Get wasted

>get wasted
>entire week of gains gone

Fuck. ME

I get wasted 5 times a week, gains doubling every evening

Stop drinking then. Going out drinking isn't that fun anyway and it's most often just an excuse to socialize because people are fucking stupid and can't think of a social activity other than drinking. Do something else, make new friends if you have to.

>entire week
More like one day at most. If you stick to liquor and drink lots of water, it wont even be that.

What is that picture? Why are they all tied and wearing those shirts? Why does that dude in the middle have tits?

Took my family to the premier of black panther

I drink at night alone. Whiskey. Plenty of water and sleep

I drink a lot of vodka and water intake really makes the difference. I even put a bottle of water next to my bed before losing consciousness. in the morning its empty and I feel totally fine.

Yeah never drink alcohol, that's like rule #1 in life

A progressive liberal family.

made me chuckle

Only 'gains' you could have lost from one night out is water weight.

If your lifts were affected, it's because you're hung over.

maybe drinking isn't that fun but socializing is, also drinking makes socializing more fun, only downside about drinking is the next morning and the loss of gains

That's not how the body works

Is this a black related thing? What the fuck does this achieve? Do black ppl even want this? Go to the ghetto and hand out cash instead ffs


>go to the ghetto
nah I don't want to get shot, I'd rather virtue signal from the safety of my upper-middle class suburb

It does nothing, and only the most delusional weirdos do it. But /pol/ likes to pretend it's literally everybody who has ever admitted a slightly left wing political stance.

>get wisdom teeth out
>can't exercise or eat enough protons for a week or two

I'm doing it right now


This. Same. No hangovers what so ever.