What the fuck needs to be done to solve this problem?

What the fuck needs to be done to solve this problem?

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Health benefits cuts for obese people

the end of the world as we know it

>Ireland cucked so hard by England that people are still starving 100s of years later

The traditional way: by counting blacks as 3/5 of a person. Readjusted the US should be normalized.

wait, so 75% of american people are overweight now? isnt that a bit high?

Unironically this. Being fat is easy, and there is no downside for most (because they don't fucking care about their own health). So give them a downside they have to deal with whether they like it or not.

sad thing is despite it being very unpopular because a majority of voters are fat, politicians themselves can't have this stance because a majority of their friends and family are fat.

Fatty genocide

you're insulting white people, not the other way around. idiot.

curious was an updated one looks like, considering 2007 was 11 years ago

It's only 74% ackshually
>Le 74% Face

They usually talk about obese people. Overweight is the new normal

I'm sure UN fags use a formula from the 50s about ideal weight.

Japan has a tax on fatness
I’ve been saying we need one for years

Unironic full gommunism

A super volcano depleting the West' agriculture. Too many people are dispositioned towards gaining weight.

full ban on corn syrup

Is there an updated one? Faggots around here always say Australia has higher % than bugerland but I don't believe them.

Teaching people about calories, how to count them, what they are how they work
About carbs (all types) and insulin. Avout proteins and fats
About the metabolism and how the body works related to nutrion
About meals timing and fasting


No user, he is saying that if black people had less weight (kek) in the statistics then the U.S would be normal, implying that the amount of fat black people is disproportionately high from the rest of the country.


>What the fuck needs to be done to solve this problem?
I am Polish (from Poland). A few years ago my wife was in USA on a business teip, sent by the company. Like, a week, if I recall. She gned weight in just those few days. Not much, I don't remember how much exactly, but I remember what she said:

1. Portions in restaurants in USA are much, much bigger. I'm starting to notice that in Poland too. Maybe it's just the economy - one restaurant starts givimg bigger portions, others have to start doing it too, or clients feel cheated & leave thwm for competition.
2. Fat, fat everywhere. Your food is FAT. Also, I think the hormones, chemicals & antibiotics that arevin American meat fuck up metabolism. Even EU allowes now a lot more chemical & biological shit in food, than when we was commies'n'shit. Capitalism has it's downsides... Or at least corruption & greed does.

3. Sugar, sugar everywhere. Way, way more of it in everything than in Poor-land. But it keeps changing here for the worse, too. Also - call me crazy, but I'm sure I remember sodas being less sweet when I was a kid.

And last, my own observation - fast food cancer ewerywhere. When I was a kid it was still to expensive for most people (yep, to poor for mc donnalds), and not that common. Now it's everywhere - I don't mean just food chains, but also small asian places, doner kebab booths etc. All of that shit is cheap now, and on every corner. And it's all fat like hell.

That and spics

Oh and same as japan. Tax companies and local government by the proportion of the population overweight. Obviously people taking responsibility for their own health wpuld be ideal but that won't fly in burgerstan.

Removing blacks from the data reduces obesity by almost 8% nation-wide.

www kff.org/other/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate-by-re/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

Nope. Here's data from 2016.

www kff.org/other/state-indicator/adult-overweightobesity-rate-by-re/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

The real question is:

Why are obesity rates in D.C. only two-thirds of the lowest state, Hawaii

Same for NZ. 50% of Maori and 69% of Islanders are obese, whereas across all races it's 30%.

Mandatory military or civilian government service, including physical training, for all citizens. Two years after high school. Then you can go to college, which should have a mandatory minimum fitness requirement.

Yess :DDDD

nuke everything but europe


We need another potato famine to get those numbers lower desu

Absolutely nothing. I care about myself and my body. Everyone else can deal with their own problem, I’ve got enough on my plate

WE'RE #1, WE'RE #1.
Rest of the world BTFO again

Except fat fucks drive up the cost of healthcare

Every year I go through the same shit when I get my physical.
I start the questionaire that they use to lecture you on your bad behaviors while they take my vitals. Every year the nurse checks my weight twice. Then there's my low resting HR & low-average BP.
Doc comes in to review. Starts to give the overweight/obese speech, then realizes I don't need it. Even better when it's a female doc, doubly so when they have a female resident in tow.

Do what the Japanese do and literally tax people for being fat. They can't spend money on excess food if they can barely live.

this, but also two more stipulations:

1). fasting is taught (but not forced) as a weight loss method in health class in elementary schools

2). sugary products such as soda are also taxed MUCH heavier than they are now

Honestly we're not in the anglosphere. Jeff Sessions dared to say we were anglo-saxon and our entire news establishment and half our politically active population screamed in a fit. Even the anglo-saxons among them.

Hahahaha, fucking fatties oh my god Ahahahahahahahaha

Best part is, he was saying our judicial system is anglo. Not our people.

Yeah he was just trying to say it was written and influenced by anglos... which it was.

I cannot believe Irish are just 46.6. They are living, TO EVERY SINGLE PURPOSE AND FUCKING MEAN, the British life. Full speed. They eat the same shit. Probably even more baked potatoes. And they work even less. I do not believe this chart.

Deep fried chicken with skin?
Let's be conservative, and say that deep frying adds 10% the weight in oil.

He thinks he's eating 200 calories of chicken, but he is in fact eating 200 calories of chicken, 200 calories of skin, and 200 calories of oil.
So, he's eating 600 calories and think he's eating 200.

Are all Americans as retarded as you or is it just you and your mom?

It's higher than 75% because a lot of americans don't go to the doctor so there is a lack of data compared to europe or australia. This is self evident to anyone who travels, the level and of scooter-obesity in america just doesn't exist elsewhere.

make everyone do keto

Spread the word of bloatmaxxing so we hit 100

Compulsory health camps for men over 25% bf and 30% for women. Additionally, YOU DO NOT LEAVE THE CAMP if you are not under the aforementioned figures.

Paul, show your math.

>be german
>forced to pay 580€ a month for mandatory health care
>see fat turkish wives load their shopping carts with sweets for their 6 kids
>realize i pay 580€ a month so those freeloaders can get their teeth and diabetes fixed for free
>realize they get payed 1080€ from the state in child support every single month, making more money this way than their relatives back home
>paid over 40,000€ in taxes last year
>turkish teenagers ask me if i need weed on my way home from the supermarket

this is the future my people chose


75% of americans are overweight?


>paid over 40,000€ in taxes last year
You must be pretty well-to-do at least, right?

I like to think that America is just really jacked. I mean, I'm considered overweight but I don't think I'm unhealthy.

>>realize they get payed 1080€ from the state in child support every single month, making more money this way than their relatives back home

I bet they have "fiscally dependent" their entire family at home, so they don't even pay a single cent of taxes. And the guys back home lives like they are rich.

The tax rate is 42% so hes not that well off

>been to California twice and Florida once
>have seen VERY few obese people

did I just get lucky or is it more of an inner city/poor people problem?

it depends on where you go, a lot of really big fatties pretty much only leave their houses for food or get it delivered too. If you really want to see a lot of fatties go to a fair or carnival and check out the food stands.

>Not being overweight means you're starving
Guess who's the amerimutt

Good observations, so many people in the U.S. have absolutely no concept of portion control or food quality so they get fat off of cheap shitty food and then blame everything other than themselves over it. I work in a hospital and the delusion I hear and see every day is depressing beyond belief