Should I just end it now brothers? My dick is broken

Should I just end it now brothers? My dick is broken.

>be me, 24yo, reasonably fit
>oneitis.jpg left me half a year ago
>haven't seen anyone since
>spend time working out like a madman
>learn to dress nice
>hide my spaghetti, try to be more open
>normie girls actually talk to me
>so close to making it
>but also start smoking again, drink way too much
>fap daily
>meet qt normie chick, ask her out, kiss, start dating
>shy girl so take things slow
>finally getting ready to do the dirty deed after a few dates
>can't keep it up
>start nofap, smoke max 2 cigs/day, start taking lecithin, l-arginin, zinc
>a week or so later we give it another try
>even worse than before
>completely sperg, fumble with condom for a solid minute, sweat everywhere
>ofc can't keep it up again
>cuddle, watch some shit and take her home
>smoke half a pack at home
fuck my life

This would have been my chance to finally get my life back on track.
Has anyone here experience with ED? I do a shit ton of cardio. Is it a mental thing? Should I get my test levels checked?


I believe you are experiencing the "flatline" of thje nofap phase. So basically after around 10 days of nofap you enter this time period where you can't get it up or get aroused but don't worry it will pass.

I don't think thats it.
I've only started nofap after I failed for the first time. Might be true for the second time though, I haven't felt the urge to masturbate for a few days now.

>fumble with condom for a minute
Jesus user, who nervous were you? I suggest trying again, although you should learn how to put on a condom before you do. If she doesn't want to try again, find a new girl.

I was nervous as fuck, I believe even my first time was easier. I tend to be a very nervous person who usually hides it pretty well, but everything I say and do is planned in advance ten times.
Might actually have some mild autism.

I know how to put on a condom, unfortunately my hands were so sweaty I was struggling with opening the pack.

How can I try again without thinking "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck it's not working I need to deliver now"? Serious question

I don't know why I'm getting so nervous now, I could bang my ex in dressing rooms and open fields or in a tent with people right outside without any second thoughts.

Either I somehow killed my dick or I really fucked up my mind.

You take pre-workout?

I had literally the same.problem with my new gf. After a few fails, we.just went raw and the problem went away. It's definitely just in ur head, but if she is nice, she will understand and u will get past this to a great relationship

It's a mental thing.
What is NOT said enough - especially to guys imo - is that during sex, overthinking is the worst enemy of all.
You put your life back on track save for smoking and drinking. I'm French, it's absolutely common to have friends who smoke and drink on an everyday basis, yet a vast majority of them (at least priori to 50 y/o) don't have trouble keeping it hard.
My guess is that you stressed too hard, maybe you were more focused on being efficient (typical Veeky Forums mindset) than you were thinking about busting a nut in that QT. The way you drastically started to reduce your unhealthy habits and went straight up for the "Veeky Forums Magical Cum Recipe" seems to corroborate that.
It's the hardest part for me as well : fucking a new girl for the first time.
Intimacy is a leap of faith, the key is to be in the "fuck it" mindset. Lose control, literally. Be unapolegetic if you can't keep it up, literally show no remorse, finger her, eat her out, do what sex is supposed to be about : enjoy yourself. That's how it comes.

Being nervous is a really nice way of getting ED. And it seems like you're extremely nervous. Has it been a long time since you last had sex before this? I can almost guarantee you from what you've written that it's all in your head. I used to be like that too, but with PE as well. You just need to get out of your own head and try to get laid more. The more you do it the eaiser it will become I can promise you that. Once I stopped being so fucking nervous about having sex every single time it got better almost instantly. Try drinking some alcohol to kill your nerves before the next time. And if you can't get it hard just go down on her, get really into it to get your mind off how nervous you are. Like said, try to adopt a "fuck it" mindset. That has helped me with a lot more than sex in life. And stop thinking about "having to deliver" and shit like that, remeber that it's not just about her. You're supposed to have a good time too.

Just play with her tits and touch her weirdly with cloths on til you have a boner it works fine

No, only sips

I would love to go in raw. As soon as the condoms gone and I'm wearing pants again I instantly get hard again but she's not on the pill.
I'm thinking maybe I should try viagra or something like that for the next time, if there's a next time.

Haven't had sex since last summer with my ex, who was my first and only so far. We were together for 5 years or something.
You both are probably right but I really don't know how to lose control. Last time it wasn't really fun at all as soon as I noticed I'm not keeping it up again. How do I enjoy myself at this point?
It's all like "I hope I get hard if I suck on these titties" and feels forced.
And yeah, I'm usually very efficient and think rather result oriented, i.e. "I need to bang this qt now to get our relationship to the next level" and it might take the fun out of it.

>"I need to bang this qt now to get our relationship to the next level"
yeah well that's why it doesn't work mate.
If you're reading Veeky Forums regularly then you should know there is no "one" and you should adopt a more laid back mentality when it comes to girls, like "I'm gonna enjoy myself with that hot piece of ass and God known where it's going to lead afterwards" - that includes not talking to the girl the morning after, because women come and go.
One thing that might trigger your anxiety is that you feel the expectation to fuck the girl : it does not exist, fuck her if you feel like it, and that's that. One good way to avoid feeling that imaginary pressure may be to avoid putting yourself in a "let's fuck" situation like you and her planning an evening in a bedroom while no one is at your place.
Drown the fish, take her to social event, drink some alcohol because it can help you make more uninhibited, engage in sextalk if you feel like it. Seriously, the Chad mentality - though I hate using that meaningless buzzword "Chad" - is "I'm gonna fuck that girl because I have her all for myself". It gets women off to get you off, so that's how you should approach sex, at least at the beginning.
And I'm being dead serious right now you pile of muscle and spaghetti, when starting off a sexual relationship with a roastie, the first times you guys fuck, you should think first and foremost about pleasuring yourself and not her, because it makes it easier for everyone and she'll feel validated. Plus, once you'll feel good and satiated, it will be a delight for you to bring her to orgasm. Stop caring about having to deliver, impress her or make her feel god and be more selfish, at least until you get to the point where your confidence is up to a point where you can fuck her properly.
Drink, smoke, make yourself at ease, be confident in yourself.

Just relax breh.

Easy said than done but I'll give ya my experience and maybe you'll find some reassurance or some shit.

I've been with 15 girls and Ive only gotten it up the first time with I think 4 of them. Maybe 5 but I can't remember that many. Most times it's a stall.

For me I don't like one night stands much because what really gets me off is lots of built up chemistry. i love that shit.

The girl I'm seeing now I think we tried 4 weekends in 6 weeks and I failed every time. Then finally when I had a couple beers in me I managed to jam in a half chub. I had to pound for a minute to get a full chub and then I only had another minute in me. Disaster.

Fast forward now and there's blindfolds and ropes and shit involved and fuck. I love it, and can last a while, and diamonds every time.

The biggest kicker for me bro was the same thing, I'd be like "focus on her titties bro how good are they! Yeah they're making you hard aren't they..."
But my diamond status was achieved by being fully in the moment with her. Doing things to her and watching her reaction, watching how she moves, how she reacts, what makes her moan, and what slows her down. There's a lot to learn about the woman you're with and it can take a long time, like months, to learn "everything"
So take your time bro, it's not a rush to jam it in. If she's down for getting freaky you've literally got the rest of the day to make it happen, and fuck, staying soft and taking it slow for 3 hours looks so much better than rushing it in 20 mins and dropping the ball. Not to mention it will be much better for both of you, because that's where a real connection is made.
I'd say you're a good looking chap mate otherwise you wouldn't be where you are.
Take your time
Spend a night just hooking up. Pretend your young teenagers again.
Feel her reaction, and find what you both like. Enjoy the moment right then and there. It's about the journey not the destination as they say. Good luck Chad.

Solid post.

My man, it's normal. Honestly, enjoy yourself, and I mean it. You are probably still coping with being dumped, which after such a long relationship is just normal. What is she thinking about you? How hard is she gonna judge? Is she a jealous person? None of this questions matter when a pussy is spread right in front of your boner. Sex is the only tine when you should think with your dick, so start relaxing instead of focusing _all the time_. You can do this, user.

Yeah my man I can see you and I have had the same experiences.
Here's a tip for you soft-user, something I intend to do to my girl ASAP myself : blindfold her and tie her up (something basic like hands behind her back), and just toy with her. Don't even get undressed yourself, in fact, pour yourself a glass of whisky or some shit, have her being at your mercy, at tease her, finger her, bite her, lick her. Talk to her or don't in the meantime but set yourself one rule : if at one point the sight of her being teased, moaning at your good will makes you diamond, unzip your pants and jam her like she's a professional slut, creampie her and then call it quits for a night. If you never get to the point where you're hard enough to do that, relax, she'll enjoy the moment all the same and you'll have had a pleasant time drinking and teasing a girl.
Don't even bother warning her by texts and stressing over her consent, literally 99% of girls are into this shit (but let them think it's something unique to them of course).

Dont do nofap OP do noporn

You're still stuck on the overthinking thing, even now. Don't be result oriented in situations like this, don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself if you're already having a hard time. If you just get out of your own head like I said earlier and focus more on having a good time things will get to the next level naturally. It seems like you think that sex is the most important part of your relationship. Do you guys do anything else or are you just seeing eachother for sex? Don't get me wrong, sex is an important part of a relationship but it's far from the most important thing. It seems you care more about having a relationship rather than just sex, so don't put all your thoughts and efforts toward the sex. Try to relax, don't focus on what will make you hard or what you should do that could get you hard. Do you have something particular you like sexually? Try to get her to do it. When I had issues with one girl I'd been on a few dates with, and we had tried to fuck a couple of times with no success, I thought "fuck it" and did something I know I liked. I got her to sit on my face while she sucked me off, and that got me rock hard instantly. But like I said, do something you know you enjoy.

He's right you know.

There's been a few girls Ive asked if they'd let me tie them up (some give a vibe that they aren't up for it)
And they'll occasionally say no because they're scared of it or something, but will let you try it anyway.
I've never ever had a girl say "I don't want to do that again"
Fuck it gets them going. Personally I love it too. I'm not an overly dominant guy in a relationship, I'm pretty mellow, but in the bedroom I'm the captain now

Thanks guys, it's really appreciated.
I'll try to take her out for drinks if she's up for another date and take her to my place if it feels right.

Make us proud brah. Zyzz is watching over you.

Listen to this guy's advice OP. Just focus on enjoying yourself and don't overthink it.

That's my boy.
Remember : "fuck it" state of mind.
It's you first, she comes second.

The whole psychological ED thing is bullshit made up by talk therapists to take advantage of guys' insecurities. Just pop a Viagra next time and be harder than you've ever been before, doesn't matter how nervous you get.

I had ED for two years until I got Viagra. I started taking small doses every night for nocturnal erections, it cured me in about two months.

> Needing Viagra before being at least 50
No thank you.