Veeky Forums is it possible to be high test and do nofap?

Veeky Forums is it possible to be high test and do nofap?

If I am not preoccupied with something important all I can think about is sex, how do people manage to go 90 days without pleasuring themselves? Are they forcefully occupying themselves? This can't be true because I see them on r*ddit everywhere.
I don't know if masturbation and porn is necessarily a bad thing, if I have a wank I just try to make myself feel bad and then give myself an excuse to be unproductive and dick around even more after, but if I don't have a wank I'm just extremely uncomfortable and can't even think straight.

How do I get out of this vicious cycle? Do I just get used to lifting after having a fap or what

It's possible to do anything that's mental nothing is stopping you but you brain.

Start learning guitar.

Yeah but I feel like I'm dying of thirst right next to a water fountain if I go like a day of nofap, you can't just tell someone in that situation "lol just stop thinking about it bro" like there has to be a way around it

It's as easy as not doing something. You don't need porn to live no matter what your brain is telling you. Stop being a mental gde

That's not high test you're just a degenerate pervert

The solution is to fuck women instead of masturbating.
Use your sexual frustration as energy to fuel other pursuits or get a fuck buddy.

Okay then I just rely on other human beings and just replace a variable within the whole problem that isn't solved, but I also then risk taking advantage of a living breathing person and even more potential problems because of it

I don't see how that's a viable solution

I feel your feel brah. 24h after my last nut I have to force myself not to think of sex, because if I think about it for more than a minute I won't be able to take my mind off it.

What helps me a bit is when I catch myself thinking about it, I try to examine why, and it's usually because I have a difficult work item to do and it's one way to procrastinate. In which case I try to refocus my thoughts on work and the task ahead.

Alright then don't bother if you are that much of a pussy.
This user is right
You aren't high test if you are scared to "risk taking advantage of a living breathing person and even more potential problems because of it".
You sound like an insecure beta boy.


if you don't see how having sex is a viable solution to not masturbating, there is no saving you, and it's time for you to climb back into your virgin cave


>replacing your hand with a hole that you want to disappear after you finish will solve everything!
I'm not a virgin brah, I think you are and are just projecting it onto me

Start learning guitar, but play SLOPPY.

>hurr I'm high test but I don't want to have sex
>durr you're projecting even though I admit I have a porn addiction
I mentioned in my first post to take your frustration and use that energy in other interests but it seems you've given up already and you just want us to pat you on the back and say it's okay.

Learn guitar, play sloppy and join a successful band

Why do you think people who have enough money use escorts regularly? Because they know that getting laid the regular way is just a waste of money and effort for something vastly overrated

I don't want to substitute my fix for sex with getting laid, I want to get rid of the whole drive period

this i got sober off heroin and crack, granted i was forced but believe me brother, you have no idea what true thirst is. we are all going to make it, we do not no fap no porn because it is easy, but because it is hard

daddy wants to suckle

Work out hard every morning. Do two-a-days if your sex drive comes back in the evenings.

Never touch your junk except to pee. Confession time, sometimes I play with my balls when I'm just sittin around. Don't do that.

Above all, be mindful. You can't stop thoughts from arising. You can stay centered and just watch them pass. Don't chase the thought. Just breathe deep through your nose.

Seroisly though, where do you find milk truck girls?
I just want a gf with huge tiddies y'know?

gunny nelson (left son) is a beast




well we know which girl isn't going to have saggy grandma tits in 10 years

imagine being such a cuck, you have to complain about older women

Girls enjoy sex too you nub. You arent taking advantage of anyone


All the fags promoting casual sex like it's an actual solution are mentally disturbed hedonists. You're better off fapping than sleeping around like a degenerate.

lmao what's it like knowing that you will never get see pussy in your life incel

The secret is to use your intense sexual frustration to work out for three hours a day.

>tfw you will never be as badass as the OP of this post

Yeah, but your brain is also stopping you from stopping yourself from doing something.

Kill your brain

t. old roastie with droopy tits

yep, I like a nice size breasts as much of the next guy but chubby box shaped girls with Q cup tits just look ridiculous plus I wanna be able to actually see the girls stomach without having to lift up her granny tits, or at least have a good h/w ratio to

If you don't have shit willpower, yeah.

thy’re attractive and have lovers or are basically asexual

>being capable of abstaining from porn and fapping makes me asexual
Most of them are porn addicts you fucking troglodyte. There really is no excuse to not be able to do nofap. The ONLY sign that you're "HIGH TEST" would be that you get constant erections throughout the day after only a few days on nofap, which I guarantee isn't true in OPs case. He probably just gets urges, which means he's a porn addict. Your brain telling you to look up porn has nothing to do with being high test. Your brain giving you hard-ons all the time without pornographic stimuli however, might actually mean you're high test.

Do I get "superpowers" if I cum with my gf??I heard most of the benefits come from semen retention but that doesn't sound right...