Anyone here use MK677 or any other SARMs?

What did you use and what was your experience? I want to try them out but don't want to waste my time if it turns out that they're a bunch of bullshit.

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Just shoot test

Lol, I'm planning a Test/Tren cycle in a few weeks.

Wanted to see if this was worth it or not.

im just using mk at 30mg a day for height gains but i am feeling the side effects. crazy dreams, hunger and water retention so i guess it works?

MK-677 (even tho it's not a SARM) and LGD-4033 are both pretty good, but nothing crazy. If you're already okay with pinning I wouldn't bother with them

>height gains

I've got some ostarine on order, used it before and liked it so I figured I'd get some more. Planning on a recompish cycle.

its literally growth hormone fuck you

The 677 dreams are no joke. I've been having succubus nightmares for a month straight. Last night I dreamed she was eating me alive.

Your growth plates are long sealed, buddyroo.

Dude. Using growth hormone after your growth plates fuse will not increase height. At all. Google "acromegaly," THAT'S what excessive HGH does after growth plate fusion.

source: I am an actual goddamned doctor of medicine.

I took sarms once. They gave me strongarms. hehe

they aren't closed fellas, late bloomer

It's not about puberty, you moron. Unless you're below the age of 17, then your plates are closed.

How do you know?

hah that disgusting mess on his hand ruins him

hey doc, im 20 and 5’8”, am i fucked?

i got an xray. stay mad manlets im making the journey out of the pit

Seems that mk677 is the only really legit sarm.
Isn't lgd-4033 ostarine?
And doesn't lgd-4033 cause shut down?

i'm on 800 mg test a week and 30 mg of rad140 a day right now and I am getting fucking ripped desu

lol at the pathetic attempt at justifying a expensive purchase for something that wont work


its proven to work you actual monkey


I've used and use MK677
Improves hunger
Makes getting lean easier

Is it just me or is this chest anaesthetic? Looks like tits.
What's wrong with it? Something is off....

overdeveloped lower chest relative to upper chest


His chest wll literally put you to sleep

You're like one of those bald guys rubbing rogaine into their bald scalps while sobbing "this will work, that informational said it would"

Did a run of lgd4033 for 8 weeks. I did it to help regain lost muscle quicker after a hiatus from the gym. Strength and size gains were good, but results may be skewed because of muscle memory.
Recovery was crazy fast though regardless, and the muscle fullness and post pumps were bigger while I was on for sure.

I would do simple test cycle if I wanted to run something again.

What's wrong with trying loser?

I'm not the desperate manlet wasting stacks of money on snake oil in the hopes it turns out to be magic beans.

It probably won't make him taller but it will give him gains so it's not a complete waste.

About to start a LGD-4033/Cardarine cycle. From what I've read, this shits supposed to be real legit.

A couple of the powerlifters at my gym ran it since it's easy to get. They had a lot to say about how good it was for deeper sleep, better recovery, and feeling an immense pump when working a muscle. During the time they used it, I didn't notice them getting stronger though.

They never learn.

>Isn't lgd-4033 ostarine?


Posted this in your other thread. Here:

All the negative things of AAS,
mild cardiac and plaque damage, endogenous testosterone suppression, possible minor insulin sensitivity issues.

There is almost no research on SARMs, and the stuff that there is, isn't good. If they worked why didn't Olympians use them before the ban (not even sure if they are banned yet), why do basically no elite level BBers or PLers use them?

Don't play with an unknown. AAS work and the side effects are known therefore they can be mitigated. Either be natty or don't. Stop reading Dylan gemmelli and


you forgot to get on letro

Holy shit boys the clavicle doesn't fuse until you're 28

thats the inner end it cant grow outwards anymore after 21


does lifting help or hinder this?

desu not sure

estrogen closes bones but the testosterone would encourage the clavicle to broaden

maybe getting lean (and less estro) would help

also scratch what i said here turns out the inner end of the clavicle will contribute to how wide your clavicle gets

get on your testosterone bois

x-ray of your hand I assume? All growth plates doesn't seal at the same time

I've had no bone growth since 15

damn dude sorry desu that meant you probably had issues during puberty

I would agree, but I gained 2 inches of height between the ages of 25 and 27. Didn’t use any hormones or go into outer space, but it happened.
Keep dreaming and growing bros.

>tfw 6ft4
>could have been 6'10 demigod if i got on hgh early enough

mother fuck

can you post a picture of your midsection? your estrogen mustve been zero

I went on a nearly all Eggs and meat diet. It changed my body for the better. Avoid all wheat and grains is all I can recommend.

did you eat that way as a teen too?

Get back to work fucko, shaniqua needs you to change her morphine to Dilaudid and add in some Benadryl while your at it. Also she's demanding to eat before her stress test in the morning.

It's usually a legality/availability issue. Yes I know SARMs are just as if not more expensive than juice. The point is there's a market and it's not entirely unfounded. If test was legal I'm sure it'd be better and everyone would be safer.

>Unless you're below the age of 17, then your plates are closed.

total horse shit lie. fuck off and kys you role playing little faggot shit ball.

t. shot from 6'2 to 6'5 in my very early 20s

yeah rofl idk where these fucktards pull that kind of shit from

especially the "its not about puberty"

what the fuck?