Who else here /onlyliftforthepostworkoutfeel/?
>during workout
>fuck this sucks
>after workout
>like I'm 3 bong rips deep with complete mental clarity and relaxation
pic related
Who else here /onlyliftforthepostworkoutfeel/?
Yeah it's fuckin great. For bonus feels
>lift early am
>spend day at physical job
>return to gym for sauna and steam room feels
Did this yesterday and it was heavenly
Yeah, it's my main motivation for working out. How do you guys deal with being too chill after a workout, though?
If you follow strict diet regimen especially post workout, are there any physical or endocrinal side effects of relaxing with pot after working out?
Glad some fellow dudes feel this too. Literally the best antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication.
Yes. I feel simultaneously chill and energized for the rest of the day. Like I could just melt into my bed if I wanted to but I could be also be instantly ready to kick some ass. Caffeine probably plays a big role in the energizing part, as I only drink caffeine on workout days as a preworkout to keep my tolerance low.
I don't understand this hippie-dippie mental clarity and meditation from a workout bullshit. I feel the same just more sweaty and tired than before.
you aren't working out
Fitness is happiness bro. We're game hunting, distance running, skull smashing genius monkeys and civilization has us sitting in rows of desks. No wonder people feel like shit. TAKE THE GYMPILL SADFAGS
Pretty much the best part of my week days. Workout, do some cardio, then take a cold shower and eat. Feels so fucking good
You probably just wasting your time there
damn right, Joe
I love it. Positive feels thread tonight bros.
I feel ready to dominate the day after every morning session.
I just added coldbrew coffee and a scoop of chocolate on whey to experiment. If clumping is minimal it will become part of my every morning peanut butter banana and steel cut oats
Yeah man it’s what Ilive for.
>tfw the only time I’m not thinking of her and how i was such a fucking tard to her and can never get another chance
>tfw no romantic interest in your life
feel bad for you man. i bet she colors your every thought
>colors your every thought
Funny you mention that. She’s a painter and promised me a nice painting for a christmas gift. The fight started before hand and she got in a relationship with one of my friends that knew I really liked her.
I bet she gave him my gift.
if weed is a "good drug experience" you're probably underageb&
grow up
There are potential effects on endocrine system but they are too insignificant to worry about
Fuck user I know this feel.
>its been 2 years since ive seen her still think of her everyday
>2 gfs since then still cant stop the feels
hello I'm 28 and have been smoking 2g/day since I was 19. our house is paid off and i'm engaged. i lift 6 days a week in my garage gym. don't be angry
2g/day is excessive. I went from smoking daily to once or twice a week and I feel way better.
>tfw no gfs since
You’d just feel incomplete with them anyway right? Like something is missing.
wow u have a life while smoking weed? ur literally so retarded u missed the entire point of my post
Maybe it would work if they were the right person. my first gf was pretty crazy and I never really liked her just thought it could help me get over my sad-fagness. Second gf wasn’t really a gf more like a fuck buddy.
If it feels right I would try to get in a relationship to get over the onetitis but you can’t try to force it.
Explain yourself heretic
Yeah. I’m sure we’ll make it brah
Alex Jones' 2 minute presentation on DMT should suffice.
You have to give more details I don't understand. What does this have to do with DMT?
Especially using preworkout, i just get absolutely high from excercise. I feel drunk but with clarity and cant stop talking/socializing. All social fear is removed and i speak my mind, something i havent done my entire life. (I do bouldering btw)
start making female friends user. helps immensely to start forgetting if you expose yourself
Holy fuck, I thought it was just me. I have crippling anxiety almost every minute I'm outside. But when I walk out of the gym I just do not give a fuck. Wish I could feel like that all the time.
I currently have literally no friends because I just moved. I just spend my free time watching podcasts or talking to myself. atleast I have lifting rrrr-right?
Same here user
do somethin productive with your free time at least. get a hobby that involves more human contact than picking up and setting down heavy weights my man, we're social creatures and youre gonna suffer if you dont. if youre out of uni its tougher, do some cardio meme shit or whatever. work is ok depending on what you do. bottom line get some friends but definitely female friends, ones you arent constantly thinking about fucking.
I hate this image
That pic is fuckin great, always makes me lol
This is nonsense.