Weird or annoying shit people do at your gym

> old man takes over one of the two flat benches to do ab work for 30 minutes
> young DYEL takes over one of the two squat racks to deadlift the bar for half an hour

I want to smack them and say they can do that literally anywhere else in the gym but so far they haven't held me up so I've held my tongue.

Another odd fella:

> middle aged black guy in decent shape
> only ever see him doing exercises with inches of ROM

Imagine wrist curls but every exercise is like that. Is this actually a thing? Is it fast twitch training or something?

Some guy started squatting in the curl rack one time.

>2 flat benches
>2 squat racks
Sounds like a shit tier gym user. Why don't you just go to a different one?

>3 flat benches at gym
>All occupied
>One has an old Asian man doing quarter benchpress with sets of crunches between them
>The other had a redneck with earphones waiting entire songs between sets and then switching to skullcrushers

what are these, gyms for ants?

mine costs 10$ a month, has 2 cages, 2 squat racks, 3 fixed bench press set ups, 1 fixed seated barbell shoulderpress set up. 2 seats, and like 12 different types of flat benches

Saw some guy curl the barbell in the squat rack for 3 sets then move to the bench to do more curls at the bench. Wasn't sure if this guy was trolling but it seemed like it. He kept throwing the barbell down as hard as he could onto the safeties every time he was done. He was also wearing a polo and was Indian.

yeah a gym like that in my state, has a minimum occupancy of like 50 people and thats early/late

Because it's cheap and not very busy. They have all the equipment I need and I never have to wait for anything.

Have sex

w.. what is that?


Looks like sweat pooled in the bellybutton under that belt.

belly button jizz

imagine the smell

Some crosshitter was telling a girl to use the collars as weights since using a 2.5 plates on her OHP was too heavy
Just use dumbells you fuckhead

>when high school fags use the bench press as just a bench

There's some moron in my gym that always wears his lifting belt every time he's there

Never understood why people curl the bar at fixed benches


Nigger don’t tempt the spongebob posters.

Has to tell a friend of mine he was (and Still is at the time) walking backwards on the elliptical. Faced forward but legs working like a ostrich.
He means well though, but doesn’t understand that when you get to a point that you’re sweating a bit and can feel your muscles even slightly stressed, that’s progress starting, not when you should stop.
But like I said he means well.

I’m going to try and explain this the best I can. It’s hard without an illustration.
>couple of fat guys wander around aimlessly at my gym
>obviously have no clue on where to start
>go to the pulley machine
>pic related
>stands between the rope attachment and the machine and tries to “curl” the weight
>cable keeps scratching his forehead
>stops, adds more weight, and presses back against machine
>they finish their set and head over to the decline bench
>lay backwards on the bench and do skull crushers with the 25lb fixed weight bar
>they fumble with it since they need to keep the bar in a specif position so as not to hit their head
>not sure if innovators or retarded
>they also try to do pronated curls with the curl machine
>machine is obviously not meant for that and they fuck up their shoulders
>spend the next 20 minutes or so sitting on random machines, talking to each other and watching everyone else

some guy at my gym puts this weird bdsm-looking rubber strap thing on the bench, then leaves it unattended for 80% of the time while he finishes his "circuit" or whatever the fuck it's called. so the bench is sitting there unusable because it has some strange contraption on it, plus his headphones and water bottle sitting on it. during peak gym hours. we only have four benches, it's a university gym.

one of my main motivations for getting out of dyel-mode is to be able to tell these assholes to have some fucking self awareness.

>guy brings barbell in to squat rack
>sets it on the bench and loads plates
>starts climbing the rack
>hangs upsidedown from pullup bar
>starts repping it out in what i can only describe as upsidedown freeweight pulldown(up)s

That’s the coolest shit I ever heard. I aspire to be that guy.

Holy shit how did you know?

Why not try to help them? They might legitimately have no idea what they're doing but want to improve.

Waiting patiently for our chance to strike

hey user this might have been me sorry i'll go deadlift somewhere else

I talked to them the second time I seen them hanging around. I offered to help them on a starting program, but they weren’t interested. They were “just getting a feel for things”.
Every time I see someone looking aimless, or a fat girl who treadmills and then looks around the weight area scared and afraid, I try to make a point to offer some tips and suggestions. This only intimidates them.

Why do you even care what others do at the gym if it doesn't affect you at all? Mind your own beezwax

It's ok. Good to see you getting after it in the gym. It's just that you can deadlift literally anywhere else. I use the squat rack to deadlift too but I actually put weight on the bar and it makes it easier to rack/unrack with the knee level rack. If I see you deadlifting somewhere else I will know it's you and help you out with heavier weight. I know you can do it.

thanks user :)

Since when are ~3 minute rests bad?

But how big is your dick?

He listens to prog metal user.


thats pretty sad. damn.

>thots doing these in the rack on the platform

Let me deadlift in peace faggot

People using their camera in the gym in annoying as fuck.

Some cunt at my gym was doing box jumps in the squat rack, I wish I wasn't kidding.


You mean the fragrance.

my gym only has one non-fixed bench like this and it's fucking annoying when this happens, or flat bench pulls with 2kg dumbbells

Ahahah the Batman bench

>be using apartment gym
>white guy comes in minding his own business and does some calisthenics in the corner
>nigger comes in and starts using free weights
>i'm doing sets on lat pull down, drop last few sets hard
>nigger comes up to me and asks me what day it is, I respond whatever the day is
>he starts raising his voice telling me to show respect for Martin Luther king Jr day and that he was trying to watch the martin Luther king Jr documentary on the gym tv
>I tell him to fuck off and go watch at his apartment
>he starts bitching at me for being racist against blacks and then asks the white guy in the corner if he thinks I'm being disrespectful on Martin Luther king Jr day
>white guy shrugs and reminds him it's a gym
>nigger storms off
>after that nigger avoids gym if I'm there or leaves if I walk in


I thought this was going to end tragically in a drive by

Lost my shit

>local fat burning

How would I post if I got killed in a driveby?

>doing curls in the curl rack
>40 something guy uses it like a seat while I was resting

Here's the issue. If I'm gonna deadlift, I have to borrowed a barbell from either the squat rack or one of the benches, making either equipment useless.There are no available barbell exclusively for barbell. So might as well do it in the squat rack.

Oh god

>"hey man are you using these dumbbells?"
>I am not, they're on the rack
>eye roll

>"excuse me I was using that. do you at least mind if I work in with you, you daft blind zombie?"
>what is this

>overly polite vs uncivilized.

People that use adjustable benches for flat bench when there are plenty of unadjustable flat benches.

>Can't drop the bar on you when the bar is below you...

>Working out enjoying myself
>Door slowly opens
>See wifes head pop through the door
>"Honey I made cookies come try them!"

This is hard to explain without drawing
>in gym
>dyel doing bicep curls in mirror
>goes over to bench on smith machine

Okay this is pretty normal

>proceeds to put pic related around bar
>lies across bench and does tricep press
>has to bring knees up because he doesn't fit

makes sense but he could just do close grip or use dumbbells instead of looking like a cunt

You can survive drive bys. $200 glocks held sideways shot out the passenger side window while they drive and smoke a blunt with the other hand do not maximize accuracy

>This one fucking dude, skinny as hell
>hypes himself up for 5 min, snarling and growling as he paces
>drags a bench right up to the 100lb dumbbells, no warmups
>yelling as he does a quarter of an incline press
>1 set, .3 rep
Then he does a couple shrugs with the 100s and leaves. He does this at least 3 times a week, I still haven't seen him come close to a real rep

Sounds like it could be a j-
>he was Indian
100% sure he wasn't joking

>People who are on weight machines and after each set they would get off and run a lap around the gym then go back to the machine rinse and repeat

This is the same setup the gym I used to go to had, only four barbells total. When deadlifting I used a barbell off a bench because there were two flat benches and only one of everything else. I would only do deads in the squat rack when I was going to OHP immediately after.

I was waiting to do my one set to failure on the leg extension and some DYEL couple did 6 sets each at 120 lbs.

>10 empty treadmills
>chick starts using the one right beside me
>i speed up
>she looks over at me and speeds hers up

I dont come to the gym for this bullshit

Someone should introduce then to crossfit

There's a guy who does this at my gym. he's like 60 or 70 (maybe just roided out 50). only wears bright red 70s athletic gear, bright red hair. maybe 5'7" 160ish with some bodyfat. looks like a washed up amateur bodybuilder. every once in a while his friends will life with him in motorcycle combat boots.

I come to these threads expecting to see a greentext about me
Here's some shit I do at the gym
>Inversion boots
>Agility drills, box jumps
>Eccentric bench and squat, dragging around benches and shit
>Weird functionalpatterns-style cable goobery
>backflips in the stretching room
>Barbell hip thrusts (I'm a guy) try to make eye contact with other people while I do it
>Set treadmill to 15.0 incline, run sprints
I'm trying to see if I can start some in-gym memes. I think I've seen people copy some things that I've done already. This thread is giving me some good ideas though

nothing wrong with some metcon my dude

God tier gym master race. 12 a month.
Three power racks. Two smith machines. Three flat bench, two incline, and one decline. Two sets of free weights going up to 130. 24 hours and only busy during peak hours.

Doing Anything In My Direct Line of Site

Please, go off to the side so my boner goes away and blood goes to my muscles. I try to stare them down but they seem to like it and just do their meme excercises even more

No homo or full homo?

No homo, just severely autismic. I also do all of this wearing bright green vivobarefoot clownshoes

>tfw i do this

not a lap but a slow walk to pass the time

>this happened

>on the bench press
>gym thot comes over
>starts doing dubmbell rows DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME
>see her tight ass flexing
>she gets up and i go to do my next set on the bench, decide to try and go for a 1 rep max at 315
>lay down and i've got a massive boner giving a full tent in my basketball shorts
>hear a honking
>oh fuck
>gym clown comes in
>starts walking my way
>in my anxiety i can't get the bar up
> ties my dick into a balloon animal
>stuck under the bar
>everyone laughs
>eventually manage to wiggle out from under bar and run home
>three weeks later and my dick is still shaped like a giraffe.

/pol/ literally daydreams about this stupid shit to post on a fucking siamese cat-fleecing board

Fags who hog multiple pieces of equipment.
Happened again today.
>fat old manlet with bad form using THREE gym equipment at the "same time"
>going between the T bar row, bench press, and dip station every 1-2 sets
>two separate occasions someone goes over to any of which he is isn't using
>he yells over that he's "STILL USIN' THAT, BRO!" and scrambles over to it after his current set

>guy who absolutely cannot stop talking with some other guy between his set(s)
>anyone tries to get a set in and he holds his hand out to let them know he's not done
>goes right back to talking
>guy he's talking to is doing the same thing with the only other same type of equipment

Fuck anyone who does anything like this bullshit.

literally the gym clown

>ties my dick into a balloon animal
The fuck?

Red four standing by

>its a funny story

500 for things that didn't happen today Alex

>tfw that gym bunny that follows u around starts doing back extensions in a loose-fitting top in front of your bench and you can basically see all of her glorious breast meat to the end of her stiff nipples

yeah guys, gonna need to take a 3 minute rest break here

>gril is warming up on bench next to me as am I
>she loads 20 lbs for next WU set, as do I
>she takes off 20 lbs and put on 50lbs total for what I assume was her working set
>I add 2.5lbs microplates on my 20lbs

Fuck i'm jealous.
reminds me, Tuesday when a chubby girl had on pretty much black pantyhose for bottoms.
She bent over in front of me at one point and the fabric stretched the whole way down until I could see her black thong clear through it.

Btw, thongs to the gym why?

So I'm not the only one

>he's never seen a gym clown

what kind of 3rd world shithole do you lift in?

*breaks his neck in your path*

>tfw gym priest chased off our cardio clown in December
He never fucking came back.

>The crossfit people who think they need every square foot of empty space in the gym for their bullshit

no cartoon is safe from the sniff

this is so fucking funny

>that random old guy that talks to everybody

>Since when are ~3 minute rests bad?
How can you get your whole routine in 40 mins then? You dont want the cortisol dump do ya user?

that's what the gym clown does, user

more of an employee thing.

When I workout at night this one employee takes his dinner break and he always has something that has a delicious smell. Like spaghetti, chinese, pizza, subway etc.. makes me so hungry

Luckily I haven't had many gym annoyances in the past few weeks except for running into my ex that recently got a gym membership. Whenever she sees me she comes over and she is a non stop talker/gossip and she is a big "I" person. After a minute or two I try to interrupt and get back to my workout but that doesn't bother her she'll keep talking even if I'm lifting.

using the collars is fine and dumbbell form does not translate to ohp well you dumb faggot

Old black dude with a ginormous cock stands around the changing room naked insisting on trying to chat with everyone. We fucking get it bro, you're horse hung, get over yourself.

Wait so he’s sideways in the smith machine?


I'm Chad and I do that. Cuz fuck you, I also pay to use stuff.