I can't take it anymore lads, eating protein bars, cheerios, and chicken is killing me. Give me alternatives.
Cutting Foods
Other urls found in this thread:
eggs, greek yogurt, veggies, fruits, cottage cheese
Cant even handle a simple diet change? Weak pathetic faggot. Kys
Shut up you fucking cream drinker
lmao fast instead retard
Don't eat Cheerios. Broccoli instead
have a few slices of the hurgin, it really fills you up!
Alternatively increase your energy output to retard levels and eat what you want,
Listen to CT Fetcher and quit being a faggot.
Learn how to cook vegetables faggot. Bake, roast, steam, sautee, even raw. Obvious cooklet and flavorlet if this is even a challenge for you.
really nigga? I expected better from you man
You know what you did to that chicken before you ate it? Do that to other stuff. Get better at it.
make turkey burgers
There is literally nothing wrong with cheerios. You need carbs, just not a fuck load of them.
You dont need that sugar, fatty
cheerios are fine, but if you get honey nut cherrios kys
why are you eating candy bars on a cut?
test for stupid isp ban ...
Pepper, mushrooms, kale and spinach.
Tastes the best when cooked.