How do I into Shad-mode?

How do I into Shad-mode?

Is that really shad-base. I'm honestly surprised. Not what I expected.

>those tiny arms

Yeah I know right. I expected someone who abducts children to be a little bit buffer. They're heavy you know.

He keeps the mask on whenever he's on camera
Doesn't look like gyno to me.
>not knowing shad

It's gyno. Not too bad though; if he either bulked a little or cut a little it wouldn't be noticed.

He looks like a manlet

Superset OPH with 5x5 Shad Farmer Walks.
Walk through a door with a trap bar with one hand and the other in our pocket.

It's photoshopped and don't be shad, be chad.

Shad has/will probably touch toddlers

>implying I wouldn't do that.

Cops have been alerted. What's with all the shadman attention lately anyway?

What is this supposed to be? I don't go to /pol/.

how does he smoke with the mask on


Just a pedo who draws lewd children. Not from /pol/

He's small with a tight shirt. Why would you want to be this?

I still doubt this is him



His art quality far surpasses his peers and has made him popular and Veeky Forums hates anything popular.

It's a meme, its a way of fitting in. Apparently its cool to do it

>LE /POL/ LE /POL/ in every fucking unrelated thread

getting real tired of your shit reddit

that's not him. multiple people have worn that mask and sent the picture to him via twitter or tumblr and he retweets them or pretends it's him.

Racism has no place on Veeky Forums, Trumptard. Fuck off back to --->pol


Shad has been around for years you fucking sperg. Go back to huffingtonpost.

what's more pathetic? you shitposting this stale meme for (you)'s, or that you're a legitimate whining newfag who doesn't know how to link a board?

Wrong post i meant

>LE /POL/ LE /POL/ in every fucking unrelated thread

This works both for you, and against you. People never shut the fuck up about /pol/, but /pol/ never stops being on every other board.

Really activates the almonds.

I can see him improving little but it shouldn't have taken him this long

>People never shut the fuck up about /pol/, but /pol/ never stops being on every other board.
yet what is more commonplace? there's rarely legitimate /pol/-esque posts unless you consider "nigger" and "faggot" /pol/ related, which it isn't. you only ever see people claiming /pol/ ruined this site yet you only ever hear about it through lefty posters.

People complaining about /pol/ derail more threads than actual /pol/ posting

I can agree to that. I'd say it's 60/40 in favor of /pol/. Though I guess the ratio depends on the boards you frequent.


>racism has no place on Veeky Forums
>go back to a Veeky Forums board

personally my most frequent boards are probably /tv/, Veeky Forums, /k/, and /pol/ on occasion. /tv/ is absolutely littered with constant complaining about the board.

most of /tv/ is bait

it's /b/ with 10 more IQ points

completely true. i can't stand the overwhelming amount of shitposting on there. checked.

/pol/ only ruined this site because it got too popular and brought over a bunch of redditors and boomers who try way too hard to fit it.

I can agree with that. Believe it or not my dad found Veeky Forums through his conspiracy theory youtube videos about some poster named Q and now he unironically says things like soyboy when referring to someone he doesn't like. I just pretend not to know what this site is.

Those are all my same boards, but add /bant/ and /int/. Maybe /tv/ and /int/ have skewed my perspective on /pol/'s influence. I left /pol/ just after the he will not divide us run. It just got less fun and more hostile, I felt.

I think this is the case too, /pol/ was nearly front page news. The population exploded and something changed.

Must of gotten his gains in prison.

>It just got less fun and more hostile, I felt.
Couldn't agree more. It felt like there was a huge decline in fun or good threads after Trump was inaugurated. Idle hands I guess.

he has nice pecs and biceps but it's not exactly "goals"

Good. I hope /pol/ redpills dads around the world. My dad just watches a shit ton of liveleak

I believe I'm still more right leaning than my dad, but he used to be more libertarian "BASED BLACK MAN" kinda thing, but it's gotten very annoying when he says things like "shill" during commercials or tries to get me to watch a "Q" video from a fellow boomer with 80 subscribers talk about some shit they made up on their own by going down a rabbit hole. I don't even know half of what the hell /pol/ talks about anymore.

>Implying that no Veeky Forums anons want to attract loli's after /hebe/ was purged

> he still watches cable
Hes not redpilled. If i ever have kids theyre going to have to be those weird kids whose parents dont have cable.

>tfw this was me and my dad was till a liberal pussy


>People complaining about /pol/ derail more threads than actual /pol/ posting
You can only be a dishonest /pol/tard to say that . So far off the reality

That's not the real shad

That's him, you can tell from the birthmark, it's the same as it was when he made a thread back in 2013.