Is it possible to increase the size of your hands and wrists

Everything else seems pointless when you have small hands and wrists, it possible to increase their size(I understand that its mostly bones).

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break them, theyll grow back thicker (srs)

Start shooting HGH like cray.


Can i increase my dick size as well?

How and naturally.
I'm aware of that but also that it makes them weaker which loses the point of it.

I've heard grip training and farmers walks, along with manual labor. It will take a long long time though to thicken up your fingers. Small hands look fat when they're hardened by work though, but they still look manly and larger.

My dick started shrinking after I started fucking a tiny Asian on the regular. Maybe if you started fucking a nig with a Grand Canyonesque vag, yours will grow?

3x17g coffe grind

Yes, this is called natural adaptation. Darwin wrote about it.

*teleports behind you*

>Creationist BTFO

Is there any science behind this? Youre telling me if I find a bitch with a blown out hole my dick will try to increase in size? what?

Strongman training can make your wrists bigger

You can, do cardio. Better blood circulation is a thing.

no there is no science behind this you fucking retard. that is some straight up Lamarckian nonsense

Gonna go ahead and

Fingers and hands will get bigger from rock climbing

Garden and other typical mexican work


Start holding your dumbbells detonation style (Basically with your fingers and no thumb). You will make grip and hand gains. You can't necesarilly make them bigger, but make them meatier.

masturbate by hinging your wrist instead of moving your arm

Wristlet with long skinny fingers here. I just became a pianist so I could pretend it was a beneficial quality.

His fingers look like toes

wouldnt mind him fingering me

>I'm aware of that but also that it makes them weaker which loses the point of it.
actually mended bone is more dense, basic martial arts knowledge. (microfractures not spliners of calcium gravel)

even if i am already 30?
i literally have the hands of a 10 year old girl (+ wristlet)
its frustrating because it fucks with my deadlift grip, fapping is great tho

train hands

Does this man have tits


A fracture in a bone does make that area more dense, but results in future impacts to be spread out less evenly over the limb. This'll lead to more fractures.

Also breaking your fucking arm for more aesthetic wrists is the single most retarded thing I have ever heard.

>t.carpal tunnel fag

Small wrists make developed forearms look bigger, but small hands always look bad.
Don't be insecure about small wrists.

>kinder bueno mode.jpg

become a lawyer