As a dyel, maybe this is why I can't gain any weight? I'm only 67 kg but I clog toilets across the world and leave shit stains on the sides. It's actually really annoying. Spend all this money on food and body just shits it out.
Nobody takes bigger shits than me
you must be a fat ass too
stop eating so much
who is this thot
youre not eating enough you fucking retard
pics or it didn't happen m8
wtf nigger
explain this
ew that's what her feet look like?
do you take opiates and only shit once a week?
Max diameter shit you've taken? My max was a 1.5 inch beast and i had to get a stick from outside to break it into bite sized chunks.
The hands don't look huge
maybe you eat bad food
>I clog toilets across the world
Surely there must be a story or two as to why you're clogging toilets all over the world.
yeah I'm a skinny guy and everyone on this forum tells me to eat more
so I do
but it all ends up in the shitter
pic related I am doing 1-2 of these per day if I consume ~3000 calories instead of my ~2500 which would be baseline
sorry forgot the pic
this is one of my smaller ones, usually the bigger ones I am too stressed out having to clean up my mess to be documenting it with photographic evidence
Im 67 too, but ive builded muscles, i dont look dyel, but i dont gain weight, can you tell me about how you gained muscles ?
Try holding your shits in for longer so that the body has more time to absorb the calories.
No no no, I mean why are you shitting in various toilets across the world? You've traveled, obviously.
Oh, yeah I have.
I actually thought maybe there was just something wrong with my toilet, but I was traveling for like a month staying in a bunch of different places and obviously trying not to shit at home cause I was with girlfriend.
Was leaving huge shit stains everywhere. It was getting pretty bad honestly. I'm kind of glad the trip is over because at least now I can make my filth in privacy.
I'd still fuck it
I haven't nutted in over 2 weeks and I'm starting not to care
this is when you start supplementing hard with chink powder
if you mean maltodextrin, I am going hard on it. and whey too.
look for supps with cluster dextrin and palatinose
uuuuh your stool looks pretty oily there bro, which is likely why you are clogging toilets?
How often does your poop float?
I had oily/greasy stool for about a week or two when I got back from Cambodia, and clogged a few toilets. It's difficult to flush and kind of floats due to the excess oil/grease. It also sticks to the side of the bowl and leaves hella stains. Your body isn't absorbing fats properly, could be for a number of reasons. Google Steatorrhea it can be caused for a number of reasons. Mine went away I think it was just a viral infection.
Mine was like yours I didn't have the full on liquid yellow grease shits but there was lots of excess oil in my stool.
Do you see that yellow liquid tinge coming off of it, that is oil/fat your body didn't absorb while digesting. You should look into switching up your diet if it's been a while but you haven't displayed any other symptoms of a virus. I started taking probiotics and it helped a lot.
big dump boys run this thread
little poop fags GTFO
oh fuck no
>i think we should see other people
>tfw been mogging toilets ever since I was potty trained
cambodia will fuck anyones colons
had a great cut there though, lost 5kg of fat in like a week
Yeah I lost like 5kg there as well... but sounds like OP actually has a digestion problem and doesn't realize it lol