Regimes for pear shaped male bodies?

My body is somewhat similar in layout to the OP pic. Large thighs, wide hips and very little naturally happening in the upper body area.

How should I balance myself out? Do just upper body stuff and no legs?

I really just want to reduce the size of my thighs and ass area.

Test+winstrol. Enjoy the meal.

Dude your thighs aren't even big.

This is my change in 4 months. Focus on OHP, lats and bench.
I eat 400 cals under maintenance and gym 4 times a week

No. You train everything in a balanced fashion. You don't look great, but it's mainly because of fat, bone structure and above all a lack of muscle mass.

Also you need to come to terms with the fact you will not transform your body in 4 months. Give it 4 years.

We're probably going to have a bunch of noobs inhere in a second saying focus on these or those muscles. That's not how it works. Train everything in a balanced fashion and you will look your best in the end. Focusing on the short term is pointless as there won't be much difference in the short term anyway. You're in this for the long haul or you may as well not bother.

dont forget the pull ups

Bleach chug x 1

you have much work ahead of you but i can see you being heracles-mode

Can literally only do 3 reps per set... rip.

I have bad news, you have klinefelters.

push pull legs is a good option for you, because it's a simple format but would cause your upper body to get worked twice for every leg workout.

I had the same problem and that hooked me up, now I look like a brick instead of a pear. I'll never be an aesthetic V taper, but it's a hell of a lot better than staying pearmode.

post ass pics

Just start lifting. Do SS and stick to it.

prioritize hitting your shoulders and lats, other than that a PPLx routine should work

same shit as you OP. my hips are wide, imma start doing PPLPPxx, do legs once a week only as big hips already make legs look big


nigga, i had wide hips to begin with but since i spent much of my childhood sitting down playing video games my quads were hyperactive and my hamstrings too weak.

I started dead lifts, squats, and RDR and my hamstrings helped reduce the size of my hips, and working upper body made me look a lot better.

Don't forget those hams my dude


I used to look exactly like you when I was in high school

just do a bro split but do double upper body days (chest and tris, back and bis, shoulders) than leg days

>Do SS

work on back and obliques

i don't work out by the way. teehee

yeah he does need to add muscle mass everywhere. but that being said, he should think about putting special focus on lats to try and fix his A taper

That is not 4 months natty you liar.

Yes it is... first pic is October. Second pic was last week. I took half of Jan off cause I was on holiday.
And lol obvi I’m natty. I guess I’ve just been lucky with development

9 months



Child bearing hips

Eat raw onions, OP.

Worked for me

not op but i have similar body but not that skinny im 20% body fat on a cut to mb 13% running GSLP after im done the cut should i change my program to PPL? to have a better upper body?

lol you're still fat

You gotta eat even less dude

dude...just work out. you'll find much more growth from working out to gain strength instead of doing it to look pretty.

barbell bench press, flat and incline
lateral raise

wtf kind of collage is this? fucking zoom out, cant even see your entire stomach

>take a pic
>it's shit
>can't even see whole body
>arms covering chest
>lighting is possible the worst it could be
>decide it is good enough and save it
>9 months later
>take another pic exactly the same
>post on Veeky Forums

why does this have a shopped on head?

Solid work bro keep it up

>fake and gay

you had low testosterone during puberty and high estradiol
>mfw nothing i can do to help OP

lats lats lats

big booty boy begone

>clavicles at a 90 degree angle
