Be depressed for many years

>Be depressed for many years
>Get into gym, it's great
>Only thing that helps is exercising
>Feel terrible when I'm not exercising
I can't exercise every waking hour, fuck, what do

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Self murder. Only viable solution.

Find a goal while you're feeling great. Aim high, and things will fall into place

I'm the same. Wish I could exercise the existential pain away

My goal is to get jacked

Exercise once a day. It makes you look forward to waking up. Just like how I look forward to my daily cup o joe.
All about the mindset user.

>I can't exercise every waking hour, fuck, what do
resting is when your muscles recover and a punctual 8 hour sleep is as crucial as diet for your gains. also you are going to make it.

over training is a myth

Get another goal to work on. It's incredible how just having something to aspire to changes your life.
I swear to christ, the only reason my buddy didn't kill himself is because he resolved to get all 99s on runescape.

I'm starting to think the same. 7 days a week for 6-7 months now, sometimes with two a days and I'm still doing great.

I may be riding a hypomanic episode, but I feel like it would have ended months ago if that was what is going on.

What kind of exercising? If it's just lifting weights then doing HITT cardio on your off days could help scratch the itch. You could alternate it with a LISS cardio like jogging so you are always doing some form of exercise every day.

Yoga is also pretty cool to improve flexibility and breath control, no real limit on that.

You could also switch over to a 6 day PPL routine to minimize the amount of rest days to one a week and then just spend hours on push, pull, or leg exercises that day.

im not sure this will work for you , but i was fucked a couple of years ago .
meditation helped me deal with life and accept it as it is . then a month ago i started the wim hof method , for 2 weeks i did it everyday . then i stopped but i continued the cold showers .
try meditation
try cold showers
i am happy now . i dont want to kill myself anymore .

If body gains make you feel good, try seeing if mind gains make you feel the same. Find some subject that's intellectually stimulating to you and make mastering it your goal. History, philosophy, science, etc. Alternatively look for a hobby where you actively use your hands and body. Wood/metal working, building, crafts/DIY, sports, etc. Make goals related to these things and chase after them.

take up swimming or walking and call it "exercise"

Not OP but I resolved to kill myself by the time I was 30. I had made half attempts at finding direction, which always failed. After my self imposed time limit I made a real effort to change for the better. I felt better just having that escape route, it eased the pressure. I ended up doing really well in my chosen goals and my life gains are definitely on an upwards projectory. The only downside is that I am no longer allowed to off myself, but now I don't want to, so it's a moot point.

You will make it OP. But you have to work. Your rest days are important. Know that your muscles are building as you rest. You'll be jacked in no time.

>wim hof method
What's that?
this is wim hof
do the breath exercise 3 times
stretch for 10 minutes then take a cold shower

And if you (wisely) decide to take this up, remember that FOCUS is the greatest asset. Point your mind's eye at one thing at a time, and focus hard. Read one book at a time but realky read it. Like, do not let your mind wander. This is the way of the savant.

seconding this, also try going to sauna before the cold shower, or at least start with really hot water first. Contrast showers changed my life.

Go to mass pray the rosary