This is all that's required for a woman to be a 10/10 in the USA

>this is all that's required for a woman to be a 10/10 in the USA
Tell me again about how women have it so hard.

her "friend"'s reaction matches mine

no one with any ounce of dignity thinks ariel winter is a 10/10

Mirin that v-taper.Pull ups DAYLY

she was 10/10 before surgery

a literal who?

Why I get the feeling she will become a fat cow years from now?

because she's a fat cow right now

>girls with massive tits and no ass
Literally subhuman

it's not a gender issue, it's a normies being retarded issue

Did someone steal her neck

Is this real

>fridgemode activate

Remember when it was ok to shame fat people? Those were the times...



She was a 10/10 before she got those giant tits chopped off and before all the drugs and alcohol that slam pig got on.


The story? Probably, Mailonline isn't exactly a respected publication. This looks like it was for War Machine, Netflix movie that was pretty decent, pretty much hit the nail on the head for how shit was in Afganistan.

God I fucking hate whenever normies use the word ''ripped'' or ''jacked'' for anyone who's anything more than a fat piece of shit or a skelly, or even when skellies get referred to as ''ripped''. Pure delusional cancer.

That ugly bitch is so overrated.

Not even ugly enough for the role. Should have at least used practical FX to make her look truly hideous like Brienne is supposed to be.

Halo effect in full blast

I can't breath
>pls send halp

damn nigel farage got big

could you imagine being famous and having kike media write articles while rats follow you around with cameras?

would rather be a manlet pajeet desu

there are no tits, just a puffy shirt

Did you just say Ariel Winter has no tits? She had a reduction and they're still huge

It's not a normies being retarded issue, it's a gossip rag needing to publish issue. They get fat stacks of paparazzi photos every day, and have to figure out how to turn them into something they can print.

Fridge mode

Why does he look like a blond Jim Carrey?

14 inch quads. No definition. How do I this mode?




if these are normies standards then holy shit I've made it already wtf

This actually happened to me. I was involved in a fake scandal over some dumb bullshit and was drug through the media for a week. Now every time you search my name 20 terrible stories come up about me. Pretty fucking terrible and no way to fix it but if anyone would have asked me for my side of the story this would have been a non issue.

Tell us more

>this is a 10/10 in shartclapland


found you

Lmao no that’s not me. Just a false accusation ruined my reputation even though no evidence was found, but of course there wasn’t an article correcting previous misinformation. Everyone irl know i didn’t do it but it’s something that haunts me. I didn’t even know about this until my face was on the front page of every news paper for a week.