What is Veeky Forums's recommended supp/vitamin stack and what are you anons taking?

What is Veeky Forums's recommended supp/vitamin stack and what are you anons taking?

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zinc, fish oil
vitamin d if deficient, creatine if desired
zma for comfy sleeps

anything else is a meme, especially multivitamins

If you take anything other than creatine, caffiene, and vitamin d it's a meme. Can't think of many other things worthwhile, except the protein.

Phenibut is a not a meme

Whey protein and creatine

>falling for the supplement jew
never going to make it


I unironically take Infowars Alpha Power a few times a week. I’m almost positive it boosts testosterone because it makes me extremely angry and gives me back acne, not to mention a definite increase in muscle mass. My trainer actually indirectly accused me of juicing the other day which was an amazing compliment.

Alright, Alex, now tell us what it really does.

omega 3

Why would anyone consume powder milk (whey) instead of "real" food?

Multi vitamin
Occasionally D3

fish oil
glucosamine and chondroitin
baby aspirin

What does fish oil do to help?

Vitamin D
Zinc + B6 + Magnesium
Brazil nuts (selenium)

Literally everything


Can't find the QTDDTOT, so this is the closest thread. Do those test-boosters with those conveniently exotic roots do dick all, or are they no better or worse than sips or cold showers?
can't this stuff be found cheaper in a generic brand on Amazon or something?

plus fish oil has the most studies that actually found that it worked.

>source: google

Whey Protein (for convenience, easy protein)
Fish Oil
Vitamin D

Vitamin D
Vitamin C

Make my own preworkout with:
Gatorade powder

niacin, melatonin, and GABA for the hGH boost

I take Zinc, Magnesium, and 5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 every night. I fill in gaps in protein and calories with whey occasionally, and I drink c4 or coffee before the gym. I'd take creatine but I'm almost 32 and have a full head of hair and want to keep it that way so I can keep smashing chicks 10 years my junior. I know it's only likely to increase MPB if you have a genetic predisposition to it, and it seems like I don't, but I don't want to risk it.

B complex

and of course whey

Make sure you but everything from My protein.com !

Whey protein isolate, vitamin D, omega-3. Anything else is superfluous.

my current daily stack,

>multivitamin ortho-core
>d3 (taking this in high doses)
>omega 3 (taking this in high doses)

>sometimes racetams, caffeine, nicotine, or fluoromodafinil

Fish oil
Occasional multivit

Probably going to add Vit D and occasional phenibut

Phenibut is absolutely a meme. It doesn't do a fucking thing.

Just coffee in the morning.
Thinking about a multi vitamin and fish oil for joint health.

1-2g of phenibut and I'll sleep like a log for 12 hours easy.

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I've taken over 2g of phenibut on an empty stomach but it doesn't do shit for me, am I just a nonresponder?