Onions decrease Estradiol by 60%, which is why the Jews don't want you to eat it...

Onions decrease Estradiol by 60%, which is why the Jews don't want you to eat it, take a look at the effects of Estradiol from the wikipedia page:

"Estradiol is responsible for the development of female secondary sexual characteristics such as the breasts, widening of the hips, and a feminine pattern of fat distribution in women and is important in the development and maintenance of female reproductive tissues such as the mammary glands, uterus, and vagina during puberty, adulthood, and pregnancy.[7] It also has important effects in many other tissues including bone, fat, skin, liver, and the brain."

"The development of secondary sex characteristics in women is driven by estrogens, to be specific, estradiol.[11][12] These changes are initiated at the time of puberty, most are enhanced during the reproductive years, and become less pronounced with declining estradiol support after menopause. Thus, estradiol produces breast development, and is responsible for changes in the body shape, affecting bones, joints, and fat deposition.[11][12] In females, estradiol induces breast development, widening of the hips, a feminine fat distribution (with fat deposited particularly in the breasts, hips, thighs, and buttocks), and maturation of the vagina and vulva, whereas it mediates the pubertal growth spurt (indirectly via increased growth hormone secretion)[13] and epiphyseal closure (thereby limiting final height) in both sexes.[11][12]"

Tldr estradiol effects;
>wide hips
>female fat distribution
>smaller bones
>shorter height (epiphyseal closure)

To counter these, you must eat at least 1 raw onion a day, which decreases these effects massively.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why don't you just use an aromatase inhibitor?
Because you will be giving money to the pharmaceutical industry run by the Jews, which includes a myriad of bad side effects, is far more expensive, requires a prescription (generally), and is unethical.
>Am I being memed?
No. Onions have been an established method on Veeky Forums for months now.
>How do I consume the onions?
The most preferred method to eat the onions has been to chop them up finely and down them with water. Remember that they cannot be cooked to experience the effects.
>Can I cook them?
No, they must be consumed raw.
>Why are there so many anti-onion people on here?
Early on in our discovery, where we tested the claim that onions increase test by 300% (not true, but instead we found something nearly as good), it was reported on by many media outlets, after that big pharma and bodybuilding supplement shills flooded the many threads on here to dissuade us from eating onions.

These breads are comfy.

You summoned me

Per day.
1 medium red a day or two small. -reduce female sex hormone

Mine lowered by 66%

2 cap of concentrate Pomegranate (or replace a cap for a whole fruit)

400 -600mg of long Jack.
Get the tablets the powder taste THE WORST


1 table spoon cocoa (not convinced on that one)

Increase test.
Mine raised 25%
Increase free test.
Mine raised 27%

Join with me.

There he is! My first summoning.

Oh shit you took another test?

>tfw I eat raw onions on my food fairly often (vastly prefer the taste to cooked) and think this is meme as fuck but how could I even tell the difference

>Eat an onion in the morning
>Next morning still have onion breath despite flossing and brushing teeth in the evening.
>Onions taste like raw fish

This is horrible.

Because unlike you fags I like women and dont want to smell like shit when i kiss them.

>Onions decrease Estradiol by 60%,

>No. Onions have been an established method on Veeky Forums for months now.
You mean a shitty meme.


Quite a counter-argument you have there.

to people that hate the taste of onion: chop it up into thin slices and sprinkle salt on it.
that's called a "salad" in Srbija.
eat up.

What kind of cocoa you take? I mean alkalized (dutched) or unalkalized (raw)?

Fluctuations between natural levels of test and estrogen ain't gonna do shit besides make you smell and feel bad unless you have a clinical condition in which case you should seek medical help instead of onions.

>next morning have onion breath
certain fluids can help you with that. drink green tea with mint and a splash of cashew milk, maybe some lemon. get some more salt in your diet too.

Add half a plate of feta cheese and nom om

Current favorite song is Serbian:

you arent kissing anyone and you know it

eating onion raw?
no thanks jeff

The Jew fears the onion.

Get ye gone juden

>why should I eat onions?
Based on a study conducted by Iranian scientists, they've found that the equivalent of 1 onion a day in humans increased serum testosterone in rats by nearly 300%.
It has also been shown by small groups of communities to stop balding, as well as grow hair back when applied on the balding areas, however, no major studies have been conducted on this, but you can probably guess (((why))). NEWS: Onions only increase test by 10%, but they decrease estrogen by up to 60%, a MASSIVE jump.


>does it have to be raw?
Yes. The study was conducted with raw onions. Cooked onions could possibly work but most onion men find it unlikely.

>how much should I eat?
Roughly 1g per KG of bodyweight. A normal sized onion should suffice.

>How do I eat it?
Some anons have suggested dicing it and mixing with foods. Others have suggested blending it in a smoothie with other vegetables and fruits, bananas in particular. Some have suggested submerging it in lime juice to neutralize the sharp taste. If you have really big balls you can just eat it raw, some anons who have done this reported that it begins to taste good once you get used to it.

>How do I get rid of onion breath?
Cinnamon, lime juice, and nutmeg have all been recommended to neutralize the taste and smell.

>what are some common effects?
Different onion lads have reported random aggression, higher lifts, quicker recovery, and less insomnia. If you have taken the onion pill, please report effects.

there is different ways to increae testosterone, and this is probably the worst way i have ever heard off

I know right. Eating vegetables to decrease estrogen is so completely terrible, I'm literally shaking.

good goy...

You'll get me sold on the onion meme ( I'm in a try anything mindset at this point) if I can just know one thing: do onions actually promote hair growth?
I'm not expecting miracles but will it help a little at least?

It takes supraphysiologic levels to make a difference unless you have a clinical condition in which case you should definitely seek medical help instead of onions. Onions do not boost your test or reduce your estrogen to beyond normal levels of fluctuation. This is a scientific fact. It's not le jews trying to get you.

>ate half an onion
>threw up
>now gag whenever I see the onions in my pantry

fuck off onionfaggot and drop the trip

Shill detected

Your tricks will be your downfall shlomo

there's only one way to find out, user...

Fine then fuck you I'll do it

I tried it on my receding hairline and that was 2 weeks ago when I sweat or shower I still stink of onions. I've washed and conditioned my hair everyday and it wont go away.

I havent tried it again so I can not confirm of hair regrowth.

I'm doing pic related next.
Vitamin stack.

Raw stuff.

Hey it's you.
How are you buddy?

Mine improved a bit.
Nothing too major but a bit better.

Well that's shitty.
Did you use onion juice straight away or was it boiled in water first?

I've been doing it for 3 months now. I've noticed major regrowth in my temple area, as well as a thickening around the crown.

This is applying it to my hair before showering. I'll post a pic when I get home.

Add honey to the mixture when you do it, it helps it to stay in place and neutralizes most of the smell.

well I will take all I can get, so thanks for the feedback

>It takes supraphysiologic levels to make a difference unless you have a clinical condition in which case you should definitely seek medical help instead of onions. Onions do not boost your test or reduce your estrogen to beyond normal levels of fluctuation. This is a scientific fact. It's not le jews trying to get you.

Shoo shoo jew goblin

He's talking about applying to your head. I don't think you did it did you?

Eat it with an apple. Trust me it just works


But why do they have to be raw though? Does cooking them remove whatever it is that decreases the estradiol? I like onions anyway but that just sounds like it'll repel anyone within a 10 foot radius.

What about pickled onions?

>This is a scientific fact. It's not le jews trying to get you.
Sounds like something a jew would say

I just juiced raw onions and added some to coconut oil.

The theory is that quertecin, which is both slightly androgenic and estrogenic, binds to your estradiol receptors (estradiol being the most potent estrogen), which blocks them from producing estrogen, and replaces it with a much smaller estrogenic effect (nearly 1000x smaller), therefore decreasing the estrogen in you.

Onions are good for getting rid of excess estrogen, which in the modern man, is WAY too fucking high, considering how half the male population is filled with soyboys. So, IMO, it has to be raw.

Also, remember that pharmaceutical and supplement shills are in this thread right now trying to deride our cause, don't listen to them, judge them by their fruits, eating veggies is never bad.

Good luck on your journey onionbro.

This is a meme started by Veeky Forums

0 scientific data regarding onions and anyt type of boost of test or decrease in estrodiol.

only study done by one dude who feeds rats a ton of differnet things.

Go check google scholar, go find any reputable sources... you can't because it's a meme and now dumbass people are eating raw onions

No I just ate the onions.

You're supposed to hold your nose while you eat it user

I eat onions every day but not raw.


Thanks m8. I get the theory, but WHY must they be raw? Does cooking make the quertecin go away?

Hi kane

Okay fine but why raw?

>eating raw onions
I was doing that before though?
Great on tacos, pitas, lettuce wraps etc.

Why don't they want us men to be big and strong? Surely if we are big and strong we are more efficient workers, right? It doesn't make sense!

The ship has sailed to rectify the soy issues on everything you posted by the time you're old enough to be posting on Veeky Forums m8

I'm pretty sure it breaks down the quetercin, which is why they are eaten raw. The study done with the mice was with raw onions too.

Pickling the onions should be fine though right?

This is wondeful

Again. I've also heard that the onions need to be fresh. You can't even eat half of one if it's been sitting in your fridge for a few hours, at least the theory goes.

To be quite frank, I don't know. I'm sticking to raw onions until we have proof.

I don’t really see why soygolems from america are getting upset about raw onion, don’t you eat it over there or something?
Here it’s in subs, tacos, hamburgers, kebab, gyros, etc.

Ah okay cool. Maybe I can put raw onions on my sandwiches or something...
I'll buy some reds when I get groceries next. Thanks for the explanations user.

The average numale is strong enough to do just about any job.
Keeping them weak enough to submit is the end game

Cheese an onion sandwiches are pretty good

tried to look for this, looks like cooking reduces quertecin somewhat. saw numbers from 18-30%. according to this site its 27%.
"Raw red onions contain 33.4 milligrams of the compound in every 3.5 ounces, while raw white onions supply 21.4 milligrams, scallions have 18.3 milligrams and fresh sweet onions contain 14.8 milligrams. Cooked onions have 24.4 milligrams of the compound in each 3.5-ounce serving."

Oh, that's perfect. Thanks a bunch user.
Definitely gonna be buying more and eating em raw as much as I can bear. I hope I don't piss my classmates off too much.

1 and 1/3 cooked onions sounds way, way better

Hey OnionBro

You're the fuckin man


if quertecin is the propert which gives all these benefits why are we not eating capers which have the highest ammounts?

Thanks man
Y You too

Because, unlike the posters above you, it's NOT actually proven that it's quercetin that gives the effect. We don't truly know what compounds do it, so for now, just eat your fucking onions raw los goblinos.

Can I pickle my onions (without boiling water) or will the vinegar fuck it up somehow?

It must be fresh.

The idea that there is actually anons out there who fell for this meme is fucking hilarious to me.

Even if it's a meme, I genuinely do love onions now.

>fell for eating a vegetable

hehe, sure got me

I don't trust anyone who gives away information unsolicited.
What are you gaining from this?

>dumbass people are eating raw onions
The state of american eating habits.
Raw onion are salad mainstay.

Us goys don't have to do everything for money

People already eat raw onions and have for years
Also this

what's more amazing is that some of you started eating onions just now, while i have been doing so daily for years

He works for Big Onion, they are trying to get us to eat vegetables, the dastardly cunts! How smelly we will smell! It's all apart of Big Onion's evil plan to make men smelly!

Look at this picture! Big Onion is run by nazis!

I am confused. Raw onions are great. Is it uncommon in America, or why are so many anons asking how to eat them?

Glad to hear that random user.

Quit samefagging and pushing this retarded meme

I wouldn't say it's uncommon, but eating an entire raw onion a day isn't common. A lot of dishes cook or saute them to some degree as well.

There is a difference between adding some onion on your salad (normally some spring onions or red onion, not a whole fucking white onion) and following the advice in the op:

>How do I consume the onions?
The most preferred method to eat the onions has been to chop them up finely and down them with water. Remember that they cannot be cooked to experience the effects.

Sorry but the idea of people doing that is fucking hilarious.

Try again Schlomo.

>He's not trying to make money off me, must be a scam
Kike detected.

ok, are you proud of yourself?
and you are upset that it's now too "mainstream" or something?

>Tfw it's too late for me to grow from eating onions.

>tfw fat parents stunted growth by only feeding me mcdonalds

>tfw already have wide hips from a childhood and teenage years of high estrogen soyboy obesity
why the fuck should i even care about estrogen now, to make it worse i also have stretch marks all over my abs and my ass still looks like a woman's. and i cant even become a trap because i have a huge ribcage and big HGH head

How tall are you?
And your parents?

Hey, I'm in the same boat as you except I have a hank hill ass that forms into my back. It wont stop me from working out and eating onions though.

If you don't want to improve yourself and reverse the damage you are a soyboy.

mom is 5'4, dad is 6'2

estradiol from 147 to 43 is a supraphysiological different m8, stop being a fucking retard.

i still lift, upper body looking good and my shoulders are quite wide (22.5 inches) but hip to waist ratio is very feminine and dont really know how to fill my waist up
i will still give it a chance, still young so i can get more permanent changes if i change my hormones now. i heard that long term even bones can lose some size if the stimulus isnt there
i dont expect anyone to see me naked so dont care much about my ass honestly