Bitches man


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i smiled a little, science never lies... it has a way of uncovering them though...

tl;dr don't hide things, the truth comes out.


Honestly no matter how loyal I think my wife is I plan on having all our kids tested in secret.

MGTOW my niggas

I don't even know how I could deal with that shit. The wife I've loved and been married to for almost half my life cheated on me with my fucking family, even if not blood related. Now my kid isn't even my own. Sure you can still love them, but it puts a weird fucking barrier in between them that wasn't present there before.

What do you even begin to do at that point? It's like you just wasted everything

Word, brother.

Incel you mean.

If it were me:

1. I'd kick my wife out the second I know about it
2. Call my brother a backstabbing piece of shit and never contact him again, even if he dies
3. The kid? If he still wants me I'll cherish him/her till the day I die.
Nothing infuriates me more than backstabbing.

My dudes this shit is not uncommon
>In the early 1970s, a schoolteacher in southern England assigned a class science project in which his students were to find out the blood types of their parents. The students were then to use this information to deduce their own blood types (because a gene from each parent determines your blood type, in most instances only a certain number of combinations are possible). Instead, 30 per cent of the students discovered their dads were not their biologically fathers.

Couldn't this number potentially be higher if you factor in women cheating with men of the same blood type as their husbands?

Yeah this is the only correct choice. If you are willing to keep taking care of the child theyll love you more than the disloyal mom.

> hurr durr cuck raising someone elses child
The only time this is cucked is if you knowingly date a whore with a child who was left.

>2. Call my brother a backstabbing piece of shit and never contact him again, even if he dies
If you're ever cheated on or back-stabbed, please remember those words, because I know for a fact that it's way harder to cut people off from our lives than we assume it would be, and every fucking time we end up regretting not having the willpower to follow through with it.

Fuck me, that's grim

It should be law. Like there are marriage laws, there should be childbirth laws like that, because putting the husband in the position of having to demand a paternity test is obviously something likely to taint the relationship, so many don't risk.

>. Call my brother a backstabbing piece of shit and never contact him again, even if he dies

>even if he dies
>even if he dies
>even if he dies

> friend steals from me some stulid shit and alcohol and does some other things
> get angry and not talk to him for like a year
> contacts you to hangout
> give in
> few months later he steals a gameboy ds and some games from a close friend
> text him about it asking if he did it
> doesnt reply
> havent talked to him in 2 years

The shit also stole BOTH my versions of gta5 it couldnt just be the one it had to be both.

But yeah im never talking to him again and no he was white.

canny shan like

Nah. raising another man's child unkowingly is the def of cuckoldry. He is already a cuck regardless of what he does now.

Yes its literal cuckholdry but the weakest thing he could do is abandon her to be raised by her whore mother and produce another whore. He can try to stop the chain.

Not blood relatives so he should just groom her