Well, Veeky Forums?

Well, Veeky Forums?

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It can literally only be obesity.

delet this

Could be obesely


uh sorry sweetie but that’s been debunked

She sounds like Veeky Forums

based cancer research UK


She is right. Fat people die of heart attacks long before they have chance to die of cancer

>shut up


>you are wrong because I can't stop eating

fatties getting triggered are hilarious

are they this deluded?


>A still image of a partial word, got people this trigged

UK quickly catching upto the states with crazy fatties

erm could you, like, not use the word ‘fattie’?

and it's ALWAYS fat fucking hog women that throw their toys out of the pram, you never see fat men standing up to scientific facts

Anagram for soyboy.

>dieting is one of the worst things you can do to your body

Isn't this the same lady that nearly had an aneruism cause Amy Schumer was called fat in some Shallow Hal remake

I actually got dragged to one of Hagen’s stand-up shows by friends last year.

She spent two-thirds of the show off-script berating ‘white cis males’ for saying ‘fatshaming’ doesn’t exist. Of course, this was ill-judged, as half the audience was comprised of white cis males who’d been dragged there by their partners. By the end of the show she’d had five seperate heckles, each where she responded in a more nuclear-powered fury than the last, and ultimately there was only about half the audience left at the end of the show, with half of who was left only staying out of politeness.

She’s an absolute genetic landfill too, much worse in person, and absolutely shrill.

There's literally ZERO CORRELATION between my obese size and the fact that my heart isn't working correctly. Food goes through THE FUCKING DIGESTIVE SYSTEM, NOT THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. HOW WOULD FOOD EVEN BE LINKED BETWEEN THESE?????

>shut up

I really fucking hate the WAY she capitalizes a BUNCH of WORDS like THIS. Can't you type like a not retard?

>fatties being butthurt about reality is way worse than cancer

>fat pieces of shit will literally defend not spreading awareness about preventing cancer because they want to continue being obese wastes of oxygen
god damn the west needs to get fucking demolished


>fatshaming kills more than cancer
if only


We need to troll this bitch into submission.
Any ideas on what to spam her?
I think Would be funny as shit.

OBviouSelY being a fatfuck

Never heard of her until now. What a piece of shit.


it is true, i don't know what her problem is. (obviously her problem is she is fat). time also causes cancer, in a roundabout way.

As if anyone would want to impregnate that cow.

after seeing that poster a few times i've been wondering if someone will decide to "work" on it. and here we are.

this. i would have thought increased cancer risk is the least of an obese person's worries.

what she thinks is a funny idea is actually very telling of her psychological state and a red flag that she is a crazy cunt.

What about skinnyfat?

>cause of car


skinnyfat is often just plain fat. there are lots of people who look "skinnyfat" but are in fact 15-20 kg overweight.

Sometimes seeing these things makes me wish for a social media account just to expose the bullshit of this self indulgence movement, aka “fat acceptance” why the fuck should societies have to cater towards their self destructive lifestyles?
Everything they harp on about can boil down to selfish, gluttonous laziness. Nothing more, nothing less.
Pure unadulterated selfishness.

You can't "expose" them. The way social media works, if you have your loud gang of sychophants you're untouchable, no matter how many people agree with you. Doubly so if you go against social justice and then the mods censor and ban you.

I'm 1.93 and only 75kg

I'm happy she's not having kids, no one deserves to see his mom die when still young like that


Thank you, Jew overlords

>BMI has been debunked
The fuck does that even mean?

She means in the sense that muscles weighs more than fat, so it is possible to be classed overweight but not be. In her mind that invalidates the entire thing.

and even muscles people with a high BMI also face a higher risk or heart problems anyway. just because they "look" healthy if you dont do cardio then the higher BMI is still a strain on your heart. so BMI is a good marker anyway




If these fat fuckn hogs are proud to be fat, accept that their bodies are good enough and even think dieting is unnatural and damaging..then how is it even possible to shame them? If somebody is openly proud of an aspect of themselves or an achievement, surely by that fact they are incapable of feeling ashamed of it.


Are they just giving away Verified stamps to every nobody who asks?

No wonder Twitter is dead. You might as well report on MySpace.

>Beyond chocolate
Imagine being so fucking defensive about being fat that you make it a part of your personality

Christ I just went on her twitter, then onto some other fat cunts twitter, then another and another. All totally blind to the FACT that being a land whale is bad for you.

>literally becoming the most cancerous character from the most cancerous show ever

got eem

I wish society didn't expect organisations to react softly like this. Just tell the stupid ham planet to slit her pig throat and be done with it.

>implying a kid with a mother like that wouldn’t be glad when she dies



Dios mio...


>see that mountain?
>you can WALK there

imagine her on the pilgrimage to the greybeards

> Thinks she’s smarter than one of the most established and esteemed cancer research groups on earth responsible for some of the biggest breakthroughs in treatment.

La creatura...

I'm looking through some of these twitter accounts for the first time and my god, I always thought this was just a 'huge' meme but this is actually real to some people.

I never thought of myself to be particulary smart, but these people even lack any kind of common sense. Wtf is going on





is she actually trying to imply that obesity is not a cause of cancer? it's not that that picture even says that it ALWAYS causes cancer but just that it is a (one amongst many) cause of cancer. why are people nowadays so perpetually stupid? do you americans have something else in your food that makes people raging retards? what is it?

is a cause of projectile vomiting and limp dick in others



It's current year + 2, and obesity is healthy, natural, and beautiful


Full on lmao because It's probably not even true

>dieting is bad for you body
this is some top notch sweetie posting.


My disgust towards this mentally ill piece of shit cartoon know no bounds.

chill bro, i was just pointing that they kinda lookalike

>take pregnacy test
>think something could grow inside her trash bin of a body

>t feelings are more important than dying

I'm pretty sure she/xe/zir was cosplaying him, also sorry man didn't mean to make it look like i was hating on you. I just really hate that cartoon.

how I wish that came from the cancer researchers

God what a disgusting being.
>Obesity doesn't cause cancer because its convenient for me to think that
I dont get why she cant except her lifestyle's problems, but religiously defend it. Heresy

also EEEEEEWWW shes like sub 1/10 at best


>implying cancer is disease

What do you have a PROBLEM with the way she TYPES!


la creatura...


She would be cute if she lost 88% of her bodyweight

Barry is /ourguy/

He is more /pol/s guy cause he ain't fit
