Manlet vs qt


lose lose situation.
mayweather her ass and you are the asshole. go easy on her and you look like a wimp

Yeah you can see he is unwilling to just slam her on the floor and land on her

Episode 2

once she does that come at me side to side sway at 0:03 I'd be diamonds and would have no blood left in my limbs to fight.



He said qt not monkey

You can be gentle and still easily outwrestle her if you are not a weak faggot.

It's not a lose lose if you can grapple. If he knew what he was doing and went for a rear or better yet a triangle, and just held her until she submitted, it would be dominating without overly aggressive and likely would turn most women on.

In case you haven't noticed, most women enjoy being choked for a reason.

Too bad strikes exist

i'd ez overpower her and forcefuck as a punishment
but quite seriously - i wrestled with a girl once and it's hella fun


God I want her to do that to me

haha imagine touching her butt lol

o shit
i thought the lanklet could see everything from up there
i guess not

same girl or when

these are silly lads

always a case of the guy being naturally hesitant and going like 60% or less effort and power and the girl going fucking maximum like shes fighting off being raped by an ugly dude

If youre gonna fight a women, make sure you knock her the fuck clean out cold so there is no debate next time in her mind

22 second s in the fat fuck hiding his boner is helping her with his legs

Jesus Christ that was a powerful attack

Wrestling with grills makes me hard desu

God I wish that were me

Him even being in that situation shows hes a beta

>wanna go out with me?
>>back off creep!
>>did you guys hear that?
>>come fight me!
>i do not want to fight you...your a girl


He saw the light

Girl fight at 100%, guy fights at 50% not to hurt the girl. Guys loses and get choked out. Yay! Wymen stronk!

moar like this?

this. the guy didn't know how to grapple and got himself in a bad spot. If he did he could sub her w/o looking domineering.

Its impossible not to look domineering while you're fucking choking someone. The instant he would start choking or putting pressure on a limb everyone else would jump in to stop the fight.

And then since she technically didn't submit, he didn't even win the fight. Its a lose lose situation.

If he was Veeky Forums it probably would help, you know?
Call me a manlet all you want, but even though I'm only 5'2, I can at least say, "Hey, I look better than that guy."

The only way for him to win this without looking bad is to get in a position where you're on top of her and grabbing her wrists against the ground on each side.
Any decent man should be able to overpower her while still looking good.
Shitty drawing included for reference

Zackly what I was thinking man! My BROTHER used to do that to me. I'm a guy.
He is strong.

My dick is diamonds. I wish that were me.

thats the tittyfuck position

>The short should fear the female

>not striving for a high enough FFMI so that you won't get weight-advantaged

She is clearly a good bjj wrestler, one hip thrust from that position and that dude would be flying

twink propaganda

An adult male weighs at least 200kg.

You're right
>not B L O A T M A X X I N G so that you won't get weight advantaged

this is sad

short men (5'8 and under) have the advantage in martial arts provided that they are strong as well as fast. easier to pull off maneuvers such as this one. man he got rocked tekken style

Yes but that dude is a manlet dyel.

This is such a great educational video.

Look at that sad little manlet. All he thinks about is sex. He has no mind for courtship or the social systems involved - likely he doesn't understand the concept. So knowing only his desire to get laid, he keeps trying to rub his dick on some girl's ass, hoping she responds to him. This is poor form. The girl is clearly uneasy, but he either doesn't pick up on this or just ignores it. He is doomed to failure. He is doomed to be called a creep.

Meanwhile, look at Chad on the bottom right. Chad understands courtship. Chad has brought her to their own corner of the hot tub, where they will talk effectively alone. Chad uses the conversation to show what an interesting person he is. Look how engaged his girl is. Then he uses the conversation to escalate physical contact, but slowly at first. He puts his left elbow on her knee. His right arm is close to her, but not touching. Chad understands it's too early for more contact, but the time will come. Chad will be fucking tonight.

where’s the one where it looks like a high school girl and boy at school and the girl bullies the boy by tackling him and pulling her shirt down and stuffing her boobs in his face

>but even though I'm only 5'2, I can at least say, "Hey, I look better than that guy."
No you can't. Midget.

>Yes but that dude is a manlet dyel.
So are you faggot,so are you.

yeah haha I would never want that to happen

Autism. No wonder you never get laid.

This guy gets it for sure.


m-manlet rage

this is some David Attenborough shit lmaoooo
here's a working title for the vid
>Manlets: The Last of Their Line

Never seen a drunk guy, huh?


10/10 would watch your show

Can someone with a soothing voice make a video plz

>Implying you'd get a chance to perform an autism kick against one of the GOATs


I'm loling

why is she choking eminem?

>because every lanklet you find in the street is equivalent to ali
I wouldn't do it to him, but would definitely do it to you

You took the bait... Hook, line, and sinker.

Literally became insane and died painfully after this match

what a subhuman

imagine being this insecure

this would be a great webm

Is it weird that I think it’s kinda hot that he has an erectiom

I actually wonder what would have happened if he wasn't a bitch, got HER back then got her in that position where he's forcing her head down with his hands locked behind her head staring down at her crotch.

I mean any non bitch guy has to just get back control hell not even that even half guard and just clamp down and she wouldn't be able to do shit.


like this?

>past his prime ali meme fight
>15 round draw
lol ok kid whatever you say

the state of lankletists. Why are lankletists such fags, they are literally getting replaced in their own country. Not only that but they are the one initiating it.

Don't disrespect Ali.

So you love the BBC?

That fight was a joke and he didn't win. Furthermore that wrestler is 6'3, thus making you look even more retarded.

not that guy
but i love the big boxing champ

>tfw telling your gf to lift so she can have a fat ass but really you just want her to be able to overpower you one day after an intense workout.

not even once

Exactly, the fight was a joke and Ali almost got amputated, read it up.
>thus making you look even more retarded
Why would it be, he was laying on the floor, ali with his great tall stature could simply kill him.
And also black cocks it seems.

Can't believe the cigarette is still in her mouth

The best way out is to hold her down in a mildly sexual position, smirk, and say something that diffuses the situation. Don't be rapey, and don't hit her. But give her just enough innuendo for her subconscious to work with

>lay on the floor kicking the whole time so you can't attack me
He turtled the whole time in a 15 round draw. That fight was just retarded nothing more. Also Ali went on to win the title after that so that didn't end his career at all.

newfags have no idea wtf this webm is about

>That fight was just retarded nothing more
Yeah lanklets have to always be said by rules. Tyson destroyed lanklets like they were nothing, what would be the excuse now.

You should seriously consider killing yourself

tell us. is it about you?

Tyson got BTFO by 6'4 Buster Douglas.
Ali was wearing boxing gloves in that fight ffs what was he supposed to do against a guy laying on the ground the whole fight. Did you even watch that retarded shit? He didn't he even lose. What's your point? Are you literally retarded?

it's a cigarette ad

>Why are lankletists such fags, they are literally getting replaced in their own country
now I know
all the manlet supremecist posters are niggers

>Tyson got BTFO by 6'4 Buster Douglas
everyone knows tyson could have won this fight.
it was really close even without him training and an unprepared corner.

There are no losers: either you best her, or you get some thighs wrapped around your body.

low t

he got knocked the fuck out dude

my dick twitched a little
>tfw you didn't get to take her to a room in the back and fucker her brains out after she complete emasculated that scrawny manlet

>literally makes lanklets piss their pants, get koed luckily once
Yeah sure showed us here.
>Ali was wearing boxing gloves in that fight ffs what was he supposed to do against a guy laying on the ground the whole fight
Kill him with his great stature, you cant lose if you're tall.
>Did you even watch that retarded shit?
>now I'm the one who has not watched the fight
I can bet you actually just scrolled through the fight right now.
>What's your point?
That he destroyed ali
That wouldn't save your country though.

This reminds me
>Military fag
>Go to bar with a buddy
>Some sloots start talking to us
>One of them is fucking nasty, the other is cute
>Nasty one starts hitting on my dyel friend
>"I'm gay."
>She turns her attention to me
>"I'm gay too, he is my boyfriend."
>She calls bs and throws a tantrum
>Smacks the fuck out of my friend
>Friend tells her to leave before he kills her
>She does
>Bouncer shows up with the nasty sloot by his side
>"You motherfuckers need to leave. Now."
>We didn't do anything, she slapped my friend. Check the cameras if you have any.
>"You mother fuckers are Air Force right? How about I call your first sergeant, I got his fuckin number because you guys come in here starting shit all the time. Get out or I'll drag you out."
>I was about the same size as this guy so I doubted he could drag both me and my friend out but he somehow knew we were military and I'm a pussy faggot so we leave
>Dumb skank is howling the entire time throwing her two cents in about how we attacked her and shit
I feel nothing towards that webm. We should all take a page from Russia's treatment of slags.

is this how niggers cope with being humiliated by chad their entire life?

>humiliated by chads
>when thots only get with chads if they are rich, otherwise they only go for niggers now
You're not really good at proving your point.

>>when thots only get with chads if they are rich, otherwise they only go for niggers now
go outside niggerboy

>Yeah sure showed us here.
He also lost to 6'1 Holyfield. Tyson wasn't exactly short, either.
>Kill him with his great stature, you cant lose if you're tall.
How was he supposed to go to the ground with boxing gloves on you fucking retarded faggot?
>I can bet you actually just scrolled through the fight right now.
You literally did not watch the fight to use that as an example.
>That he destroyed ali
>He destroyed Ali yet he didn't win
Quit posting you autistic retard.

>the weak should fear the strong