to bulk as much as I can before lifting to make my pull ups and push ups worth doing.
What the fuck
Is it a bad idea to do squats and DL in the same workout? I'm doing a upper lower split and not sure when to do DL
>he uses a routine
Never going to make it, you should be able to feel what muscles in your body need a workout every day and focus on them, routines are for beginners who don't know their body very well.
ICF5x5, I started in October and I got around to running full regular routines early December. I wanted full body strength gains with some aesthetic work for change of pace and ego pleasing. Had amazing results so far, I'm just pissed off it keeps reminding me of the author.
Pretty standard PHUL, fits my schedule and since I'm still dyel I progress just fine. Abs+cardio on rest days and pull-ups erry day to get those numbers up.
i used to do that but then i put them on different days because i felt i use too much energy on whichever one i did first that i couldnt go all out on the other exercise
what the even fuck is that chad being?